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Science vs / #689: The Brothers Who Live One Life — The Incredible Adventures of David and Daniil Liberman | Science vs

#689: The Brothers Who Live One Life — The Incredible Adventures of David and Daniil Liberman | Science vs

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In this episode of the “Science vs” podcast, host Wendy Zukerman explores the incredible adventures of David and Daniil Liberman, two brothers who have led a fascinating life filled with scientific breakthroughs, entrepreneurship, and fighting corruption. From their upbringing in Moscow to their journey to Los Angeles and Silicon Valley, the Liberman brothers have made significant contributions in various fields, including animation, technology, and quantum physics. Join us as we delve into their inspiring story.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Data and Problem-Solving

  • The Liberman brothers grew up in a family of neuroscientists and biophysicists, surrounded by scientific equipment and data.
  • Their parents instilled in them a way of thinking focused on data and problem-solving.
  • This upbringing shaped their approach to entrepreneurship and their fight against corruption.

Entrepreneurial Ventures

  • From starting an internet service provider to founding an animation studio, the Liberman brothers have always had a knack for building successful businesses.
  • They quickly covered the loan for their first company by pre-selling contracts to households in their neighborhood.
  • Their experience in the gaming industry led to the creation of an animation studio, which earned them three million dollars from Channel One.

Fighting Corruption and Developing Technology

  • The Liberman brothers have been dedicated to fighting corruption throughout their careers.
  • They developed their own supercomputer, which became an enabler in their fight against corruption.
  • With the funds earned from their animation studio, they returned to their ideas of fighting corruption and developing technology to do so.

Transition to Silicon Valley

  • The Liberman brothers established their presence in Los Angeles in 2010 due to the animation industry.
  • They later moved to Silicon Valley to pursue their real ideas and created a transparent banking platform for non-profits.
  • California’s non-compete laws and the free flow of talent and ideas in the region provided more opportunities for their ventures.

Interdisciplinary Fields and Quantum Physics

  • The Liberman brothers have combined various fields, such as chemistry, optics, and mathematics, to explore interdisciplinary areas.
  • Quantum physics plays a crucial role in their work, especially in understanding cell practices and building quantum computers.
  • They believe that discovering room temperature superconductors can revolutionize AI development.

Importance of Coding and Education

  • The Liberman brothers emphasize the importance of coding and education in the digital age.
  • They have developed interactive books that teach coding using a metal language, which makes coding more accessible to people.
  • Knowing how to code is beneficial for the future, even with advancements in AI and chat GPs.

Pension Funds and Sustainable Investing

  • The Liberman brothers shed light on the influence of pension funds in politics and the economy.
  • They advocate for educating older generations and investors on sustainable investing for a better future.
  • They believe that sustainable startups can offer solutions for easier and more accessible sustainable investing.

Struggle, Investing, and Financial Status

  • The Liberman brothers discuss the role of struggle in human nature and entrepreneurship.
  • They emphasize the importance of having skin in the game but also recognize the barriers faced by young people, such as student loans.
  • They believe that investing in education and providing opportunities for all children is a valuable investment in society.


The Incredible Journey of the Liberman Brothers

The Liberman brothers, David and Daniil, were born into a family of neuroscientists and biophysicists in Moscow. Their upbringing surrounded them with scientific equipment and data, shaping their approach to problem-solving and entrepreneurship. From starting an internet service provider by pre-selling contracts to households in their neighborhood to founding a successful animation studio, the Liberman brothers have always been driven by innovation and fighting corruption. They developed their own supercomputer, established their presence in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley, and combined various fields to explore interdisciplinary areas. Their work in coding education, sustainable investing, and providing opportunities for all children reflects their commitment to creating a better future. Through their inspiring journey, the Liberman brothers demonstrate the power of data, innovation, and perseverance in making a lasting impact.


The incredible adventures of David and Daniil Liberman showcase the transformative power of science, entrepreneurship, and fighting corruption. From their upbringing in Moscow to their journey to Los Angeles and Silicon Valley, the Liberman brothers have made significant contributions in various fields, including animation, technology, and quantum physics. Their story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and advocates for positive change. By combining their passion for innovation, data-driven thinking, and social justice, the Liberman brothers continue to make a lasting impact on the world.

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