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Modern Wisdom / #730 – Mike Thurston – The Harsh Reality Of Trying To Improve | Modern Wisdom

#730 – Mike Thurston – The Harsh Reality Of Trying To Improve | Modern Wisdom

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, host Mike Thurston discusses the harsh reality of trying to improve oneself. He explores topics such as body dysmorphia, the influence of social media, and the importance of confidence. Mike shares personal experiences and insights to provide a valuable perspective on these issues.

Main Takeaways

Male Body Dysmorphia and Social Media Influence

  • Male body dysmorphia is on the rise, surpassing female body dysmorphia, due to the influence of social media and the prevalence of muscular physiques.
  • Many people, even those in great shape, edit their photos and videos, leading to unrealistic beauty standards and negative self-perception.
  • Competing in bodybuilding competitions can impact self-perception, causing dissatisfaction with one’s appearance.

Challenges of Aging and Comparisons

  • As people age, accepting changes in their bodies becomes challenging, leading to comparisons with their younger selves.
  • The concept of “aging gracefully” is emphasized, focusing on self-worth beyond physical appearance.
  • Comparing oneself to others, especially those in the top 1%, can lead to feelings of inadequacy.

The Impact of Social Media and Dealing with Criticism

  • Social media can be both necessary and draining, leading to distraction and negative feedback.
  • Comments on social media can influence content creation and personal decisions.
  • The speaker shares a personal experience of dealing with hair loss and the impact it had on their public image.
  • The need for education on handling criticism from strangers on the internet is emphasized.

Confidence and Personal Growth

  • Confidence comes from different areas of life, including financial comfort, physique, and lessons learned from previous experiences.
  • Building social confidence can come from experience in relationships and being on platforms like YouTube.
  • Balancing social activities and the need for alone time as an introverted individual.
  • Overcoming self-doubt and expressing opinions and ideas for personal and intellectual growth.

Challenges of Content Creation and Public Speaking

  • The host discusses the challenges of being a good host and the pressure to have knowledge on various topics.
  • The fear of feeling silly and being criticized on the internet can hinder expressing one’s own opinions.
  • The host grapples with the desire to be seen as an expert and the discomfort of not having traditional credentials.
  • The vulnerability and challenges of performing in front of an audience, whether as a podcaster or comedian, are explored.


Male Body Dysmorphia and Social Media Influence

Mike Thurston highlights the increasing prevalence of male body dysmorphia, attributing it to the influence of social media and the prevalence of muscular physiques. He discusses how people, even those in great shape, edit their photos and videos to enhance their appearance, leading to unrealistic beauty standards and negatively impacting self-perception. Mike reflects on his own experience of competing in bodybuilding competitions and the dissatisfaction he felt with his appearance, even at his best. These insights shed light on the harmful effects of social media and the importance of promoting a healthy body image.

Challenges of Aging and Comparisons

As people age, they may struggle with accepting changes in their bodies, such as slower recovery and physical decline. This can lead to comparisons with their younger selves and feelings of inadequacy. Mike emphasizes the concept of “aging gracefully” and encourages listeners to focus on self-worth beyond physical appearance. By embracing the natural changes that come with aging, individuals can feel better about themselves as time goes by.

The Impact of Social Media and Dealing with Criticism

Mike explores the impact of social media on individuals’ lives, highlighting both its necessity and draining aspects. He discusses how comments on social media can influence content creation and personal decisions, using his own experience of dealing with hair loss as an example. The episode emphasizes the need for education on handling criticism from strangers on the internet and developing a thick skin to cope with anonymous, relentless criticism. These insights provide valuable guidance for navigating the challenges of online platforms.

Confidence and Personal Growth

Mike delves into the sources of confidence, including financial comfort, physique, and lessons learned from previous experiences. He shares how his social confidence and confidence with women came from experience in relationships and being on YouTube, improving his ability to speak in front of the camera and entertain audiences. Despite improved confidence, he acknowledges the importance of alone time to recharge as an introverted individual. The episode highlights the significance of overcoming self-doubt and expressing opinions and ideas to foster personal and intellectual growth.

Challenges of Content Creation and Public Speaking

The episode explores the challenges of content creation and public speaking, focusing on the host’s experiences. It delves into the pressure of being a good host and the fear of feeling silly and being criticized on the internet. The host grapples with the desire to be seen as an expert and the discomfort of not having traditional credentials. The vulnerability and challenges of performing in front of an audience, whether as a podcaster or comedian, are also discussed. These insights provide an inside look into the struggles and growth opportunities of content creators.


Mike Thurston’s discussion on the harsh reality of trying to improve oneself provides valuable insights into topics such as body dysmorphia, the influence of social media, and the importance of confidence. By addressing these issues and sharing personal experiences, Mike offers guidance and perspective to listeners. The episode encourages individuals to embrace self-acceptance, prioritize personal growth, and navigate the challenges of content creation and public speaking. Overall, it serves as a reminder to focus on inner strength and authenticity in the pursuit of self-improvement.

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