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Science vs / #667: Dr. Gül Dölen on Rethinking Psychedelics, New Applications (Autism, Stroke, and Allergies), The Neurobiology of Beginner’s Mind, Octopuses on MDMA, and The Master Key of Metaplasticity | Science vs

#667: Dr. Gül Dölen on Rethinking Psychedelics, New Applications (Autism, Stroke, and Allergies), The Neurobiology of Beginner’s Mind, Octopuses on MDMA, and The Master Key of Metaplasticity | Science vs

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In this episode of the “Science vs” podcast, Dr. Gül Dölen, a pioneer and world leader in psychedelics research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, discusses her groundbreaking work on rethinking psychedelics and their potential applications in various brain functions. She explores the concept of critical periods, the neurobiology of theory of mind, and the fascinating effects of psychedelics on octopuses. Dr. Dölen also delves into the potential use of psychedelics in autism treatment, stroke recovery, and allergies. Join us as we explore the master key of metaplasticity and the exciting possibilities that psychedelics offer.

Main Takeaways

Pioneering Psychedelics Research

  • Dr. Dölen is a pioneer and world leader of psychedelics research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
  • Her lab has discovered a novel critical period for social reward learning that can be reopened with psychedelic drugs.
  • She formulated the hypothesis that psychedelics may be the master key for unlocking critical periods across the brain.
  • Dr. Dölen initiated a nationwide collaborative effort to determine whether psychedelics reopen critical periods for various brain functions.
  • Understanding psychedelics through this framework expands the scope of disorders that might benefit from adjunct therapy with psychedelics.

Theory of Mind and Autism

  • Theory of mind is the neurobiological process of anticipating what someone else might be thinking and seeing the world from their point of view.
  • People with autism tend to struggle with theory of mind, while psychopaths tend to have better than average theory of mind and use it to manipulate others.
  • There is a hypothesis that having theory of mind is necessary for consciousness and a full sense of self-awareness.
  • Testing the requirement of theory of mind for consciousness can be done by looking at diseases where that function is impaired.
  • The evolution of theory of mind may have originated from hunting behavior rather than social behavior.

Potential Applications in Autism Treatment

  • Autism can be thought of as an impairment in theory of mind.
  • Fragile X is the most common cause of autism, caused by a mutation in the FMR1 gene.
  • A biochemical manipulation in mice corrected many symptoms of autism, leading to human clinical trials.
  • The human clinical trials did not yield the expected results, leading to disappointment and frustration.
  • Pairing psychedelic intervention with intervention that restores biochemical balance may reopen relevant critical periods in autism treatment.

The Potential of Psychedelics in Stroke Recovery

  • After a stroke, there is a short window of time where physical therapy can have maximal effect for motor function recovery.
  • The best way to reopen the critical period for motor recovery is to give another critical period, like psychedelics.
  • Researchers are collaborating with a neurologist to see if psychedelics can help the 400,000 patients a year in the US with lasting impairments due to stroke.
  • Long-acting psychedelics can have maximum benefits in reopening motor critical periods for stroke patients.
  • Pairing psychedelics with non-goal directed play-like behavior in virtual reality systems can help maximize motor rehabilitation.

Potential Benefits in Allergy Treatment

  • Allergies may have a higher prevalence in countries with less parasitic infections.
  • The immune system may go out looking for another threat to fight against when left jobless.
  • Reopening the critical period for learned threats could help unlearn associations between allergies and specific triggers.
  • Psychedelics have anti-inflammatory properties that could benefit allergies, but may also reopen critical windows for unlearning associations.
  • Anecdotes suggest psychedelics could help with allergies, but more research is needed.


Unlocking Critical Periods with Psychedelics

Dr. Gül Dölen’s pioneering research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine explores the potential of psychedelics in reopening critical periods in the brain. By discovering a novel critical period for social reward learning that can be reopened with psychedelic drugs, Dr. Dölen has formulated the hypothesis that psychedelics may serve as the master key for unlocking critical periods across various brain functions. This groundbreaking understanding of psychedelics expands the scope of disorders that might benefit from adjunct therapy with psychedelics.

Theory of Mind and Autism

Theory of mind, the neurobiological process of anticipating what someone else might be thinking and seeing the world from their point of view, is a crucial aspect of human cognition. People with autism tend to struggle with theory of mind, while psychopaths often exhibit better-than-average theory of mind skills, using them to manipulate others. Dr. Dölen’s research explores the hypothesis that having theory of mind is necessary for consciousness and a full sense of self-awareness. By studying diseases where theory of mind is impaired, such as autism, researchers can gain insights into the requirement of theory of mind for consciousness.

Potential Applications in Autism Treatment

Autism, a complex disorder with a wide range of symptoms, can be thought of as an impairment in theory of mind. Fragile X, the most common cause of autism, is caused by a mutation in the FMR1 gene. While human clinical trials for autism treatment have faced challenges, including disappointing results, Dr. Dölen suggests that pairing psychedelic intervention with interventions that restore biochemical balance may reopen relevant critical periods in autism treatment. By targeting specific subtypes of autism, such as fragile X, psychedelics may offer new possibilities for therapeutic interventions.

The Potential of Psychedelics in Stroke Recovery

Stroke recovery often involves a short window of time where physical therapy can have the maximum effect on motor function recovery. Dr. Dölen and her collaborators are exploring the potential of psychedelics in reopening critical periods for motor recovery after a stroke. By giving another critical period, such as through the use of psychedelics, researchers aim to maximize the benefits of physical therapy. Additionally, pairing psychedelics with non-goal directed play-like behavior in virtual reality systems may enhance motor rehabilitation.

Potential Benefits in Allergy Treatment

Allergies, which may have a higher prevalence in countries with fewer parasitic infections, involve learned associations between triggers and immune responses. Reopening the critical period for learned threats could help unlearn these associations and potentially alleviate allergic reactions. Psychedelics, with their anti-inflammatory properties, may offer benefits in allergy treatment. However, further research is needed to explore the potential of psychedelics in this area.


Dr. Gül Dölen’s groundbreaking research on psychedelics and their potential applications in various brain functions opens up exciting possibilities for understanding and treating neurological disorders. By exploring the concept of critical periods, the neurobiology of theory of mind, and the effects of psychedelics on octopuses, Dr. Dölen sheds light on the master key of metaplasticity. From autism treatment to stroke recovery and allergy management, psychedelics offer a new avenue for therapeutic interventions. As research continues to uncover the mechanisms and potential of psychedelics, the future of neuroscience holds promise for unlocking critical periods and transforming brain function.

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