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Ted Talks Daily / A crash course in making political change | Katie Fahey | Ted Talks Daily

A crash course in making political change | Katie Fahey | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Katie Fahey shares her journey of discovering gerrymandering and mobilizing a political movement to end it in Michigan. Through grassroots efforts and the power of direct democracy, she and a group of passionate individuals were able to amend the state constitution and establish fair redistricting processes. Fahey’s story highlights the importance of community involvement and the potential for ordinary citizens to create political change.

Main Takeaways

Building a Political Movement

  • Katie Fahey, at 27, discovered gerrymandering and its impact on voting districts, leading to frustration and a desire for change (00:00:00)
  • Made a Facebook post out of frustration, asking for help to take on gerrymandering in Michigan (00:03:00)
  • Surprised by the overwhelming response, leading to a political movement of over 10,000 people and amending the state constitution (00:04:00)

The Power of Grassroots Movements

  • A Facebook post turned into a Facebook group that attracted amazing people who were passionate about world issues but not interested in traditional political volunteering (00:00:00)
  • The group included a diverse range of individuals, such as veterinarians, doctors, birthing doulas, butchers, veterans, and even 16-year-old kids (00:00:00)
  • The group identified campaign tasks and matched them with the unique skills of its members (00:00:00)

Overcoming Challenges with Creativity

  • The group faced the challenge of needing clipboards for gathering signatures but lacked funds to purchase them (00:00:00)
  • Several wood carvers in the group collaborated to create a plan to make clipboards by reserving wood from home depots and lows, cutting and assembling them, and adding features to make them more versatile and recognizable (00:00:00)
  • The clipboards were made for only 33 cents each, a significant cost reduction from the $11 retail price, thanks to the skills of the woodcarvers (00:00:00)

Establishing Fair Redistricting Processes

  • In Michigan, politicians were avoiding town halls due to criticism for passing unpopular laws
  • A new organization sought to engage constituents and gather input on redistricting
  • Surprisingly, there was a high turnout at every congressional district
  • Over 4,000 volunteers gathered 442,000 signatures in 110 days to support a constitutional amendment
  • The amendment passed with 61% of the state voting to end gerrymandering and establish an independent citizens redistricting commission
  • The commission comprised 13 regular citizens, representing a diverse mix of Democrats, Republicans, and independents
  • They engaged with the public to gather input and ensure the commission reflected the demographics of Michigan
  • Michigan passed the most fair maps after changing the Constitution for redistricting (00:00:00)
  • In the 2022 election, the people’s votes matched how elected representatives were chosen (00:00:00)
  • Changing the Constitution ensures future fair redistricting processes (00:00:00)

Empowering Individuals to Take Action

  • Encourages listeners to take action and not feel alone in wanting change (00:00:00)
  • Emphasizes that everyone can get involved in democracy, no need for expertise or permission (00:00:00)
  • Stresses the importance of community involvement in solving local problems (00:00:00)
  • Reminds everyone that political power lies within the people and encourages them to create the world they want to live in (00:00:00)


Building a Political Movement

Katie Fahey’s frustration with gerrymandering in Michigan led her to make a Facebook post seeking help. The response was overwhelming, resulting in a political movement of over 10,000 people. Together, they successfully amended the state constitution to end gerrymandering.

The Power of Grassroots Movements

What started as a Facebook post turned into a diverse Facebook group of passionate individuals. This group included people from various professions, such as veterinarians, doctors, birthing doulas, butchers, veterans, and even 16-year-old kids. By matching campaign tasks with the unique skills of its members, the group was able to effectively contribute to the movement.

Overcoming Challenges with Creativity

During the movement, the group faced the challenge of needing clipboards for gathering signatures but lacking funds to purchase them. However, several wood carvers in the group collaborated to create clipboards using reserved wood, cutting and assembling them, and adding features to make them more versatile and recognizable. This creative solution significantly reduced the cost per clipboard.

Establishing Fair Redistricting Processes

In response to politicians avoiding town halls, a new organization aimed to engage constituents and gather input on redistricting. The initiative saw a high turnout at every congressional district, with over 4,000 volunteers gathering 442,000 signatures in 110 days to support a constitutional amendment. The amendment passed with a majority vote, leading to the establishment of an independent citizens redistricting commission. This commission comprised regular citizens representing diverse political affiliations and engaged with the public to ensure fair representation.

Empowering Individuals to Take Action

Katie Fahey’s story serves as an inspiration for individuals to take action and make a difference. She encourages listeners to realize that they are not alone in wanting change and that everyone can get involved in democracy without needing expertise or permission. Fahey emphasizes the importance of community involvement in solving local problems and highlights that political power lies within the people.


Katie Fahey’s experience showcases the potential for ordinary individuals to make a significant impact on the political landscape. Through grassroots movements, creative problem-solving, and community involvement, she and a group of passionate individuals successfully ended gerrymandering in Michigan. Fahey’s story serves as a reminder that political change is possible and that anyone can contribute to creating a more just and fair society.

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