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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / 99% Of People Listening to This Will Stay Broke – Will You Be The 1% That Builds Wealth? | Morgan Housel PT 1 | Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

99% Of People Listening to This Will Stay Broke – Will You Be The 1% That Builds Wealth? | Morgan Housel PT 1 | Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Tom interviews Morgan Housel, a partner at Collaborative Fund and a former columnist for The Motley Fool and The Wall Street Journal. They discuss the principles of wealth creation, the importance of mindset, and the impact of societal pressures on financial decisions.

Main Takeaways

Wealth Creation Principles

  • The odds of dying broke are high, but wealth creation is simple if you avoid doing dumb things.
  • The key to wealth creation is figuring out what you want, what you’re good at, and your risk tolerance.
  • Taking cues and advice from people playing a different game can be dangerous; be introspective and figure out what’s best for you.
  • All wealth comes from compounding, and the math behind it is not intuitive to most people.
  • Consistent and sustained effort leads to big fortunes in investing, whether you’re an entrepreneur or individual investor.

The Role of Societal Pressures

  • Societal pressures push people away from earning money, saving, and investing, causing people to spend more than they should.
  • Social pressures make it difficult to make good financial decisions, even if everyone is making great decisions and becoming richer.
  • Instagram and societal norms push people to spend more money and pursue more wealth, making it difficult to save.
  • Financial industry incentives prioritize churning in and out of investments, making it difficult for people to make sound financial decisions.
  • Incentives in the food industry prioritize taste and addiction over health.

The Power of Mindset

  • The biggest obstacle to generating wealth is your own mind.
  • Believing in oneself is a common denominator among successful people, regardless of their field.
  • There is no formula for wealth, but spending less than you make, investing what you save, and giving it time has worked over the last 120 years.
  • It’s harder to spend less than you make because of cultural pressures to pursue more money and constantly move the goalposts.
  • Successful people have an unrelenting belief in themselves, but also have an absolute terror inside that they’re not good enough to exist.

The Impact of Timing

  • Timing plays a significant role in success, as seen with the speaker’s success in social media before it became mainstream.
  • Luck can play a big role in early financial success.
  • Timing can also be a significant factor in financial success.
  • Success is not always replicable, as timing and circumstances can vary.


Wealth Creation Principles

Wealth creation is simple if you avoid doing dumb things and understand what you want, what you’re good at, and your risk tolerance. Compounding is the key to all wealth, but it requires consistent and sustained effort. It’s important to be introspective and not blindly follow advice from people playing a different game.

The Role of Societal Pressures

Societal pressures, fueled by social media and cultural norms, push people away from earning money, saving, and investing. These pressures make it difficult for individuals to make good financial decisions and prioritize long-term wealth creation over short-term gratification. The financial industry and food industry also have incentives that can hinder sound financial decision-making.

The Power of Mindset

One’s mindset plays a crucial role in generating wealth. Believing in oneself and having a deep sense of trust in the principles of spending less than you make, investing what you save, and giving it time are key. However, societal pressures and the fear of not being good enough can create mental obstacles that hinder financial success.

The Impact of Timing

Timing can significantly influence success, whether it’s being an early adopter in social media or capitalizing on favorable market conditions. Luck also plays a role in early financial success, and success may not always be replicable due to varying circumstances. Understanding the role of timing can help individuals navigate their financial journeys.


Building wealth requires avoiding dumb financial decisions, understanding oneself, and being consistent in efforts. Overcoming societal pressures and developing a strong mindset are crucial. Timing and luck can also influence financial success. By understanding these principles and factors, individuals can increase their chances of becoming part of the 1% who build wealth.

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