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TED Radio Hour / #698: Dr. Mark Plotkin on Coffee, The World’s Favorite Stimulant — Chemistry, History, and More | TED Radio Hour

#698: Dr. Mark Plotkin on Coffee, The World’s Favorite Stimulant — Chemistry, History, and More | TED Radio Hour

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In this episode of the TED Radio Hour, Dr. Mark Plotkin, an ethno-botanist and president of the Amazon Conservation Team, shares his insights on coffee, the world’s favorite stimulant. He explores the chemistry, history, and more behind this beloved beverage.

Main Takeaways

Dr. Mark Plotkin’s Work in Rainforest Conservation

  • Dr. Mark Plotkin has partnered with roughly 80 tribes to map and improve management and protection of roughly 100 million acres of ancestral rainforests.
  • His nonprofit foundation, the Sci-Safe Foundation, focuses on cutting-edge scientific research and other uncrowded bets, with proceeds from his coffee business, Cockpunch Coffee, going towards this cause.

The Fascinating History of Coffee

  • Coffee is the most widely consumed mind-altering plant in the world, with a rich and intriguing history featuring adultery, larceny, spies, smugglers, and slave revolts.
  • Despite its fascinating stories, Hollywood has never made a film about the history of coffee.
  • Coffee with chiquiri is considered the best coffee, according to Dr. Plotkin.
  • During the Napoleonic Wars, the French craved sugar and coffee, which led to the development of coffee with chiquiri, a popular coffee substitute.

The Role of Coffee in Human Evolution and Consciousness

  • Theories on the origins of human consciousness include the stoned ape and drunk monkey hypotheses, as well as the role of caffeine in the Genesis story of the Bible.
  • Coffee is native to the Ethiopian Highland Forest and could have played a role in human evolution.
  • The Oromo people of southwestern Ethiopia considered coffee to be the tears of the supreme sky god and consumed it in various ways.

The Influence of Coffee on Culture and Intellectual Movements

  • Coffee houses played a significant role in moving humanity from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, fostering new ideas, debates, and intellectual advances.
  • These venues were known as “penny universities” because for the price of a cup of coffee, any man could learn from brilliant thinkers.
  • Coffee houses in different countries, such as England and France, had distinct cultural impacts, from promoting individual rights to revolutionary ferment.

The Rise of Specialty Coffee and its Cultural Impact

  • The cultural revolution of the 60s and 70s spearheaded the specialty coffee movement, focusing on high-quality coffee production and enjoyment.
  • Specialty coffee is treated like wine, emphasizing quality, flavor, and artisanal craftsmanship.
  • Direct trade relationships with coffee farmers support fair trade and sustainable practices.
  • Coffee shops in the Bay Area and Seattle fostered increased interest in specialty coffee, contributing to the birth of Microsoft and Silicon Valley.


Dr. Mark Plotkin’s Work in Rainforest Conservation

Dr. Mark Plotkin, an ethno-botanist and president of the Amazon Conservation Team, has partnered with indigenous tribes to protect ancestral rainforests. His coffee business, Cockpunch Coffee, supports his nonprofit foundation, the Sci-Safe Foundation, which focuses on scientific research.

The Fascinating History of Coffee

Coffee has a captivating history filled with stories of intrigue and adventure. From the development of coffee with chiquiri during the Napoleonic Wars to its association with adultery, coffee’s rich past remains untapped by Hollywood. Dr. Plotkin believes that coffee with chiquiri is the best coffee.

The Role of Coffee in Human Evolution and Consciousness

Coffee, native to the Ethiopian Highland Forest, may have played a role in human evolution. The Oromo people considered coffee to be sacred, consuming it in various forms. Theories on the origins of human consciousness include the influence of caffeine.

The Influence of Coffee on Culture and Intellectual Movements

Coffee houses were instrumental in the transition from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, fostering intellectual debates and promoting new ideas. These venues, known as “penny universities,” allowed people of all classes to engage in free and open discussions. Coffee houses in different countries had distinct impacts on culture and politics.

The Rise of Specialty Coffee and its Cultural Impact

The specialty coffee movement, driven by the cultural revolution of the 60s and 70s, emphasized high-quality coffee production and enjoyment. Specialty coffee is treated like wine, with a focus on flavor and artisanal craftsmanship. Direct trade relationships with coffee farmers support fair trade and sustainability.


Dr. Mark Plotkin’s exploration of coffee takes us on a journey through its history, cultural impact, and potential role in human evolution. From rainforest conservation to specialty coffee, coffee continues to captivate our senses and shape our world.

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