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The Tim Ferris Show / #700: Guy Laliberté, Founder of Cirque du Soleil — The Power of Belief, Street Gangs, Wild Tales from Las Vegas, The Dangers of Nurturing Fear, and Dancing on the Cliff | The Tim Ferris Show

#700: Guy Laliberté, Founder of Cirque du Soleil — The Power of Belief, Street Gangs, Wild Tales from Las Vegas, The Dangers of Nurturing Fear, and Dancing on the Cliff | The Tim Ferris Show

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In this episode of “The Tim Ferris Show,” Tim interviews Guy Laliberté, the founder of Cirque du Soleil. They discuss Laliberté’s journey from a street performer to creating one of the most successful entertainment companies in the world. Laliberté shares his insights on the power of belief, the dangers of nurturing fear, and his experiences in Las Vegas. Get ready for a wild ride filled with captivating stories and valuable life lessons.

Main Takeaways

Belief in Dreams and Curiosity

  • Laliberté’s childhood experiences with discovering the world and his curiosity about different cultures and places led him to travel to Europe in 1977.
  • Visiting the 1967 World Expo in Montreal reinforced his curiosity and desire to discover new places.
  • Watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon made him realize that his dream of traveling the world was achievable.

Music, Travel, and Pursuing Dreams

  • Laliberté’s love for music led him to start a band and busk around Canada and the US, which allowed him to travel further and entertain people while achieving his dream.
  • Laliberté’s father was an amazing entertainer, but also the vice president of an Alcom company due to his skills in organizing parties and pleasing clients.
  • Laliberté’s childhood was marked by a desire to explore the world beyond his backyard.

Overcoming Trauma and Healing

  • The speaker experienced sexual abuse by priests at a boarding school in Montreal at the age of 10.
  • The abuse caused the speaker to become reactive and angry, leading to destructive behavior.
  • Music and traveling helped the speaker heal and overcome the darkness.

The Power of Love and Art

  • The speaker believes in promoting one world by showcasing the beauty of different cultures through their show.
  • The power of love can overcome hate because it is a feeling that can be deeply felt and remembered.
  • The emotions from experiencing something profound can lead to either positive or negative actions.

The Birth of Cirque du Soleil

  • Cirque du Soleil was created by people who stood out from the buskers in front of the Louvre in Paris.
  • The founder of Cirque du Soleil was a hustler and a wheeler dealer who was good at games and competition.
  • The team took a risk by going to Los Angeles for a festival and succeeded, gaining good press.

Building Cirque du Soleil and Overcoming Challenges

  • Starting small and refining your product can lead to success.
  • Being a symbol for a larger cause can lead to government support.
  • Convincing banks to finance the project was a major challenge.

The Impact of Cirque du Soleil

  • Cirque du Soleil created a blue ocean by addressing a red ocean, which was a game changer for the enterprise and the way of thinking about envisioning strategy.
  • Cirque du Soleil inspired a lot of new emergent entertainment companies and became the second generation of artists.
  • The importance of family, friends, and tribe is emphasized over success and material possessions.


Belief in Dreams and Curiosity

Guy Laliberté’s childhood experiences and curiosity about different cultures and places fueled his dream of traveling the world. Visiting the 1967 World Expo in Montreal and watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon further ignited his desire to explore. This belief in dreams and curiosity became the foundation for his future endeavors.

Music, Travel, and Pursuing Dreams

Laliberté’s love for music led him to start a band and busk around Canada and the US. Through his music, he was able to travel, entertain people, and achieve his dream of exploring the world. His father’s influence as an entertainer and party organizer also played a significant role in shaping Laliberté’s passion for entertainment and creating memorable experiences.

Overcoming Trauma and Healing

The speaker’s experience of sexual abuse at a young age led to anger and destructive behavior. However, through music and traveling, the speaker was able to heal and overcome the darkness. This journey of healing and resilience became a driving force in the speaker’s life and work.

The Power of Love and Art

The speaker believes in promoting unity and understanding through the power of art. By showcasing the beauty of different cultures and embracing love over hate, the speaker aims to create a transformative experience for audiences. The emotions evoked by profound experiences can lead to positive actions and a deeper appreciation for the world.

The Birth of Cirque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil was born out of the collaboration of talented street performers who stood out from the crowd in Paris. The founder’s entrepreneurial spirit and knack for games and competition played a crucial role in shaping the company’s vision. Taking risks, such as participating in festivals and gaining press attention, became integral to the early success of Cirque du Soleil.

Building Cirque du Soleil and Overcoming Challenges

The journey of building Cirque du Soleil was not without its challenges. Starting small, refining the product, and gaining government support were crucial steps in establishing the company. Convincing banks to finance the project proved to be a major hurdle that required persistence and creative solutions. Through these challenges, Cirque du Soleil grew into a groundbreaking entertainment company.

The Impact of Cirque du Soleil

Cirque du Soleil’s innovative approach to entertainment created a blue ocean in the industry, inspiring a new generation of artists and entertainment companies. The emphasis on family, friends, and tribe over material success became a guiding principle for the company. Cirque du Soleil’s impact extended beyond the stage, influencing the way people think about strategy and envisioning the future of the entertainment industry.


Guy Laliberté’s journey from a street performer to the founder of Cirque du Soleil is a testament to the power of belief, resilience, and creativity. Through his experiences, he has not only created groundbreaking entertainment but also inspired others to pursue their dreams and embrace the power of love and art. Cirque du Soleil’s impact on the entertainment industry and its ability to bring people together through transformative experiences is a testament to Laliberté’s vision and determination. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking for inspiration and insights into the world of entertainment and entrepreneurship.

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