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How to Talk to People / #49 – Reviving Third Places for Millennials & Gen Z | How to Talk to People

#49 – Reviving Third Places for Millennials & Gen Z | How to Talk to People

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The “How to Talk to People” podcast, episode #49 – “Reviving Third Places for Millennials & Gen Z,” hosted by Chris Miller, focuses on improving social connections in young adults. Miller aims to address the challenges young adults face in finding community and sustaining relationships.

Main Takeaways

The Challenges of Social Connection for Young Adults

  • A study called “On Edge” highlights that young adults struggle with loneliness, feeling unimportant to others, financial worries, achievement pressure, and lack of meaning or purpose in their lives.
  • Studies show that a significant percentage of people feel lonely, lack meaning or purpose, and feel like they don’t matter to others.
  • Lonely individuals are less likely to reach out to others, despite needing it more, which can lead to increased anxiety and depression.

The Importance of Addressing Social Connection Challenges

  • Findings from a research study by “More in Common” reveal that the biggest barrier to connecting with people different from oneself is the lack of opportunity.
  • Lack of opportunity is the biggest reported barrier for connecting among differences.
  • Creating a “third place” where people can gather and connect is essential for combating loneliness.

The Power of Third Places

  • The speaker shares a personal experience of creating a morning soccer pickup group to combat loneliness and lack of community.
  • The group’s growth was due to its accessibility and consistent schedule, embodying the concept of a “third place” for social interaction.
  • “Third places” are vital for combating loneliness and fostering social connections, especially in the digital age where face-to-face interactions are declining.

Steps to Create a Third Place

  • The first step is choosing an activity that interests you, such as soccer, book reading, or playing a sport.
  • The activity should be recurring and accessible, making it easy for people to participate regularly.
  • The third place can be at your house, a local place like a coffee shop or gym, or any accessible location.
  • There should be a clear purpose for the third place, such as creating a casual, open soccer gathering without league structures.

The Ripple Effect of Third Places

  • Lonely individuals are less likely to reach out, so they need to be invited to social gatherings.
  • Inviting people to a third place and creating connections can have a ripple effect, leading to more social interactions and community building.
  • Connecting people who may be struggling socially can give them the fuel to reach out to others.

The Call to Action

  • The speaker challenges listeners to think about creating a third place in their local community, emphasizing the positive impact it can have on their lives and the lives of others.
  • Prioritizing human relationships and engaging in meaningful conversations is crucial for a fulfilling life.


The Challenges of Social Connection for Young Adults

Young adults face various challenges when it comes to social connection. A study called “On Edge” reveals that feelings of loneliness, insignificance, financial worries, achievement pressure, and lack of meaning or purpose are prevalent among this demographic. These challenges contribute to increased anxiety and depression. It is crucial to address these issues to build a socially healthy and connected community.

The Importance of Addressing Social Connection Challenges

Research by “More in Common” highlights that the lack of opportunity is the biggest barrier to connecting with people different from oneself. This lack of opportunity hinders social connection and creates barriers between individuals. To combat this, it is essential to create spaces and opportunities for people to interact and connect, breaking down these barriers and fostering understanding and empathy.

The Power of Third Places

The speaker shares a personal experience of creating a morning soccer pickup group to combat loneliness and lack of community. This group’s growth was attributed to its accessibility and consistent schedule, embodying the concept of a “third place” for social interaction. Third places, such as community centers or casual gathering spots, play a vital role in combating loneliness, especially in the digital age where face-to-face interactions are declining. These spaces provide an opportunity for individuals to connect, build relationships, and find a sense of belonging.

Steps to Create a Third Place

To create a third place, it is important to choose an activity that interests you and others, ensuring it is recurring and accessible. This could be anything from organizing a book club to starting a sports group. The location can be at your house, a local coffee shop, or any accessible venue. Having a clear purpose for the third place, such as creating an open and casual gathering without rigid structures, helps foster a welcoming and inclusive environment.

The Ripple Effect of Third Places

Lonely individuals often hesitate to reach out to others, making it crucial to invite them to social gatherings and third places. By creating connections and fostering a sense of community, these individuals may gain the confidence to reach out to others themselves. The ripple effect of third places can lead to more social interactions, increased community building, and a stronger sense of belonging for everyone involved.

The Call to Action

The speaker encourages listeners to consider creating a third place in their local community. By prioritizing human relationships and engaging in meaningful conversations, individuals can experience a more fulfilling life and contribute to building a socially healthy and connected society.


Addressing the challenges of social connection is crucial for young adults. By creating third places and fostering opportunities for interaction and connection, individuals can combat loneliness, build relationships, and find a sense of belonging. Prioritizing human relationships and engaging in meaningful conversations can lead to a more fulfilling life and contribute to a socially healthy and connected community.

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