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Modern Wisdom / #702 – 16 Lessons From 700 Episodes | Modern Wisdom

#702 – 16 Lessons From 700 Episodes | Modern Wisdom

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, the host explores 16 valuable lessons learned from the first 700 episodes of the show. Covering a wide range of topics, these lessons provide insights into happiness, decision-making, masculinity, productivity, content consumption, and pursuing success. Join us as we dive into the main takeaways from this thought-provoking episode.

Main Takeaways

Expectations and Happiness

  • Expectations define happiness more than circumstances.
  • Lowering your expectations can increase your happiness.
  • Humans are comparative relative beings, judging themselves in comparison to others.
  • Envy, not greed, drives the world.
  • Happiness and satisfaction in life depend on relative factors like attractiveness and wealth.

Decision-Making and Future Self

  • The “24-hour you” is a helpful tool for decision-making.
  • Decisions should be made for your future self, not just for immediate gratification.
  • The story of your decisions lasts longer than the impact of them.
  • Releasing control and fearing less about the future can lead to a smoother journey in life.

Masculinity and Mental Health

  • Men face structural disadvantages that need to be addressed.
  • Negative views of masculinity are harmful to men’s mental health.
  • Having a positive view of masculinity is linked to better mental well-being.
  • Sterilizing masculinity is not the solution, as it ignores the positive aspects of masculinity.
  • The media and academia should focus on being positive about men and masculinity to improve mental health.

Productivity and Monk Mode

  • Productivity dysmorphia is an unhealthy relationship with professional achievements.
  • Open plan offices can be distracting and affect productivity.
  • Monk mode is a productivity strategy involving introspection and isolation.
  • Concentrated periods of monk mode can facilitate important progress and productivity.
  • The best solution is to periodize monk mode and set a deadline for reintegrating into the world.

Content Consumption and Self-Worth

  • Your attention is your most valuable resource.
  • Assess how you feel after consuming content.
  • Use options to tune down your use of certain content.
  • Create and share content that you like, not just what you think people will like.
  • The willingness to be disliked is a superpower that leads to success and a sense of meaning.

Pursuing Success and Passion

  • Passion is not enough to achieve success, you need to be passionate enough to endure the associated pain.
  • The best predictor of success is who can deal with difficulties the best.
  • Positive reinforcement is important, but progress itself can provide motivation.
  • Burnout, self-doubt, and other pains are inevitable in pursuing any goal.
  • Orient yourself towards the difficulties to achieve success.


Expectations and Happiness

Expectations play a crucial role in defining our happiness. Lowering our expectations can increase happiness, as humans are comparative relative beings who judge themselves in comparison to others. Envy, rather than greed, drives the world. Despite objectively having the best lives in history, dissatisfaction remains high.

Decision-Making and Future Self

The “24-hour you” is a tool for making decisions that prioritize long-term thinking. Decisions should be made with consideration for your future self. The story of your decisions lasts longer than their impact, highlighting the importance of thoughtful decision-making. Releasing control and fearing less about the future can lead to a better experience of life.

Masculinity and Mental Health

Negative views of masculinity harm men’s mental health. Recognizing the positive aspects of masculinity and having a positive view can improve well-being. Sterilizing masculinity is not the solution, as it ignores biology and the benefits masculinity brings. The media and academia should focus on promoting positive narratives about men and masculinity.

Productivity and Monk Mode

Productivity dysmorphia, an unhealthy obsession with professional achievements, can hinder our ability to recognize our own success. Open plan offices can be distracting and negatively impact productivity. Monk mode, a strategy involving introspection and isolation, can facilitate important progress. However, it’s important to strike a balance and set a deadline for reintegrating into the world.

Content Consumption and Self-Worth

Our attention is valuable, and we should be mindful of how content consumption affects us. Consuming content that makes us feel open, light, and aligned is beneficial. Tuning down certain content and creating content that aligns with our interests and values is important for maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth.

Pursuing Success and Passion

Passion alone is not enough to achieve success. It’s essential to be passionate enough to endure the difficulties that come with pursuing goals. The ability to deal with challenges is a better predictor of success than pure passion. Positive reinforcement is important, but progress itself can provide motivation. Embracing the inevitable pains and difficulties of pursuing success is crucial for achieving it.


This episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast provides valuable insights into various aspects of life, including happiness, decision-making, masculinity, productivity, content consumption, and pursuing success. By understanding the lessons shared in this episode, listeners can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and make positive changes in their lives.

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