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Modern Wisdom / #729 – Alex O’Connor – Are People Becoming Less Moral? | Modern Wisdom

#729 – Alex O’Connor – Are People Becoming Less Moral? | Modern Wisdom

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, host Chris Williamson interviews Alex O’Connor, a YouTuber, writer, and podcaster, about moral questions and the impact of technology on morality. They also touch on various topics including the aftermath of an interview with Peter Hitchens, the existence of God, the free will debate, the historical accuracy of the Bible, and more.

Main Takeaways

Moral Questions and Technology

  • Discussing the impact of technology on morality and ethical debates.
  • Exploring the non-identity problem and nihilism.
  • Debating the existence of free will and its implications for moral responsibility.

Controversial Interviews and Criticisms

  • Examining the aftermath of an interview with Peter Hitchens and the decision to upload it despite Hitchens’ reservations.
  • Discussing criticisms and accusations of being a propagandist for drug decriminalization.
  • Exploring the challenges of engaging in ethical debates and dealing with dismissive attitudes.

Religion, Ethics, and Belief Systems

  • Delving into the historical accuracy of the Bible and the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection.
  • Discussing the philosophical implications of religious beliefs and their impact on society.
  • Exploring the concept of free will and its relationship to religious and ethical frameworks.


Moral Questions and Technology

Alex O’Connor and Chris Williamson engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the impact of technology on morality. They explore the non-identity problem, which raises questions about the ethical implications of actions that affect future generations. The conversation also delves into nihilism and the debate surrounding free will, highlighting the complex relationship between technology, moral responsibility, and the nature of human agency.

Controversial Interviews and Criticisms

The episode addresses the aftermath of an interview with Peter Hitchens, where tensions arose and Hitchens stormed out. Despite Hitchens’ reservations, the interview was uploaded, leading to criticisms and accusations against the host. The conversation delves into the challenges of engaging in ethical debates, dealing with dismissive attitudes, and the importance of addressing relevant topics even in the face of controversy.

Religion, Ethics, and Belief Systems

The discussion explores the historical accuracy of the Bible and the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection, raising questions about the role of religion in shaping ethical frameworks. The conversation also delves into the concept of free will and its relationship to religious beliefs, ethics, and human agency. The episode highlights the complexities and philosophical implications of belief systems, providing listeners with a deeper understanding of the intersection between religion, ethics, and society.


This episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast offers a thought-provoking exploration of moral questions, the impact of technology on morality, and the complexities of belief systems. Through engaging discussions on controversial interviews, criticisms, and the philosophical implications of religion and ethics, listeners gain insights into the challenges of navigating ethical debates in the modern world.

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