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Modern Wisdom / #716 – Scott Galloway – How Can Men Take Charge Of Their Lives? | Modern Wisdom

#716 – Scott Galloway – How Can Men Take Charge Of Their Lives? | Modern Wisdom

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, Scott Galloway, a clinical professor of marketing at New York University Stern School of Business, discusses various topics related to men taking charge of their lives. From masculinity and aging gracefully to networking and relationships, Galloway shares his candid and provocative insights on these subjects.

Main Takeaways

Importance of Initiating Contact and Relationships

  • Galloway emphasizes the value of teaching young men to initiate contact and relationships.
  • He highlights the rewards of enduring rejection and initiating conversations.
  • Building confidence to approach strangers in social settings is crucial for professional success.
  • Overcoming the fear of rejection is important for seizing business, relationship, and adventure opportunities.

The Role of Emotional Vulnerability

  • Galloway challenges traditional notions of masculinity by advocating for emotional vulnerability.
  • Expressing emotions demonstrates confidence and can be attractive to others.
  • Suppressing emotions can lead to self-deception and missed opportunities for personal growth.
  • Admitting and expressing emotions is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Creating Meaningful Relationships

  • Galloway discusses the importance of creating meaningful relationships throughout life.
  • He emphasizes the need for better male role models for young men.
  • The involvement of friends in a young man’s life can be rewarding and meaningful.
  • Establishing strong physical fitness habits and sleep hygiene is crucial for aging well.

Challenges in the Dating Market

  • Galloway highlights the challenges faced by both men and women in the dating market.
  • Age impacts men and women differently in the romantic and sexual marketplace.
  • The world needs more opportunities for men and women to connect and build meaningful relationships.
  • Masculinity can be redefined as “do no harm, take no shit.”


Initiating Contact and Relationships

Galloway emphasizes the importance of teaching young men to initiate contact and relationships. He believes that building confidence to approach strangers in social settings is crucial for professional success. Overcoming the fear of rejection is also essential for seizing business, relationship, and adventure opportunities. Galloway encourages young men to endure rejection and initiate conversations, as it can lead to unexpected opportunities and connections.

The Role of Emotional Vulnerability

Galloway challenges traditional notions of masculinity by advocating for emotional vulnerability. He believes that expressing emotions demonstrates confidence and can be attractive to others. He emphasizes that admitting and expressing emotions is a sign of strength, not weakness. Galloway shares personal experiences of embracing vulnerability and how it has positively impacted his life and relationships.

Creating Meaningful Relationships

Galloway discusses the importance of creating meaningful relationships throughout life. He highlights the need for better male role models for young men, as the lack of positive role models can lead to negative outcomes. Galloway encourages men to be involved in the lives of young men and boys, offering guidance and mentorship. He also emphasizes the importance of physical fitness, nutrition, and sleep hygiene for aging gracefully and maintaining a high quality of life.

Challenges in the Dating Market

Galloway highlights the challenges faced by both men and women in the dating market. He discusses how age impacts men and women differently in the romantic and sexual marketplace. Galloway acknowledges the biases and societal expectations that exist in the dating world, particularly for young men. He believes that the world needs more opportunities for men and women to connect and build meaningful relationships, rather than relying on a consumptive culture. Galloway also explores the concept of redefining masculinity as “do no harm, take no shit.”


In this thought-provoking episode, Scott Galloway provides insights on how men can take charge of their lives. From initiating contact and relationships to embracing emotional vulnerability and creating meaningful connections, Galloway encourages men to step outside their comfort zones and challenge societal norms. By redefining masculinity and embracing personal growth, men can navigate the challenges of the dating market and age gracefully while building fulfilling relationships and successful careers.

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