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Modern Wisdom / #714 – Shane Parrish – How To Become A Clear Thinker | Modern Wisdom

#714 – Shane Parrish – How To Become A Clear Thinker | Modern Wisdom

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, host Chris Williamson sits down with Shane Parrish, founder of Phanam Street and ex-Canadian intelligence agency operative. They discuss the importance of clear thinking and how to become a clear thinker. The conversation covers various topics, including the benefits of cold therapy, the pitfalls of independent thinking, building mental strength, effective decision making, and setting life goals.

Main Takeaways

The Importance of Clear Thinking

  • Our lives are mediated by our thoughts, and making accurate decisions leads to a better and happier existence.

Becoming a Clear Thinker

  • Independent thinking requires advantageous divergence, going against the crowd and being right, not just different for the sake of it.
  • To think independently, one needs to be able to withstand potential pain, including looking like an idiot in the moment for long-term improvement.
  • Fear of failure and financial stability can impact one’s ability to think independently, especially in organizational settings.

Building Mental Strength

  • Managing personal finances is crucial for taking advantage of opportunities in life.
  • Investing in relationships with partners, kids, employees, and customers is essential for emotional stability.
  • Positioning oneself for success involves being prepared for multiple possible futures.
  • Preparation is a form of positioning, but not the only form.
  • Simply knowing mental models doesn’t fix problems; integrating them into one’s life is key.

Effective Decision Making

  • There’s a transition from focusing on rules and the thermodynamics of the mind to a more integrated and holistic viewpoint that considers life’s complexities and challenges.
  • The “Great Mental Models” book series aims to make university-level concepts easily accessible and digestible in plain language.
  • General thinking tools help in thinking through problems in a three-dimensional way, providing important lenses into specific situations.
  • Blind spots are the source of all problems in decision-making, and using mental models can help reduce these blind spots.
  • Dealing with emotional self, social situations, and anger is an inevitable part of life, and the focus should be on reducing blind spots and changing how we respond to these situations.

Setting Life Goals

  • Work-life balance should be viewed as integrations in life, with different priorities at different points in time, rather than a strict balance.
  • Prioritizing different aspects of life at different times is like a mosaic where relationships, work, health, and other aspects never go to zero but may require different levels of attention.
  • Having a language to think about the ups and downs of life.


The Importance of Clear Thinking

Clear thinking is crucial for making accurate decisions and leading a better and happier life. Our thoughts mediate our lives, and being able to think independently and critically can lead to advantageous divergence. However, fear of failure and financial stability can hinder our ability to think independently, especially in organizational settings.

Becoming a Clear Thinker

To become a clear thinker, one must be willing to withstand potential pain and be right, not just different for the sake of it. Independent thinking requires going against the crowd and being able to look like an idiot in the moment for long-term improvement. People in tech who have financial stability are more likely to speak up about what they think is right and what they should do.

Building Mental Strength

Building mental strength involves managing personal finances, investing in relationships, and positioning oneself for success. Preparation is a form of positioning, and simply knowing mental models is not enough; integrating them into one’s life is key. The “Great Mental Models” book series aims to make complex concepts easily accessible and provides general thinking tools to help navigate through life’s challenges and reduce blind spots in decision-making.

Effective Decision Making

Effective decision making requires a transition from focusing on rules and the thermodynamics of the mind to a more integrated and holistic viewpoint. Mental models provide lenses to think through problems in a three-dimensional way and reduce blind spots. Dealing with emotional self, social situations, and anger is an inevitable part of life, and the focus should be on changing how we respond to these situations.

Setting Life Goals

Work-life balance should be viewed as integrations in life, with different priorities at different times. Prioritizing different aspects of life at different times is like a mosaic where relationships, work, health, and other aspects require varying levels of attention. Having a language to think about the ups and downs of life can help navigate through the challenges and make meaningful choices.


Clear thinking is essential for making accurate decisions and leading a better and happier life. Becoming a clear thinker requires independent thinking, mental strength, and effective decision-making skills. By understanding and integrating mental models into our lives, we can reduce blind spots and navigate through life’s challenges. Setting life goals and prioritizing different aspects of life at different times can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced existence.

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