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99% Invisible / 562 Breaking Down The Power Broker | 99% Invisible

562- Breaking Down The Power Broker | 99% Invisible

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“Breaking Down The Power Broker” is an episode of the “99% Invisible” podcast that explores the influential book by Robert Caro. The hosts plan to spend 2024 studying and discussing the book, delving into its impact on New York City and the complexities of power and city planning. They also share their admiration for Caro’s meticulous research and dedication to his craft.

Main Takeaways

The Power Broker’s Impact on New York City

  • The Power Broker by Robert Caro is a significant and comprehensive explanation of how cities are formed, neighborhoods are destroyed, and infrastructure is built.
  • The book changed the perception of Robert Moses, shedding light on his impact on New York City and the fall of the city.
  • It highlights how Robert Moses reshaped the landscape of New York City and State, making him one of the most influential figures in history.
  • The book is engaging and informative, offering a deep dive into the complexities of power and city planning.

The Genius of Robert Caro

  • The book is a biography of Robert Moses, who has been said to have built more structures and moved more earth than anyone in human history, all without holding elected office.
  • Robert Caro, the author, is known for his intense factual research and beautifully written books.
  • The book is a combination of intense factual rigorousness and evocative writing.
  • Despite being 1200 pages long, the book is considered influential and a must-read.

The Podcast Project and Interviews

  • The host plans to spend 2024 reading and discussing the book, studying it, breaking it down, and exalting in the genius of the author, Robert Caro.
  • The co-host of the flop house podcast and former head writer of The Daily Show, Elliot Kaelin, expressed interest in being involved in the project and shared a personal connection to the book, making it a meaningful endeavor for both hosts.
  • The podcast will feature interviews with celebrities who are fans or have an interest in Robert Moses, such as Conan O’Brien, who has been a long-time admirer of Robert Caro.


The Power Broker’s Impact on New York City

“Breaking Down The Power Broker” explores the profound impact of Robert Caro’s book on New York City. The book offers a comprehensive explanation of how cities are formed, neighborhoods are destroyed, and infrastructure is built. It sheds light on the influence of Robert Moses, who reshaped the landscape of New York City and State, making him one of the most influential figures in history. Through engaging and informative storytelling, the book delves into the complexities of power and city planning, highlighting the consequences of Moses’ actions.

The Genius of Robert Caro

Robert Caro’s book, “The Power Broker,” is a testament to his intense factual research and evocative writing. Despite being 1200 pages long, the book is considered influential and a must-read. Caro’s ability to combine intense factual rigorousness with captivating storytelling sets him apart as a biographer. His exploration of Robert Moses’ life and impact on New York City showcases his dedication to uncovering the truth and presenting it in a compelling manner.

The Podcast Project and Interviews

The hosts of the “99% Invisible” podcast plan to spend 2024 reading and discussing “The Power Broker,” studying its intricacies, and breaking down its themes. Elliot Kaelin, co-host of the flop house podcast and former head writer of The Daily Show, joins the project, bringing his personal connection to the book. The podcast will also feature interviews with celebrities who admire Robert Caro’s work, such as Conan O’Brien. These interviews will provide additional insights and perspectives on the book and its impact.


“Breaking Down The Power Broker” offers a glimpse into the influential book by Robert Caro and its impact on New York City. Through meticulous research and captivating storytelling, Caro explores the complexities of power and city planning, shedding light on the life and influence of Robert Moses. The podcast project aims to delve into the book’s themes and engage listeners in a deep dive into the world of “The Power Broker.”

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