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Modern Wisdom / #727 – James Smith – Do You Actually Need Passion To Be Successful? | Modern Wisdom

#727 – James Smith – Do You Actually Need Passion To Be Successful? | Modern Wisdom

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, host Chris Williamson is joined by James Smith, author, podcaster, and online trainer. They reflect on their experiences and realizations from a month on the road together. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including finding true success, the future of the fitness industry, the impact of in-person interactions, the importance of celebrating wins, and the sedation of individuals through social media and video games.

Main Takeaways

Increasing Luck and Finding True Success

  • Reflecting on their experiences, James Smith and Chris Williamson discuss the concept of luck and how it can be increased in life.
  • They explore the male sedation hypothesis and the impact of social media, video games, and screens on men’s reproductive and seeking behavior.
  • The speakers emphasize the importance of pursuing what you love, taking risks, and prioritizing personal growth over external validation.
  • Celebrating small wins and setting realistic expectations are key to maintaining motivation and avoiding feelings of failure.

The Value of In-Person Interactions

  • James Smith and Chris Williamson discuss their successful tour together and the value of meeting people in person.
  • They highlight the difference between online interactions and real-world connections, emphasizing the genuine nature of in-person interactions.
  • The speakers share their observations that people tend to be more positive and authentic in person compared to their online personas.
  • They discuss the impact of engaging with people in person and the value of real-world interactions in a world dominated by social media.

The Sedation of Individuals through Social Media and Video Games

  • James Smith and Chris Williamson delve into the sedation of individuals through social media, screens, and video games.
  • They discuss the impact of these platforms on men’s reproductive and seeking behavior, leading to high levels of antisocial behavior and sexlessness.
  • The speakers explore the historical context of sedation, comparing it to the Roman Empire’s use of colosseums to keep people occupied.
  • They highlight the importance of being aware of the sedating effects of screens and social media and the need to prioritize real-life experiences and connections.

The Future of the Fitness Industry

  • James Smith, with his background in online personal training, shares insights into the evolving fitness industry.
  • He discusses the shift towards more scrutiny and honesty in training methods and ideas.
  • The speakers explore the challenges of the fitness industry, including the saturation of copycat content and the privilege associated with fitness.
  • They emphasize the importance of addressing clients’ problems and needs, rather than just giving workout advice.

The Impact of Decision-Making and Surroundings

  • James Smith and Chris Williamson discuss the impact of decision-making and surroundings on personal and professional growth.
  • They explore the paradox of choice and the challenges of decision-making when faced with too many options.
  • The speakers share insights on the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who match one’s personal growth velocity.
  • They emphasize the influence of surroundings on mindset, values, and perspectives, highlighting the importance of choosing the right people to surround oneself with.


Increasing Luck and Finding True Success

James Smith and Chris Williamson discuss the concept of luck and its role in success. They explore the male sedation hypothesis and the impact of social media, video games, and screens on men’s reproductive and seeking behavior. The speakers emphasize the importance of pursuing what you love, taking risks, and prioritizing personal growth over external validation. They highlight the value of celebrating small wins and setting realistic expectations to maintain motivation and avoid feelings of failure.

The Value of In-Person Interactions

James Smith and Chris Williamson reflect on their successful tour together and the value of meeting people in person. They discuss the difference between online interactions and real-world connections, emphasizing the genuine nature of in-person interactions. The speakers observe that people tend to be more positive and authentic in person compared to their online personas. They emphasize the impact of engaging with people in person and the value of real-world interactions in a world dominated by social media.

The Sedation of Individuals through Social Media and Video Games

James Smith and Chris Williamson delve into the sedation of individuals through social media, screens, and video games. They discuss the impact of these platforms on men’s reproductive and seeking behavior, leading to high levels of antisocial behavior and sexlessness. The speakers draw parallels to historical sedation methods, such as the Roman Empire’s use of colosseums. They highlight the importance of being aware of the sedating effects of screens and social media and the need to prioritize real-life experiences and connections.

The Future of the Fitness Industry

James Smith shares insights into the evolving fitness industry, drawing from his background in online personal training. He discusses the shift towards more scrutiny and honesty in training methods and ideas. The speakers explore the challenges of the fitness industry, including the saturation of copycat content and the privilege associated with fitness. They emphasize the importance of addressing clients’ problems and needs, rather than just giving workout advice.

The Impact of Decision-Making and Surroundings

James Smith and Chris Williamson discuss the impact of decision-making and surroundings on personal and professional growth. They explore the challenges of decision-making when faced with too many options, highlighting the paradox of choice. The speakers share insights on the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who match one’s personal growth velocity. They emphasize the influence of surroundings on mindset, values, and perspectives, highlighting the importance of choosing the right people to surround oneself with.


In this episode, James Smith and Chris Williamson explore various topics, including luck, true success, in-person interactions, the sedation of individuals through social media and video games, the future of the fitness industry, and the impact of decision-making and surroundings. They provide valuable insights, emphasizing the importance of pursuing personal growth, celebrating small wins, and prioritizing real-world connections. The conversation offers thought-provoking perspectives on success, happiness, and the challenges of the modern world.

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