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Rich Habits Podcast / 44: Your 8 Favorite Rich Habits from 2023 | Rich Habits Podcast

44: Your 8 Favorite Rich Habits from 2023 | Rich Habits Podcast

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The “Rich Habits Podcast” is hosted by Robert Croak and Austin Hank Whitson, who offer unique perspectives on business, finance, and mindset. With their age gap and varying experience levels, they provide valuable insights to their growing community of like-minded individuals. In this episode, titled “Your 8 Favorite Rich Habits from 2023,” the hosts review the audience’s top wealth-building strategies from the past year. They emphasize the importance of taking action, overcoming fear, and adopting a long-term perspective for financial success.

Main Takeaways

Wealth-Building Strategies

  • Overcoming the fear of losing money and analysis paralysis is crucial for taking action and not succumbing to market predictions or social media influence.
  • Long-term investments like S&P 500, NASDAQ, and Bitcoin can lead to gains, even with occasional losses.
  • Delayed gratification is essential for wealth building, as impulsive spending hinders investment opportunities.
  • Developing a healthy relationship with money and an abundance mindset is crucial for achieving financial success.
  • Avoiding time sucks and balancing financial goals with health and happiness are important for a fulfilling life.
  • Creating velocity with your money through high-yield cash accounts, investments, and passive income sources helps build wealth and keep up with inflation.
  • Diversifying investments across different sectors, including real estate, is crucial for a sound wealth-building strategy.
  • Having a stable job while building a side hustle provides financial security and allows the side hustle to grow before transitioning full-time.
  • Marketing, user-generated content, and exploring new platforms like TikTok can significantly boost revenue for small business owners.
  • Time in the market is more important than timing the market, emphasizing the importance of consistent investing in index funds and other proven strategies.


Overcoming Fear and Taking Action

One of the key strategies discussed in this episode is the importance of overcoming the fear of losing money and analysis paralysis. The hosts emphasize that taking action is crucial for wealth building, regardless of market predictions or social media influence. By focusing on long-term investments like S&P 500, NASDAQ, and Bitcoin, individuals can achieve gains over time, even if they experience occasional losses. It’s essential to have a long-term perspective and not let fear hold you back from making generational wealth.

Delayed Gratification for Financial Success

Delayed gratification is a powerful tool for building wealth. The hosts stress the importance of disciplined spending and avoiding impulsive purchases that can hinder investment opportunities. By mastering delayed gratification, individuals can accumulate wealth and create a better financial future. It’s crucial for young adults to prioritize disciplined spending and delayed gratification over succumbing to materialistic desires.

Developing a Healthy Relationship with Money

Having a healthy relationship with money and an abundance mindset is essential for achieving financial success. Overcoming a lack mindset and embracing an abundance mindset allows individuals to attract more opportunities and make better financial decisions. It’s important to cultivate positive beliefs and attitudes towards money to create a mindset that supports wealth accumulation.

Time Management and Balancing Financial Goals

Avoiding time sucks and managing time well are crucial for financial success. The hosts highlight the impact of leisure activities and time-consuming hobbies on one’s financial journey. By being aware of how time is spent, individuals can make sacrifices and use their time wisely to move forward in their financial goals. Balancing financial goals with health and happiness is also emphasized, as wealth accumulation should not come at the expense of overall well-being.

Creating Velocity with Money

Creating velocity with money is essential for building wealth and keeping up with inflation. The hosts recommend putting money to work in high-yield cash accounts like and making long-term investments for growth. Passive income sources, such as dividend-focused ETFs and single stocks, can also contribute to creating velocity with money. Diversifying investments across different sectors, including real estate, helps build a sound wealth-building strategy.

Building a Side Hustle and Business Growth

The hosts discuss the importance of having a stable job while building a side hustle. They advise against quitting a job prematurely and highlight the hidden costs like taxes, 401k matching, and insurance that are often overlooked. By gradually building a side hustle and maintaining a stable job until it surpasses current income, individuals can ensure financial security and a smoother transition. Small business owners are encouraged to optimize their websites, focus on marketing, and utilize user-generated content to attract organic traffic and grow their businesses.

Time in the Market and Consistent Investing

The hosts emphasize that time in the market is more important than timing the market. Trying to time the market often leads to exhaustion and potential losses. They highlight the statistic that 78% of day traders lose money in the first year. Instead, they recommend consistent investing in index funds like the S&P 500 to achieve long-term growth. Missing the best 20 days in the market over 15 years can significantly impact the overall investment returns. The best strategy for 2024 is to buy, hold, and automate investments with each paycheck.

Education and Tried-and-True Practices for Wealth Building

While moon shots in the crypto industry can lead to significant gains, the hosts emphasize the importance of education and tried-and-true practices for building wealth over time. They encourage listeners to focus on various sectors, including cryptocurrency, real estate, stocks, and index funds, and develop a good strategy. It’s not about timing the market but about consistently being in the market and sticking with proven strategies.


The “Rich Habits Podcast” episode “Your 8 Favorite Rich Habits from 2023” highlights key wealth-building strategies from the past year. Overcoming fear, practicing delayed gratification, developing a healthy relationship with money, and balancing financial goals with well-being are essential for financial success. Creating velocity with money, building a side hustle, consistent investing, and focusing on education and proven practices contribute to long-term wealth accumulation. The hosts express gratitude for the support from the community and announce upcoming plans, including an email newsletter, new digital products, and challenges to help the community thrive in 2024. They encourage listeners to leave a five-star review, share the podcast, and join the journey towards financial freedom and wonderful holidays. Wishing everyone a happy new year, they look forward to the exciting journey ahead in 2024.

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