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Modern Wisdom / #731 – Danny Polishchuk – Banned On Instagram, Britney Spears & Alex Jones | Modern Wisdom

#731 – Danny Polishchuk – Banned On Instagram, Britney Spears & Alex Jones | Modern Wisdom

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In this episode of the Modern Wisdom podcast, host Chris Williamson interviews Danny Polishchuk, a writer, YouTuber, comedian, and podcaster. They discuss a wide range of topics, including Instagram bans, the recent happenings of Britney Spears and Taylor Swift, the idea of getting a vasectomy to combat climate change, society’s obsession with germ protection, the future of comedy, and more.

Main Takeaways

Instagram Bans and Social Media

  • Danny Polishchuk shares his experience of being banned on Instagram and speculates about the reasons behind it.
  • Comedians heavily rely on Instagram and TikTok for promotion and reaching their audience.
  • The algorithm on social media platforms determines what users see, highlighting the lack of control users have over their content reach.

Britney Spears and Taylor Swift

  • The discussion revolves around the recent happenings of Britney Spears and Taylor Swift.
  • Concerns about Britney Spears’ mental health and well-being are raised.
  • Taylor Swift’s popularity and the exorbitant prices of her concert tickets are explored.

Vasectomy and Climate Change

  • Danny Polishchuk reflects on the idea of getting a vasectomy to address overpopulation and combat climate change.
  • The speaker questions the extreme measures some people take due to anxiety and fear about the future.
  • Discussions about the concept of doom and existence and the speaker’s decision not to have children.

Society’s Obsession with Germ Protection

  • The conversation explores whether society has gone too far in protecting against germs and pathogens.
  • Examples of overprotective parenting and the potential consequences of overly sterile environments are discussed.
  • The impact of cultural perceptions of skin color and the value assigned to substances are examined.

The Future of Comedy

  • The discussion delves into the future of comedy, including the shift in platform usage for comedians.
  • The pressure to be the first to comment on cultural topics and the challenges of releasing comedy specials are explored.
  • The decline of Comedy Central’s brand and the lack of successful comedy movies in recent years are discussed.


Instagram Bans and Social Media

Danny Polishchuk shares his personal experience of being banned on Instagram and speculates about the reasons behind it. Comedians heavily rely on platforms like Instagram and TikTok for promotion and reaching their audience. However, the algorithm on these platforms determines what users see, leaving users with limited control over their content reach.

Britney Spears and Taylor Swift

The recent happenings of Britney Spears and Taylor Swift are discussed. Concerns about Britney Spears’ mental health and well-being are raised, as her behavior on social media raises questions. Taylor Swift’s popularity and the exorbitant prices of her concert tickets are explored, with discussions about the impact on fans and the music industry.

Vasectomy and Climate Change

Danny Polishchuk reflects on the idea of getting a vasectomy as a means to address overpopulation and combat climate change. The speaker questions the extreme measures some people take due to anxiety and fear about the future, suggesting that humanity will find a way to overcome challenges. The decision not to have children is seen as a form of virtue signaling, with the speaker’s wife also expressing a desire not to have children.

Society’s Obsession with Germ Protection

The conversation explores whether society has gone too far in protecting against germs and pathogens. Examples of overprotective parenting and the potential consequences of overly sterile environments are discussed, highlighting the impact on individuals culturally, ideologically, psychologically, and emotionally. The cultural perceptions of skin color and the value assigned to substances are examined, showcasing the influence of societal norms and beliefs.

The Future of Comedy

The discussion delves into the future of comedy, including the shift in platform usage for comedians. The pressure to be the first to comment on cultural topics and the challenges of releasing comedy specials are explored, with a focus on the need for freshness and avoiding staleness in content. The decline of Comedy Central’s brand and the lack of successful comedy movies in recent years are discussed, indicating a changing landscape in the comedy industry.


This episode of the Modern Wisdom podcast covers a wide range of topics, from Instagram bans and the future of social media to the current happenings of Britney Spears and Taylor Swift. The conversation also delves into thought-provoking discussions about vasectomies, society’s obsession with germ protection, and the future of comedy. Listeners gain insights into the challenges faced by comedians in the digital age and the changing landscape of the comedy industry. Overall, this episode provides an engaging and informative exploration of various contemporary issues.

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