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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast / 408. Jordan Peterson & Sam Harris Try to Find Something They Agree On | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

408. Jordan Peterson & Sam Harris Try to Find Something They Agree On | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

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In this episode of “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast,” Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris engage in a thought-provoking conversation as they attempt to find common ground on various topics, including morality, religion, and the impact of social media. They explore their differing perspectives and delve into the complexities of these subjects, offering insights and reflections along the way.

Main Takeaways

Mutual Understanding of Morality and the Distinction Between Good and Evil

  • Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris discuss their mutual understanding of morality and the distinction between good and evil.
  • They explore the differences in their characterization of the distinction between good and evil and its implications on belief.

Religious Propositions and Spiritual Experiences

  • The conversation delves into Sam Harris’ objections to religious propositions and his commitment to spiritual experiences, including meditation.
  • They aim to differentiate between religious experience and dogmatism, touching on meditative practice and occasional political discussions.

Alignment of Personal and Professional Life

  • Sam Harris shares that he is currently in a good place personally and professionally, finding fulfillment in his day-to-day activities.
  • Jordan Peterson notes that Sam looks happier and attributes his contentment to aligning what he has to do with what he wants to do.

Building Platforms and Engaging with Different Topics

  • The speakers discuss the importance of building platforms to follow their interests and respond to the needs of the moment.
  • Jordan Peterson has two main platforms, a podcast and an app, which allow him to engage with different topics and interactions with the world.

The Positive Domain and Controversial Topics

  • The speakers reflect on the positive domain and its parallel to the encouragement to aim up, with minimal political and cultural discussions.
  • Jordan Peterson wonders if staying in the positive domain all the time would be better but acknowledges wider interests beyond meditation and ethical wisdom.

The Negative Impact of Twitter and Strategies for Dealing with Controversy

  • Jordan Peterson discusses the negative impact of Twitter on his life, attributing many bad experiences to interactions on the platform.
  • He shares how deleting Twitter has had almost unambiguously positive results, allowing for more thoughtful responses to news and events.
  • The speakers explore strategies for dealing with annoyances and negativity, both in airports and on social media platforms like Twitter.

The Degrading Effect of Social Media on Conversation and Culture

  • The speakers discuss how Twitter and social media platforms can degrade conversation and encourage polarization and personal attacks.
  • They highlight the performative nature of online interactions and the lack of good faith characteristics in conversations on these platforms.

Objective Foundation for Moral Claims

  • The speakers delve into the motivation for seeking an objective foundation for moral claims, particularly in response to criticism of Islamic extremism.
  • They discuss the challenges of navigating moral relativism and the importance of moral values and human well-being.

Exploring the Nature of Good and Evil

  • The speakers explore the distinction between good and evil, discussing how certain ideologies can attract normal people who engage in terrible behavior.
  • They emphasize the importance of understanding the implications of our actions and the potential for conscious creatures to express virtues toward evil ends.

Consciousness, Religion, and the Pursuit of Wisdom

  • The speakers delve into the concept of consciousness and its relationship to religion, morality, and the pursuit of wisdom.
  • They discuss the potential implications of conscious machines and the need for a universal conversation about deeper truths.


Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris Discuss Morality and the Distinction Between Good and Evil

Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris engage in a deep conversation about their mutual understanding of morality and the distinction between good and evil. They explore the differences in their characterization of this distinction and its implications on belief. The discussion touches on religious propositions, spiritual experiences, and the importance of differentiating between religious experience and dogmatism.

Alignment of Personal and Professional Life

Sam Harris shares that he is currently in a good place personally and professionally, finding fulfillment in his day-to-day activities. Jordan Peterson notes that Sam looks happier and attributes his contentment to aligning what he has to do with what he wants to do. They discuss the journey of aligning one’s professional life and core interests, and the platforms they have built to follow their interests and engage with different topics.

The Positive Domain, Controversial Topics, and Strategies for Dealing with Controversy

The speakers reflect on the positive domain and its parallel to the encouragement to aim up, with minimal political and cultural discussions. They discuss the potential benefits and challenges of staying in the positive domain all the time, acknowledging wider interests beyond meditation and ethical wisdom. Jordan Peterson shares his experience of deleting Twitter and the positive impact it has had on his life, allowing for more thoughtful responses to news and events. They explore strategies for dealing with controversy, both in airports and on social media platforms like Twitter.

The Degrading Effect of Social Media on Conversation and Culture

Jordan Peterson discusses the negative impact of Twitter on his life, attributing many bad experiences to interactions on the platform. The speakers delve into the degrading effect of social media platforms on conversation and culture, highlighting the performative nature of online interactions and the lack of good faith characteristics in conversations on these platforms. They discuss how Twitter can encourage impulsive and immediate responses, leading to polarization and personal attacks.

Objective Foundation for Moral Claims and Exploring the Nature of Good and Evil

The speakers delve into the motivation for seeking an objective foundation for moral claims, particularly in response to criticism of Islamic extremism. They discuss the challenges of navigating moral relativism and emphasize the importance of moral values and human well-being. The conversation explores the distinction between good and evil, highlighting how certain ideologies can attract normal people who engage in terrible behavior. They discuss the implications of our actions and the potential for conscious creatures to express virtues toward evil ends.

Consciousness, Religion, and the Pursuit of Wisdom

The speakers explore the concept of consciousness and its relationship to religion, morality, and the pursuit of wisdom. They discuss the potential implications of conscious machines and the need for a universal conversation about deeper truths. The conversation touches on the complexities of morality, the interplay between ignorance and malevolence, and the importance of distinguishing between knowledge and dogma.


In this thought-provoking episode of “The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast,” Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris engage in a deep and insightful conversation about morality, religion, social media, and the pursuit of wisdom. They explore their differing perspectives and offer valuable insights into these complex subjects. Through their discussion, they highlight the importance of aligning personal and professional life, the dangers of social media platforms like Twitter, and the need for a universal conversation about deeper truths. Overall, this conversation provides listeners with a wealth of knowledge and perspectives to contemplate.

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