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TED Radio Hour / Abandoned Places | TED Radio Hour

Abandoned Places | TED Radio Hour

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In this episode of the TED Radio Hour, we explore abandoned places and the remarkable stories of resilience, adaptation, and conservation that emerge from these forgotten spaces. From the Chernobyl exclusion zone to the impact of climate change on polar bears, we delve into the ways in which organisms and communities are responding to novel pressures and shaping their environments.

Main Takeaways

Thriving in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

  • The Chernobyl exclusion zone has been mostly empty of human life since the nuclear disaster nearly four decades ago.
  • Despite radiation exposure, the area’s apex predator, the grey wolf, has been thriving in the exclusion zone.
  • Wolves in Chernobyl have been there for about seven or eight generations, and have been exposed to radiation their entire lives.
  • Evolutionary biologists are studying how these wolves have genetically adapted to survive the radiation exposure.
  • Studying this process may lead to new insights into how organisms can survive and reproduce under novel pressures.

Adapting to Environmental Changes

  • Evolution is unfolding at a breakneck pace due to the changes humans are making to the planet.
  • Nature’s struggle to deal with the changes may lead to novel insights that can help our bodies deal with things we currently struggle with, allowing us to survive the changes we are making on this planet.
  • Animals are adapting to these changes in order to avoid extinction.
  • African elephants in Mozambique have adapted to poaching by evolving to not grow tusks.
  • Environmental change can lead to evolutionary change in order to track the environment.

The Circular Economy and Waste Reduction

  • Sharing and exchanging unused supplies can lead to a host system of value exchange.
  • A circular economy is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and move towards net zero.
  • Replay is a company that helps organizations catalog and reuse their possessions, creating connected networks of reuse.
  • Replay’s digital platform catalogs items like building materials, IT and industrial equipment, and furniture, reducing waste and creating a sustainable future.
  • Operationalizing circularity can lead to success in the market, as seen with REI.

Conservation Efforts and Climate Change

  • Polar bears are leaving their homes due to climate change, risking negative encounters with humans.
  • Non-lethal tools are being developed to protect both humans and polar bears.
  • Indigenous communities have a deep connection to polar bears and are working to protect them through traditional knowledge and conservation efforts.
  • Polar bears are also culturally significant in many countries, and their conservation can serve as a unifying cause for global climate action.
  • Education and action are crucial for protecting polar bears and future generations, and cutting carbon emissions is a key part of this effort.


Thriving in a Radioactive Environment

In the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the exclusion zone has become a unique laboratory for studying the resilience of organisms in the face of extreme radiation exposure. The grey wolves of Chernobyl, despite being exposed to radiation for several generations, have not only survived but thrived. Evolutionary biologists are studying how these wolves have genetically adapted to survive the radiation exposure, which may provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of survival and reproduction under novel pressures.

Adapting to Environmental Changes

As humans continue to cause rapid environmental change, organisms are adapting in order to avoid extinction. African elephants in Mozambique, for example, have evolved to not grow tusks as a response to poaching. This rapid adaptation highlights the potential for evolutionary change in the face of environmental challenges. By understanding how organisms adapt, we can gain valuable knowledge to help us navigate the changes we are making on this planet.

The Circular Economy and Waste Reduction

Addressing the issue of waste and moving towards a circular economy is crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and creating a sustainable future. Companies like Replay are helping organizations catalog and reuse their possessions, creating connected networks of reuse. Through digital platforms, items like building materials, IT equipment, and furniture can find new homes, reducing waste and minimizing the need for net new manufacturing. Operationalizing circularity can not only lead to environmental benefits but also economic success.

Conservation Efforts and Climate Change

The impact of climate change on polar bears serves as a warning sign for the health of the planet. As sea ice melts, polar bears face challenges in accessing food and habitat, leading to population declines. However, efforts are being made to protect polar bears and their habitats. Indigenous communities, with their deep connection to polar bears, are working on conservation efforts using traditional knowledge. Additionally, non-lethal tools and education are crucial for coexistence between humans and polar bears. The conservation of polar bears can also serve as a unifying cause for global climate action.


From the thriving wolves of Chernobyl to the adaptive elephants in Mozambique and the conservation efforts for polar bears, abandoned places and the challenges they present offer valuable lessons for understanding resilience, adaptation, and conservation. As humans continue to shape the world we live in, it is our responsibility to consider the impact of our actions and work towards a sustainable future that supports the resilience of both organisms and communities.

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