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The Daily / A New Threat: Surprise Hurricanes | The Daily

A New Threat: Surprise Hurricanes | The Daily

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the New York Times explores the new threat of surprise hurricanes, focusing on Hurricane Otis as a case study. The episode delves into the rapid intensification of storms, the challenges faced by meteorologists, and the need for better preparation and mitigation efforts. It also discusses the deadliest shooting of the year in Maine and the importance of addressing gun violence and domestic violence.

Main Takeaways

Threat of Surprise Hurricanes

  • Hurricane Otis reveals a new kind of threat that meteorologists fear will become more common: severe hurricanes that arrive with little warning or time to prepare.
  • Hurricane Otis rapidly intensified from a tropical storm to a category five hurricane in a matter of hours, making it one of the most terrifying, powerful, and destructive kinds of hurricanes.
  • The storm hit the West Coast of Mexico as the strongest storm that has ever hit the area, with winds of 165 miles per hour.
  • The storm arrived with very little warning, as hurricanes usually have a longer lead-up time for tracking and forecasting.
  • Rapid intensification of storms like Otis is becoming more common due to climate change.
  • Rapid intensification highlights the problem of evacuating people in time, which can lead to more deaths.
  • Meteorologists face immense pressure to accurately predict rapidly intensifying storms.
  • Better observations and more data from sensors in the Pacific Ocean can help improve forecast models to predict storm intensity.
  • Mitigation efforts such as building materials, avoiding building in floodplains, and having hurricane/tornado-proof shelters can help prepare coastal communities for storms.
  • Cutting back on emissions is a root cause of warming temperatures and can be a solution to prevent future nightmare scenarios.

Challenges in Forecasting and Preparation

  • The New York Times has developed an extreme weather team, consisting of a meteorologist and a data journalism team, to dive into the data of these extremes.
  • The reality that climate change and extreme weather are deeply interwoven is why the meteorologist is at the Times.
  • Hurricane Otis rapidly intensified from a tropical storm to a category five hurricane in 24 hours, which is beyond the definition of rapid intensification in meteorology terms.
  • The storm caused significant damage to buildings and infrastructure, with shattered windows and ripped-off palm leaves.
  • The storm arrived in the middle of the night, causing rain to come into people’s bedrooms while they were sleeping.
  • Hurricane Otis arrived in the middle of the night, causing extensive damage and resulting in 27 deaths, with more still missing.
  • Meteorologists forecast to save lives, and the ferociousness of storms like Otis emphasizes the need to prepare for the future.
  • Rapid intensification of storms due to warming waters in the ocean is a new reality that is changing the game for meteorologists.
  • “It’s almost like we turned back the clock a little bit on forecasting” – Meteorologist on the challenges of predicting rapid intensification of storms.
  • Contingency plans need to recognize that there may not be time to evacuate, and staying in the community may be necessary.

Gun Violence and Domestic Violence

  • The shooting in Maine was America’s deadliest shooting of the year, where at least 18 people were killed, and the suspect was a sergeant first class in the Army Reserve.
  • The shooter had a history of domestic violence and was able to purchase a firearm despite being prohibited from doing so.
  • The shooting highlights the need for better enforcement of existing gun laws and the importance of addressing domestic violence.
  • The shooter’s military background raises questions about the connection between military service and gun violence.
  • The tragedy underscores the ongoing issue of gun violence in the United States and the need for action to prevent future incidents.


Rapid Intensification of Hurricanes and Forecasting Challenges

Hurricane Otis serves as a prime example of the new threat of surprise hurricanes that arrive with little warning. The storm rapidly intensified from a tropical storm to a category five hurricane in a matter of hours, hitting the West Coast of Mexico with unprecedented strength. This rapid intensification is becoming more common due to climate change, as warmer water temperatures provide more energy to fuel storms. However, this poses challenges for meteorologists who strive to accurately predict and track these rapidly intensifying storms. While better observations and data can help improve forecast models, the unpredictability of these storms emphasizes the need for better preparation and mitigation efforts in coastal communities.

Addressing Gun Violence and Domestic Violence

The episode also highlights the deadliest shooting of the year in Maine and the connection between gun violence and domestic violence. The shooter, a sergeant first class in the Army Reserve, had a history of domestic violence and was able to purchase a firearm despite being prohibited from doing so. This tragedy underscores the need for better enforcement of existing gun laws and the importance of addressing domestic violence. It also raises questions about the connection between military service and gun violence, prompting a deeper examination of this issue. The ongoing problem of gun violence in the United States necessitates action to prevent future incidents.


As climate change continues to impact the world, surprise hurricanes and extreme weather events pose new threats that require attention and preparation. The rapid intensification of storms like Hurricane Otis highlights the challenges faced by meteorologists in accurately predicting and tracking these storms. Additionally, the episode emphasizes the need for better enforcement of gun laws and addressing domestic violence to prevent tragic incidents of gun violence. By taking proactive measures, such as cutting back on emissions and implementing mitigation efforts, society can work towards a safer and more resilient future.

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