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Science vs / #683: In Case You Missed It: June 2023 Recap of “The Tim Ferriss Show” | Science vs

#683: In Case You Missed It: June 2023 Recap of “The Tim Ferriss Show” | Science vs

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In this episode of “Science vs”, the host recaps the highlights from “The Tim Ferriss Show” in June 2023. “The Tim Ferriss Show” is a podcast that deconstructs world-class performers and provides listeners with inspiring clips. From discussions on career transitions and hiring practices to cultural issues and aging, this episode covers a wide range of topics. Join us as we dive into the main takeaways from this month’s episodes.

Main Takeaways

Guests’ Career Transitions

  • Many guests on “The Tim Ferriss Show” have first subscribed to Five Bullet Friday, a popular email newsletter with millions of subscribers.
  • One guest initially joined Accenture with the intention of leaving after a few years to pursue something else.
  • Another guest realized he didn’t want to end up in middle management and went on a round-the-world pilgrimage before joining Accenture.
  • Guests battled fear and enthusiasm before finally leaving Accenture to pursue their passions.
  • One guest was inspired by an article about end-of-life regrets and decided not to regret not trying new things.
  • Sometimes there’s no right time to make a change, so sooner is better than later.

Innovative Hiring Practices

  • Jake Muse, CEO of Maui Nui Venison, created a system to measure personalities in the hiring process.
  • The system includes a scorecard with questions about humility, work ethics, and emotional intelligence.
  • The team evaluates new hires after a one-month trial period and grades them on the scorecard.
  • Quarterly exercises help address tensions within teams and provide feedback based on personality and value brought to the team.
  • An anonymous team scoring system erases personality-based hiring decisions and attracts better fits.

Cultural Issues and Middle-Class Culture

  • Maggie Spivey Faulkner discusses how American middle-class culture is ruining America, particularly for young white men.
  • Extreme adherence to the American Dream may lead to social isolation and escapist drug addictions.
  • Standards of success are not necessarily about leaving home and are based on outdated notions.
  • Toxic individualism in America prevents the adoption of policies that make economic sense.
  • Focusing on living fulfilled lives rather than meeting the American archetype could lead to positive change.

Aging and Power Training

  • Power training is vital for aging individuals to protect against falls and cognitive decline.
  • Athleticism and higher velocity activities can help mitigate the risk of falls.
  • Low-risk power training activities can be helpful for aging individuals.
  • Maintaining power is crucial to avoid being stiff and weak/slow as one ages.

Creating New Universes and Legacy Properties

  • Launching a new universe requires differentiation from Marvel and a special quality.
  • Competing against Marvel is challenging due to its success.
  • A legacy property that still captures the essence of Marvel could be the next big thing.


Guests’ Career Transitions

Guests on “The Tim Ferriss Show” shared their experiences of transitioning careers. Many of them first subscribed to Five Bullet Friday, a popular email newsletter. They emphasized the importance of following one’s passion and not waiting for the perfect time to make a change.

Innovative Hiring Practices

Jake Muse, CEO of Maui Nui Venison, implemented a personality-based hiring system that evaluates candidates based on humility, work ethics, and emotional intelligence. The system helps create extraordinary teams and fosters continuous improvement through quarterly exercises and feedback.

Cultural Issues and Middle-Class Culture

Maggie Spivey Faulkner discussed how American middle-class culture can have negative effects, especially on young white men. The pressure to conform to the American Dream can lead to social isolation and escapist behaviors. She suggested shifting focus to living fulfilled lives rather than adhering to outdated notions of success.

Aging and Power Training

Power training is essential for aging individuals to protect against falls and cognitive decline. Activities that promote athleticism and higher velocity, such as sprinting and throwing, can help mitigate the risk of falls. Maintaining power through low-risk activities is crucial to avoid physical limitations associated with aging.

Creating New Universes and Legacy Properties

Creating a new universe requires differentiation from established giants like Marvel. The success of Marvel makes it challenging to compete directly. However, a legacy property that captures the essence of Marvel while offering something unique could be the next big thing in the entertainment industry.


This episode of “Science vs” provided a recap of the main takeaways from “The Tim Ferriss Show” in June 2023. From career transitions and innovative hiring practices to cultural issues and aging, the episodes covered a wide range of thought-provoking topics. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, guidance on building extraordinary teams, or insights into societal challenges, this recap has something for everyone.

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