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The Mel Robbins Podcast / 4 Important Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way (So That You Don’t Have To) | The Mel Robbins Podcast

4 Important Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way (So That You Don’t Have To) | The Mel Robbins Podcast

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel Robbins shares four important life lessons she learned over the past year. Reflecting on the highlights and hard parts of the past 12 months, she emphasizes how lessons learned the hard way can be used to create a better life moving forward. Mel encourages listeners to slow down, take quiet moments to gain clarity, and sparks creativity and new ideas. She also introduces a free workbook available on her website to support listeners in applying the podcast knowledge to their lives in real-time.

Main Takeaways

Lesson 1: Drop the Sword and Embrace Happiness

  • Stop fighting against your own happiness and allow it in
  • Visualize dropping the sword to shift energy and soften tension in the body
  • Bracing for what’s about to happen next prevents true happiness

Lesson 2: Focus on Boundaries, Not Balance

  • Boundaries are an active choice that require self-awareness and understanding of personal values
  • Boundaries are for oneself, highlighting what is important and not important
  • Communicate boundaries as people are not mind readers
  • Setting boundaries leads to a better life and achieving goals
  • Example: Creating a boundary of not having the phone on the body when with family led to being more present without spending more time with them

Lesson 3: Embrace Frustration as a Sign of Growth

  • Frustration often arises from outgrowing certain aspects of life
  • Frustration is a positive sign that indicates the need for growth and change
  • Identify broken processes and evaluate the people involved to turn frustration into a project
  • Reflect on frustration in relationships and shift how we interact with each other
  • Embrace frustration as part of the growth process and commit to personal growth

Lesson 4: Embrace Change and Give Yourself Time

  • Change takes time and commitment; give yourself a year to see significant results
  • Intentionality and creating supportive systems and processes can lead to significant life changes
  • Reflect on the past year’s lessons and experiences to gain wisdom and inspiration
  • Share the workbook and work on it with someone else to dig deeper and gain more clarity
  • Follow the upcoming episodes to set yourself up for making this year one of the best years of your life


Slowing Down and Embracing Happiness and Boundaries

Mel Robbins emphasizes the importance of slowing down and taking quiet moments to gain clarity. Slowing down allows the mind to wander, sparking creativity and new ideas. She introduces the concept of dropping the sword and embracing happiness by visualizing letting go of resistance. By focusing on boundaries rather than balance, individuals can actively choose what is important to them and communicate those boundaries to others. Setting boundaries can lead to a better life and achieving goals, as exemplified by creating a boundary around phone usage when spending time with family.

Embracing Frustration as a Sign of Growth

Mel Robbins encourages listeners to embrace frustration as a positive sign of growth. Frustration often arises from outgrowing certain aspects of life and indicates the need for change. By identifying broken processes and evaluating the people involved, frustration can be transformed into a project for improvement. This applies to various areas of life, including relationships, where shifting how we interact with each other can soften energy and create space for something new. Frustration is not a personal flaw but a signal that something isn’t working and needs to change.

Embracing Change and Giving Yourself Time

Change takes time and commitment, and Mel Robbins advises giving oneself a year to see significant results. By being intentional and creating supportive systems and processes, individuals can make significant life changes. Reflecting on the lessons and experiences of the past year can provide wisdom and inspiration for the future. Mel encourages sharing the workbook and working on it with someone else to gain deeper clarity. By following the upcoming episodes, listeners can set themselves up for making this year one of the best years of their lives.


In this episode, Mel Robbins shares four important life lessons she learned the hard way. By slowing down, embracing happiness, setting boundaries, and embracing frustration as a sign of growth, individuals can create meaningful changes and enjoy a better life. Embracing change and giving oneself time allows for significant personal growth and success. Reflecting on the past year’s lessons and experiences provides wisdom and inspiration for the future. By following the upcoming episodes and utilizing the free workbook, listeners can set themselves up for making this year one of the best years of their lives.

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