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The Tim Ferris Show / #701: In Case You Missed It: September 2023 Recap of “The Tim Ferriss Show” | The Tim Ferris Show

#701: In Case You Missed It: September 2023 Recap of “The Tim Ferriss Show” | The Tim Ferris Show

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In this episode of “The Tim Ferriss Show,” Tim Ferriss recaps the past month’s episodes, featuring short clips from each conversation in one place. Tim deconstructs world-class performers to uncover habits and routines that listeners can apply to their own lives. This episode offers a condensed version of the valuable insights shared by his guests.

Main Takeaways

Five Bullet Friday and Subscriber Benefits

  • Tim Ferriss has a popular email newsletter called Five Bullet Friday, which he created to provide short and action-packed content to his audience.
  • Subscribing to Five Bullet Friday can give you early access to beta testing, special deals, and small in-person meetups with Tim Ferriss.
  • Tim Ferriss meets 25% of his podcast guests through Five Bullet Friday subscribers.

The Power of the Reverse Bucket List

  • The reverse bucket list is a tool to detach oneself from material desires and ambitions.
  • Lasting satisfaction comes from having less wants, not more.
  • Writing down and crossing out desires helps manage them consciously.
  • Managing desires in the prefrontal cortex leads to a sense of freedom.

Effective Time Management

  • Time management is key to accomplishing tasks on a to-do list.
  • Your time is finite, and the number of digital items you can add to your to-do list is infinite.
  • Having 50% open space in your calendar is a good target for accommodating unexpected events.
  • It takes time to hone the skill of estimating how long a task will take, but it’s important for effective time management.
  • Having slack in the system is important for effective operation, as unexpected events will come up.
  • Repeating blocks of time for important tasks, like processing emails, can help with scheduling and ensure those tasks are prioritized.
  • Using email as a to-do list creates anxiety and stress.
  • Translating your to-do list into your calendar can also be done with email.
  • Clearing your inbox is about scheduling the proper amount of time to reply to emails.
  • The calendar is the to-do list.

Nassim Taleb’s Unique Perspective

  • Temperament is important in trading jobs.
  • Writing a resignation letter without dating it can give a sense of relief and control.
  • Robustness is caring more about the few who like your work than the multitude who hate it, while fragility is the opposite.
  • Nassim Taleb cares about his reputation only in certain circles, not with the general public, allowing him to take more aggressive positions.
  • Doing the right thing is based on the approval of people you respect, not the general public.
  • Hedge fund managers are commonly focused on making a lot of money, but Nassim Taleb stands out as unique.
  • Many hedge fund managers are extremely driven and focused on being wealthy, with a dark side to their personalities.

Positioning and Decision-Making

  • Positioning is important in finance and in life.
  • Being in a position to take advantage of ideas is crucial.
  • The position we bring into arguments affects the quality of outcomes.
  • Positioning applies to relationships, health, and other areas of life.
  • Understanding what it means to do your best is important for growth and improvement.
  • We often focus on maximizing outcomes without considering the cost or positioning ourselves for multiple possible futures.
  • Successful decision-makers take advantage of weaknesses in others’ positions when their own position is strong.
  • There are few people who are well-positioned in everything, but we can have a list of exemplars for different positions.
  • Core elements to consider in decision-making include health, relationships, purpose, and community, and asking ourselves if we’re heading in the right direction.

Using Mental Models for Better Decision-Making

  • Mental models allow us to see problems through different lenses and avoid blind spots in decision-making.
  • Using different personas or perspectives can help us see problems from a different light and reduce blind spots.
  • Asking “and then what” and using tools like pre-mortems can also help us see problems from different angles.
  • Edward De Bono’s books, such as “Lateral Thinking” and “Six Thinking Hats,” can be helpful for looking at situations with a different lens.

The Benefits of Cold Therapy

  • Cold therapy, such as ice baths, can be significant for improving daily quality of life.
  • Fix your physical state first before coming up with an effective strategy for fixing something.
  • State exercises are important for changing state, but they require a fair amount of time.
  • Cold Pod is an affordable and easy-to-set-up option for cold therapy at home.
  • Cold Pod is portable and easy to travel with, making it accessible for people who want to test out cold therapy.

Insights from Various Guests

  • Arthur C. Brooks speaks about human happiness and raises well-being in various organizations.
  • Sam Corcos, CEO of Levels, has created a startup that shows how food affects health using continuous glucose monitors and other biosensors.
  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a former quantitative trader and author of “The Black Swan” and other books on uncertainty and risk.
  • Scott Patterson is an investigative reporter for the Wall Street Journal and author of “Chaos Kings” and “The Quants.”
  • Shane Parrish is an entrepreneur and wisdom seeker behind Farnam Street and the host of the Knowledge Project podcast.
  • Parrish’s online course, Decision by Design, has helped thousands of executives, leaders, and managers around the world learn repeatable behaviors that improve results.
  • His new book, Clear Thinking, teaches how to turn ordinary moments into extraordinary results.
  • Refined thinking in the world of markets and investing can lend itself to a clear scoreboard and a fascinating arena to refine your thinking toolkit for many other things.

Tim Ferriss’ Recommendations

  • Tim Ferriss recommends his newsletter, 5 Bullet Friday, which provides a little fun before the weekend with cool things Ferriss has found or discovered.


Five Bullet Friday and Subscriber Benefits

Tim Ferriss highlights the benefits of subscribing to his email newsletter, Five Bullet Friday. Subscribers gain early access to beta testing, special deals, and small in-person meetups with Tim Ferriss. Additionally, Tim meets 25% of his podcast guests through Five Bullet Friday subscribers, showcasing the value of being part of this community.

The Power of the Reverse Bucket List

Tim Ferriss discusses the concept of the reverse bucket list, which involves detaching oneself from material desires and ambitions. By focusing on having fewer wants and consciously managing desires, individuals can experience lasting satisfaction. This practice, rooted in the prefrontal cortex, leads to a sense of freedom and contentment.

Effective Time Management

Tim Ferriss emphasizes the importance of time management for accomplishing tasks on a to-do list. He suggests aiming for 50% open space in the calendar to accommodate unexpected events. Hone the skill of estimating task durations and incorporate slack in the system for effective operation. Tim also advises against using email as a to-do list, advocating for translating tasks into the calendar for better organization.

Nassim Taleb’s Unique Perspective

Tim Ferriss explores Nassim Taleb’s unique perspective on hedge fund managers and the pursuit of wealth. Taleb stands out for caring more about the few who appreciate his work rather than seeking approval from the general public. This independence allows him to take more aggressive positions. Tim also discusses the dark side of many hedge fund managers and the importance of temperament in trading jobs.

Positioning and Decision-Making

Tim Ferriss delves into the significance of positioning in finance and life. Being in a position to take advantage of ideas and understanding the impact of one’s position in arguments can lead to better outcomes. He emphasizes the importance of considering health, relationships, purpose, and community when making decisions and ensuring alignment with personal values and direction.

Using Mental Models for Better Decision-Making

Tim Ferriss highlights the value of mental models in decision-making. These models allow individuals to see problems from different perspectives, reducing blind spots. By adopting different personas or perspectives, employing tools like pre-mortems, and exploring resources like Edward De Bono’s books, individuals can enhance their decision-making abilities and gain new insights.

The Benefits of Cold Therapy

Tim Ferriss discusses the benefits of cold therapy, such as ice baths, for improving daily quality of life. By fixing one’s physical state first, individuals can develop effective strategies for addressing various challenges. Tim recommends the Cold Pod as an affordable and portable option for cold therapy, making it accessible for anyone interested in trying it out.

Insights from Various Guests

Tim Ferriss highlights the insights shared by various guests, including Arthur C. Brooks, Sam Corcos, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Scott Patterson, and Shane Parrish. These guests offer valuable perspectives on topics such as human happiness, health, uncertainty, risk, and refined thinking. Tim also recommends Shane Parrish’s online course, Decision by Design, and his new book, Clear Thinking, for improving decision-making skills.

Tim Ferriss’ Recommendations

Tim Ferriss recommends his newsletter, 5 Bullet Friday, as a source of fun and interesting discoveries before the weekend. Subscribers can enjoy the cool things he shares and stay updated with his latest findings.


This episode of “The Tim Ferriss Show” provides a condensed recap of the past month’s episodes, offering valuable insights from world-class performers. From effective time management to unique perspectives on wealth and decision-making, listeners gain actionable takeaways to apply in their own lives. Tim Ferriss continues to deliver thought-provoking conversations that inspire personal growth and improvement.

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