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99% Invisible / – 549 Trail Mix: Track Two

99% Invisible – 549- Trail Mix: Track Two

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In this episode of “99% Invisible” titled “Trail Mix: Track Two,” the host explores the history and significance of trails, from the Appalachian Trail to the Empire State Trail. The episode also delves into the cultural phenomenon of Gorp Kor, a fashion trend inspired by outdoor gear. Along the way, the host uncovers the connections between trails, nature, and human experiences.

Main Takeaways

The Appalachian Trail and its Evolution

  • The Appalachian Trail is a roughly 2,000 mile path that follows the spine of the Appalachian Mountains from Georgia to Maine.
  • It takes about three to six months to walk and is America’s oldest very long trail.
  • The AT is a kind of American pilgrimage due to its arduous nature on a day-to-day basis.
  • The trail was started by Benton McCay who had a dream of a wilderness space that would mirror the industrial beltway of the East Coast.
  • McCay’s original notion was not that people would be walking the entire trail in one go, but rather that they would be able to access it in sections to refresh their spirits.
  • Benton McCay envisioned the Appalachian Trail as a way to connect various outdoor sources of mental and physical health, but people ended up loving the idea of the trail itself more than anything else.
  • McCay did not anticipate the evolution of long distance hiking and the heroism associated with it, which eventually made the Appalachian Trail a popular pilgrimage destination.

Trails as Text and the International Appalachian Trail

  • Trails can be seen as a kind of text, an idea, a story, and a collection of scientific data surrounding geology.
  • Walking a trail is a collective creation of meaning, making meaning out of chaos, which is the most fundamental thing humans do.
  • The International Appalachian Trail was created to extend the logic of the Appalachian Mountains beyond Mount Katahdin and into Canada.
  • The International Appalachian Trail was later extended into Europe and North Africa, connecting different cultures and landscapes.

Gorp Kor and the Evolution of Outdoor Fashion

  • Gorp is another name for trail mix, which dates back over a century and goes by other names in different countries.
  • Gorp Kor is a fashion trend that involves dressing like you’re going hiking, even if you’re not, and has reached high fashion levels.
  • The idea of dressing for the wilderness, even if you’re not going to be there, has been around for a long time.
  • The desire for high-tech outdoor gear and clothing has been around since the beginning of what could be considered Gorp Core.
  • Gorp Core is a fashion trend that acknowledges the city as part of nature and the need for comfortable, functional clothing in both environments.
  • The next multi-part season of Articles of Interest will explore the history of clothing beyond Gorp Core.


The Appalachian Trail: A Pilgrimage and Evolution

The Appalachian Trail, spanning 2,000 miles along the Appalachian Mountains, holds a special place in American outdoor culture. Initially envisioned as a way to connect outdoor sources of mental and physical health, the trail has evolved into a pilgrimage destination. Benton McCay, the trail’s founder, did not anticipate the heroism and long-distance hiking culture that would emerge. The trail’s significance lies in its ability to create meaning and forge connections among hikers.

Trails as Text and the International Appalachian Trail

Trails, beyond their physical existence, can be seen as texts that tell stories and convey scientific data. Walking a trail is a collective act of creating meaning out of chaos. The International Appalachian Trail expands the logic of the Appalachian Mountains, connecting different cultures and landscapes across Canada, Europe, and North Africa.

Gorp Kor and the Evolution of Outdoor Fashion

Gorp Kor, a fashion trend inspired by outdoor gear, has gained popularity and even reached high fashion levels. The desire to dress for the wilderness, even in urban environments, has a long history. Gorp Core, a fashion trend acknowledging the city as part of nature, emphasizes the need for comfortable and functional clothing in both settings. The upcoming season of “Articles of Interest” will delve into the history of clothing beyond Gorp Core.


Trails hold a unique place in human experiences, offering opportunities for pilgrimage, connection, and self-discovery. Whether it’s the Appalachian Trail’s evolution, the International Appalachian Trail’s expansion, or the fashion trend of Gorp Kor, trails continue to shape our understanding of nature, culture, and ourselves.

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