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TED Radio Hour / #669: Kevin Kelly — Excellent Advice for Living | TED Radio Hour

#669: Kevin Kelly — Excellent Advice for Living | TED Radio Hour

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In this episode of the TED Radio Hour, Kevin Kelly, renowned author and journalist, shares his excellent advice for living. Drawing from his new book, Excellent Advice for Living, Kelly covers a wide range of topics, including embracing uncertainty, seeking diverse perspectives, and the future of technology. Join us as we explore Kelly’s wisdom and insights for living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Main Takeaways

Advice for Living a Fulfilling Life

  • Embrace uncertainty and take risks, even if it means failing along the way.
  • Seek out diverse perspectives and experiences to broaden your understanding of the world.
  • Model behavior rather than simply instructing others, especially when it comes to children.
  • Regular meals together without screens can strengthen family bonds.
  • Focus on what you do on bad days, as it matters more than what you do on good days.

The Future of Technology and AI

  • AI will alter how we design and interact with various aspects of our lives.
  • AI tools can enhance creativity and content creation without replacing human artists.
  • AI can generate new possibilities and fill in blank spaces, not necessarily replacing human workers.
  • Technology provides choices and options, and AI can be a powerful tool for personalization and customization.
  • AI models currently focus on pattern recognition and generation, but not symbolic logic or inductive reasoning.

Long-Term Thinking and Global Challenges

  • Long bets encourage long-term thinking and require people to articulate their logic behind their bets.
  • The global human population is predicted to decline due to resource scarcity, falling birth rates, and lack of education.
  • There is a need for a global way of viewing and understanding our interconnected world.
  • Counting and cataloging all living species on Earth can help distribute resources and support conservation efforts.
  • Optimism is crucial for making progress and shaping a better future.


Kevin Kelly’s Excellent Advice for Living

In his book, Excellent Advice for Living, Kevin Kelly shares his wisdom and insights on various aspects of life. He emphasizes the importance of embracing uncertainty and taking risks, as failure can lead to valuable lessons and personal growth. Kelly also encourages readers to seek out diverse perspectives and experiences, as this broadens their understanding of the world and fosters empathy.

When it comes to technology, Kelly believes that AI will revolutionize how we design and interact with the world. While AI tools can enhance creativity and content creation, they are not meant to replace human artists. Instead, AI fills in blank spaces and generates new possibilities, offering personalization and customization options.

Kelly also highlights the significance of long-term thinking and addressing global challenges. Long bets encourage people to think beyond immediate gains and articulate their logic for their predictions. Kelly discusses the declining global human population due to resource scarcity, falling birth rates, and lack of education. He emphasizes the need for a global perspective to address these challenges effectively.

Furthermore, Kelly’s advice extends to personal relationships and family dynamics. He suggests modeling behavior rather than simply instructing others, especially when it comes to children. Regular meals together without screens can strengthen family bonds, and what one does on bad days matters more than what they do on good days.

Overall, Kevin Kelly’s excellent advice for living encompasses a wide range of topics, from personal growth and relationships to technology and global challenges. By embracing uncertainty, seeking diverse perspectives, and adopting a long-term mindset, individuals can navigate life with wisdom and purpose.


Kevin Kelly’s Excellent Advice for Living offers valuable insights and guidance for navigating the complexities of life. By embracing uncertainty, seeking diverse perspectives, and adopting a long-term mindset, individuals can lead fulfilling lives and contribute to a better future. Kelly’s wisdom extends to personal relationships, technology, and global challenges, providing a comprehensive framework for personal growth and success.

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