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Science vs / #682: Bill Gurley Interviews Tim Ferriss — Reflecting on 20+ Years of Life and Business Experiments | Science vs

#682: Bill Gurley Interviews Tim Ferriss — Reflecting on 20+ Years of Life and Business Experiments | Science vs

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In this episode of the “Science vs” podcast, Bill Gurley interviews Tim Ferriss, discussing his experiences and lessons learned in entrepreneurship, technology, and podcasting. They delve into topics such as Tim’s favorite books, his journey to podcasting, and his successful angel investing track record. The conversation also explores the importance of storytelling, the power of podcasting as a medium, and the strategies for success in a crowded market.

Main Takeaways

Lessons in Entrepreneurship and Business

  • Tim Ferriss shares his experiences working a service job and learning about human interaction and selling.
  • Tim’s sports nutrition company, which inspired “The 4-Hour Work Week,” was built through bootstrapping and creative strategies like pre-selling advertising.
  • Key takeaways from the startup include reaching decision-makers by calling outside of business hours and doing homework to understand technical aspects of the industry.
  • Tim eventually became bored with the startup and realized he wasn’t cut out to be a great manager.
  • Storytelling is ultimately valuable in all aspects of life and business.

Lessons in Podcasting and Content Creation

  • Tim Ferriss discusses how he found his way to podcasting and his lessons learned along the way.
  • Podcasting allowed for nuance and self-expression unlike morning TV shows.
  • Tim Ferriss shares his strategies for success in podcasting, including experimenting with different formats and choosing a broad category.
  • Building reciprocal trust with guests involves vulnerability and backchanneling to friends for unique questions.
  • Successful podcasters seek to be a “category of one” and focus on positioning themselves uniquely.

Lessons in Angel Investing and Decision-Making

  • Tim Ferriss made small investments in startups with the intention of being the cheapest, most valuable labor on the cap table to create raving fans and get referrals.
  • Tim Ferriss’ angel investing track record turned out to be pretty good, despite not having a large bankroll to invest with.
  • Tim Ferriss’ decision-making process is to choose opportunities that are of interest to him and have the potential to open new doors.
  • He views angel investing as a real-world MBA, assuming that he would lose all the money he invested but that the skills, knowledge, and relationships he would develop would pay for it in the long run.
  • Choosing people to work with whom he likes and would pass the beer test is a consistent lesson for him in investing.


Lessons in Entrepreneurship and Business

Tim Ferriss shares his journey in entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of human interaction and selling in a service job. He discusses the strategies he employed to bootstrap his sports nutrition company and the lessons learned along the way, such as reaching decision-makers through unconventional methods and the value of storytelling in business. Ultimately, Tim realized that he wasn’t suited for a managerial role and moved on to explore other ventures.

Lessons in Podcasting and Content Creation

Tim Ferriss delves into his foray into podcasting and the unique opportunities it provided for self-expression and nuanced conversations. He shares his strategies for success, including experimenting with different formats and choosing a broad category that allows for exploration of interests. Building trust with guests through vulnerability and thoughtful questioning is a key aspect of his approach. Tim emphasizes the importance of positioning oneself uniquely in a crowded market and the power of podcasting as a medium.

Lessons in Angel Investing and Decision-Making

Tim Ferriss discusses his angel investing track record and the strategies he employed despite not having a large bankroll to invest with. He emphasizes the importance of choosing opportunities that align with personal interests and have the potential to open new doors. Tim views angel investing as a valuable learning experience, assuming potential loss of invested capital but gaining skills, knowledge, and relationships in return. He highlights the significance of working with people he likes and trusts, ensuring a strong foundation for successful investments.


In this insightful conversation between Bill Gurley and Tim Ferriss, listeners gain valuable insights into entrepreneurship, podcasting, and angel investing. Tim’s experiences and lessons learned provide inspiration and guidance for those looking to embark on their own ventures. The conversation underscores the importance of storytelling, positioning oneself uniquely, and making deliberate decisions based on personal interests and potential opportunities. Listeners are encouraged to explore their passions, experiment with different formats, and focus on building trust and connection with their audience.

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