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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast / 397. The Heritage Foundation: Responsibility and Meaning | Dr. Kevin Roberts | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

397. The Heritage Foundation: Responsibility and Meaning | Dr. Kevin Roberts | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

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In this episode of “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast,” Dr. Peterson interviews Dr. Kevin Roberts, President and CEO of The Heritage Foundation. They discuss the role of think tanks in shaping public policy, the imbalance of political ideologies in academia, the importance of responsibility and meaning in society, and the mission of The Heritage Foundation.

Main Takeaways

Role of Think Tanks

  • Think tanks are institutions that focus on research to affect the outcome of public policy.
  • Some think tanks hire lobbyists to directly influence public policy at different levels of government.
  • Think tanks are quasi-academic institutions where people from academia and other backgrounds work.
  • The US has the most robust and vibrant system of think tanks across the political spectrum in the world.

Imbalance in Academia

  • While high-end think tanks are fairly distributed across the political spectrum, the proportion of those on the political right has increased in the last 25-30 years.
  • Conservative think tanks have emerged due to a lack of political conservatives in universities, especially in social sciences and humanities where most policy research is conducted.
  • The Heritage Foundation plays a significant role in conducting research on the conservative side to address the imbalance.
  • There is mistreatment of conservatives in the social sciences and humanities and public policy, leading to many working for public policy organizations instead.

Left-Wing Authoritarianism and Cancel Culture

  • Social psychology is a corrupt field that focuses on left-wing authoritarianism, and being conservative is considered a right-wing phenomenon.
  • There is evidence of left-wing authoritarianism, but it is often dismissed or ignored.
  • Left-wing authoritarianism responsible for more misery and death than right-wing authoritarianism.
  • Academic system dominated by progressivists can be dangerous.
  • Conservatives face cancel culture and fear of disagreement in academia.

Responsibility and Meaning

  • Responsibility and meaning are interconnected concepts that have been neglected in Western society.
  • The principle of subsidiarity, grounded in Catholic social doctrine, is vital to the Western intellectual tradition and is related to the issues of meaning and responsibility.
  • Responsibility is a challenge that forces beneficial change and makes individuals better.
  • Undertaking responsibility voluntarily is less stressful physiologically than having it forced upon you.

The Heritage Foundation’s Mission

  • The Heritage Foundation aims to devolve power from Washington back to the States and ultimately back to the people themselves.
  • The organization sees themselves as the advocacy organization for everyday Americans and has been successful in conveying their successes through direct mail and other means of raising money.
  • The Heritage Foundation aims to support the most conservative candidate who can win the general election in 2024.
  • The organization shares policies with all major conservative expirons and provides policy briefings to any candidate who accepts their invitation.


Think Tanks and Imbalance in Academia

Think tanks are institutions that conduct research to influence public policy outcomes. They hire lobbyists to directly influence policy at different levels of government. While the US has a vibrant system of think tanks across the political spectrum, there has been an increase in conservative think tanks in response to the lack of political conservatives in universities, especially in social sciences and humanities. The Heritage Foundation plays a significant role in conducting research on the conservative side to address this imbalance.

Left-Wing Authoritarianism and Cancel Culture

Social psychology has focused on left-wing authoritarianism, while dismissing or ignoring evidence of its existence. Left-wing authoritarianism has caused more misery and death than right-wing authoritarianism. The dominance of progressivists in academia has led to cancel culture and a fear of disagreement, particularly for conservatives.

Responsibility and Meaning

Responsibility and meaning are interconnected concepts that have been neglected in Western society. The principle of subsidiarity, grounded in Catholic social doctrine, is vital to the Western intellectual tradition and relates to the issues of meaning and responsibility. Taking on responsibility voluntarily is less stressful than having it forced upon you.

The Heritage Foundation’s Mission

The Heritage Foundation aims to devolve power from Washington back to the States and ultimately back to the people themselves. They support the most conservative candidate who can win the general election in 2024 and share policies with all major conservative expirons. The organization emphasizes the importance of responsibility, community, and the well-being of individuals in society.


Dr. Kevin Roberts, President and CEO of The Heritage Foundation, discusses the role of think tanks, the imbalance in academia, the consequences of left-wing authoritarianism and cancel culture, and the importance of responsibility and meaning in society. The Heritage Foundation aims to devolve power back to the people and support conservative candidates who prioritize individual well-being and community. By fostering productive discussions and advocating for responsible governance, The Heritage Foundation seeks to shape public policy for the betterment of all Americans.

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