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Modern Wisdom / #712 – Dr Jordan Peterson – How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs | Modern Wisdom

#712 – Dr Jordan Peterson – How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs | Modern Wisdom

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, host Chris Williamson interviews Dr. Jordan Peterson on how to destroy negative beliefs and find meaning in the modern world. Dr. Peterson shares valuable insights and practical advice on various topics, including truthfulness, self-discovery, personal growth, relationships, and the pursuit of knowledge. Join them on this enlightening conversation that will inspire you to challenge your own beliefs and strive for a more fulfilling life.

Main Takeaways

Finding Meaning and Personal Growth

  • Finding meaning in the modern world can be difficult
  • The most important adventure in life is to be found in doing remarkable things
  • Being truthful is an adventure because you don’t know what will happen
  • Hiding your true self can lead to cynicism and bitterness
  • Bringing into the world what you could bring is a moral obligation

Self-Reflection and Motivations

  • Wisdom begins with being cynical about your own doubt, but it’s not the ultimate destination
  • You should question the moral validity of your motivations, as they can be invisible to you
  • It’s important to have a positive fantasy about the future, even in the face of obstacles
  • A plan is a positive strategy that maps a hypothetically possible path of potential
  • A delusion is ignoring elements of your own experience that would inform your fantasy more effectively

Personal Growth and Comparison

  • Revealing your ignorance can lead to success by rectifying it
  • Asking real questions and listening to the answers can lead to deep knowledge
  • Striving for high standards can lead to feeling a lack
  • Lowering the ideal and raising your estimation of your potential can help avoid feeling despondent
  • Taking small steps, even ones that might be shameful in their size, can lead to exponential growth

Building Relationships and Authenticity

  • Comparing yourself to others is unfair and can lead to despondency
  • The proper comparison group is yourself yesterday, as you are a unique individual with unique talents and limitations
  • Aiming at something and comparing yourself to it are not the same thing
  • You only see a narrow slice of someone else’s life when you compare yourself to them
  • Taking small steps can lead to exponential growth

Psychology and Creativity

  • People vary in their fluency of producing words, some write down 12 words in 3 minutes, while others write 150
  • Those who write 150 words are thinking at a hypomanic rate, which can lead to manic behavior
  • The outer limit of pathology on the creative front is someone who’s manic, with a thousand different plans that go immediately to hell
  • Elon Musk is a rare combination of hyper creative and hyper conscientious, which helps him wrangle his diffuse creative energy into specific projects

Overcoming Challenges and Gratitude

  • Positive events have happened around Dr. Peterson at such an intensity that it’s daunting
  • Being pursued by his regulatory college in Ontario is a preposterous, expensive, and time-consuming annoyance
  • Being true to your own vision can lead to better job opportunities
  • Telling the truth can lead to better relationships with colleagues and supervisors
  • Opportunities should open up for you, not for a projection of who you think you should be

Learning and Growth through Criticism

  • Rejection is not as catastrophic as it seems, and it helps build intellectual humility
  • Asking “stupid” questions is important to learn and grow
  • Your enemy can be your harshest critic and reveal hidden flaws
  • Facing someone in a verbal battle can be advantageous
  • Criticism can be uncomfortable but can also lead to unexpected friendships

Gratitude and Mental Health

  • Practicing gratitude is one of the primary religious rituals, even in difficult situations
  • Job’s story shows the importance of not losing faith in oneself during unjust suffering
  • There is a tight association between loving your enemy and being grateful in spite of terrible things happening in life
  • Being thankful for turning negative experiences into positive ones is a higher level of gratitude
  • Young adults face anxiety and depression at twice the rate of teens

Relationships and Sexuality

  • Good aims or goals are situation independent and socially inclusive
  • Identity games can make people anxious and hopeless
  • Sexuality should be embedded in a relationship, not reduced to short-term desire
  • Human beings have a high investment strategy for sexual reproduction
  • Personality characteristics of people in one-night stands are psychopathic, narcissistic, Machiavellian, and sadistic

Knowledge and Wisdom

  • Identity is not just what you think of yourself, it’s about the concordance between your representation of yourself and how you act in the world
  • One can find gratification in success when it’s not just in their head, but in the real world
  • One can do almost anything they want if they’re willing to take responsibility for it, even without getting credit
  • There’s something to be said for anonymity and the adventure of doing something without the desire for glory
  • Having multiple social roles that scale can lead to a mentally healthy life

Humor and Cultural Issues

  • Successful podcasters often have a vicious sense of humor
  • Constantine Kisen’s speech at an art conference was a hit due to his ability to merge intellectual content with wit
  • Comedians envy the fact that non-comedians are not expected to be funny all the time during performances
  • Smart people often waste time arguing about cultural issues
  • Daily Wire principles prefer to focus on philosophical, theological, or dramatic matters instead of politics, but they also need to balance producing content that is trendy and publicly accessible

Religion and Spirituality

  • The Bible is an investigation into the nature of God, the nature of relationship with God, and the proper relationship with God
  • God is the sum of all that’s good
  • The Enlightenment view of man is wrong, and science has shown that you can’t orient yourself in the world by the facts
  • People are feeling meaninglessness and purposelessness, and are lost in the desert of dead facts
  • Some facts are not self-evident, and the scientific corpus is the elaboration of a set of incontrovertible facts

Work and Sacrifice

  • Work is a sacrificial gesture of the present for the future
  • The biblical corpus characterizes human striving as a covenant
  • Unearned moral reputation is the consequence of false sacrifice
  • Performative empathy is like praying in public, it elevates your moral status
  • Elevating compassion to the highest place is a big mistake as God is not merely compassion

Transformation and Decision-Making

  • You can invite various spirits to possess you, like rage or lust
  • If you allowed the highest of all possible spirits to possess you, you would be able to confront everything that life could possibly throw at you
  • To adapt fully to life, you have to allow yourself to be possessed by the spirit that will enable you to voluntarily face unjust suffering, death, and evil
  • The heaviest things in life are unmade decisions
  • Part of the moral that’s embedded in the story of Job and in the Christian passion is that you can master what you’ll face

Relationships and Boundaries

  • Compromise in a relationship is not the solution, but finding a game where both partners are optimally utilized is
  • People bring baggage to a relationship, and finding a solution is like disciplining children
  • If someone bugs you, note it. If they do it twice, still don’t do anything. If they do it three times, address the issue
  • Constant communication and discussion is necessary to sort out issues and live in peace
  • Living in peace with your partner is worth attaining

Dopamine and Motivation

  • Children need to learn how to play in a way that is fun for everyone involved
  • Dopamine is not just about the pursuit of happiness, but also the happiness of pursuit
  • The journey is just as important as the destination, and each destination is the beginning of a new journey
  • Dopaminergic reward is evidence of advancement towards a goal and facilitates engagement and focus
  • Sacrificing everything towards a mode of behavior that works best across generations

Knowledge and Wisdom

  • Encouraging people to find difficult truths as truth is optimally difficult and adventure
  • Orienting oneself properly by aiming up to the highest thing and treating others well
  • Accruing a new way of looking at the world and a set of skills through a disciplinary process
  • Wealth is a proxy for competence, which is the treasure, not the wealth
  • Moses’ encounter with the burning bush is a symbol of being and becoming, and represents transformation

Learning and Growth

  • Pursuing something that calls to you will take you deeper and lead to transformation
  • It doesn’t matter what calls to you, but that you pursue it
  • Pursuing something that calls to you can turn you into a leader
  • A certificate from a university should be a marker for conscientiousness and educated expertise
  • Socialization is a huge part of the university experience

Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

  • The idea of “monk mode” involves an extended period of isolation to work on yourself and improve various aspects of your life
  • Confession and painful self-examination can help you identify your insufficiencies and work on them
  • Pinocchio’s three basic temptations: lying, being a false persona, and being neurotic
  • Be careful what you practice, as false claims to who you are can pervert your soul
  • The soul is the structure through which the world reveals itself to you, and lying can prevent you from seeing the right part of the world

Knowledge and Wisdom

  • People who ruminate and introspect can struggle to use their intuition because they worship the intellect
  • There’s a difference between attention and intellect, and paying attention is important in gathering information
  • Humility is key in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom
  • Asking “stupid” questions is important in remedying ignorance
  • Admitting to insufficiency and publicly announcing it takes courage and can lead to greater understanding

Upcoming Book and Tour

  • Jordan Peterson is working on a new book that will be published in November and plans to go on a tour to promote it in America, Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia
  • Richard Dawkins is a truthful scientist who pursues the truth, which is a Christian value at its core
  • When on tour, it’s important to remember to be grateful for the opportunity and to delegate tasks to others to avoid being overwhelmed
  • After a show, Jordan Peterson winds down by watching Trailer Park Boys
  • Peterson struggles with winding down after a show and getting enough sleep for the next day’s performance


Finding Meaning and Personal Growth

Finding meaning in the modern world can be challenging, but the most important adventure lies in doing remarkable things. Being truthful and authentic is crucial, as hiding your true self can lead to cynicism and bitterness. It is a moral obligation to bring into the world what you could bring, and wisdom begins with being cynical about your own doubt. Questioning the moral validity of your motivations is essential, as they can be invisible to you. It’s important to have a positive fantasy about the future, even in the face of obstacles, and a plan is a positive strategy that maps a hypothetically possible path of potential. However, it’s crucial to avoid delusions by acknowledging elements of your own experience that would inform your fantasy more effectively.

Self-Reflection and Motivations

Revealing your ignorance can lead to success by rectifying it, and asking real questions and listening to the answers can lead to deep knowledge. Striving for high standards can sometimes lead to feeling a lack, but lowering the ideal and raising your estimation of your potential can help avoid feeling despondent. Taking small steps, even ones that might be shameful in their size, can lead to exponential growth. Comparing yourself to others is unfair and can lead to despondency, so it’s important to compare yourself to yourself yesterday, acknowledging your unique talents and limitations. Aiming at something and comparing yourself to it are not the same thing, and it’s crucial to remember that you only see a narrow slice of someone else’s life when you compare yourself to them.

Psychology and Creativity

People vary in their fluency of producing words, and some individuals think at a hypomanic rate, which can lead to manic behavior. The outer limit of pathology on the creative front is someone who’s manic, with a thousand different plans that go immediately to hell. Elon Musk is a rare combination of hyper creative and hyper conscientious, which helps him channel his diffuse creative energy into specific projects.

Overcoming Challenges and Gratitude

Positive events have happened around Dr. Peterson at such an intensity that it’s daunting, but he has also faced challenges, such as being pursued by his regulatory college in Ontario. However, being true to your own vision can lead to better job opportunities, and telling the truth can improve relationships with colleagues and supervisors. It’s important to be grateful for turning negative experiences into positive ones, as gratitude is a higher level of gratitude. Young adults face anxiety and depression at twice the rate of teens, highlighting the importance of addressing mental health issues.

Learning and Growth through Criticism

Rejection is not as catastrophic as it seems and can help build intellectual humility. Asking “stupid” questions is important to learn and grow, and your enemy can be your harshest critic, revealing hidden flaws. Facing someone in a verbal battle can be advantageous, and criticism, although uncomfortable, can lead to unexpected friendships.

Gratitude and Mental Health

Practicing gratitude, even in difficult situations, is one of the primary religious rituals. The story of Job emphasizes the importance of not losing faith in oneself during unjust suffering. Being thankful for turning negative experiences into positive ones is a higher level of gratitude. However, it’s crucial to address the rising rates of anxiety and depression among young adults and explore ways to support their mental health.

Relationships and Sexuality

Good aims or goals should be situation independent and socially inclusive, and identity games can make people anxious and hopeless. Sexuality should be embedded in a relationship, not reduced to short-term desire, as human beings have a high investment strategy for sexual reproduction. It’s important to be aware that personality characteristics of people in one-night stands are often psychopathic, narcissistic, Machiavellian, and sadistic.

Knowledge and Wisdom

Identity is not just what you think of yourself, but also about the concordance between your representation of yourself and how you act in the world. Finding gratification in success requires translating it from your head into the real world. Taking responsibility for your actions, even without seeking credit, allows you to do almost anything you want. Anonymity and the adventure of doing something without the desire for glory can also be valuable. Having multiple social roles that scale can contribute to a mentally healthy life.

Humor and Cultural Issues

Successful podcasters often have a vicious sense of humor, and the ability to merge intellectual content with wit can make a speech or performance highly engaging. Comedians sometimes envy non-comedians who are not expected to be funny all the time. It’s important to avoid wasting time arguing about cultural issues and instead focus on philosophical, theological, or dramatic matters. However, content producers must also balance producing trendy and publicly accessible content.

Religion and Spirituality

The Bible is an investigation into the nature of God, the nature of relationship with God, and the proper relationship with God. God is seen as the sum of all that’s good. The Enlightenment view of man is flawed, as science has shown that you can’t orient yourself in the world solely based on facts. Many people feel a sense of meaninglessness and purposelessness and are lost in a desert of dead facts. The scientific corpus is an elaboration of a set of incontrovertible facts, but some facts are not self-evident.

Work and Sacrifice

Work is seen as a sacrificial gesture of the present for the future, and the biblical corpus characterizes human striving as a covenant. Unearned moral reputation is the consequence of false sacrifice, and performative empathy is compared to praying in public. Elevating compassion to the highest place is considered a mistake, as God is not merely compassion. To fully adapt to life, one must allow themselves to be possessed by the spirit that enables them to voluntarily face unjust suffering, death, and evil. The heaviest things in life are unmade decisions, and mastering what you’ll face is part of the moral embedded in the story of Job and the Christian passion.

Relationships and Boundaries

Compromise in a relationship is not always the solution, but finding a game where both partners are optimally utilized is important. People bring baggage to a relationship, and finding a solution is comparable to disciplining children. Addressing issues requires constant communication and discussion to live in peace. Living in peace with your partner is worth striving for, and setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining enjoyable relationships. Children need to learn how to play in a way that is fun for everyone involved.

Dopamine and Motivation

Dopamine is not solely about the pursuit of happiness, but also the happiness of pursuit. The journey is just as important as the destination, and each destination is the beginning of a new journey. Dopaminergic reward serves as evidence of advancement towards a goal and facilitates engagement and focus. Sacrificing everything towards a mode of behavior that works best across generations is important. Encouraging people to find difficult truths is seen as an adventure, and orienting oneself properly by aiming up to the highest thing and treating others well is crucial.

Knowledge and Wisdom

Accruing a new way of looking at the world and a set of skills through a disciplinary process is valuable. Wealth is seen as a proxy for competence, which is the treasure, not the wealth itself. Moses’ encounter with the burning bush symbolizes being and becoming, representing transformation. Pursuing something that calls to you can lead to deeper understanding and even turn you into a leader.

Learning and Growth

Encouraging people to pursue what calls to them can lead to transformation and personal growth. Pursuing something that calls to you doesn’t necessarily have to be a specific thing, but the act of pursuing itself is important. Jordan Peterson is working on a new book that will be published in November and plans to go on a tour to promote it in America, Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. The upcoming book and tour present exciting opportunities for sharing his insights with a wider audience.

Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

The idea of “monk mode” involves an extended period of isolation to work on yourself and improve various aspects of your life. Confession and painful self-examination can help you identify your insufficiencies and work on

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