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The Daily Stoic / Adam Kinzinger On Doing The Unexpected And Freeing Ourselves From Fear | The Daily Stoic

Adam Kinzinger On Doing The Unexpected And Freeing Ourselves From Fear | The Daily Stoic

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast, Ryan Holiday interviews Adam Kinzinger, former congressman and Iraq and Afghanistan veteran pilot, on his book “Renegade: Defending Democracy and Liberty in Our Divided Country.” Kinzinger discusses the importance of taking a stand for what is right, even if it comes at a personal cost. The podcast also explores the concept of stoicism and how it applies to modern-day politics and crisis situations.

Main Takeaways

Standing Up for What is Right

  • Kinzinger emphasizes the importance of standing up for what is right, even if it costs you your job or relationships.
  • Stoicism is not just about politics; the ancient Stoics were known for taking stands against populist figures of their day.

Taking Action in Crisis Situations

  • In a crisis situation, 50% of people will run, 40% will freeze, and only 10% will act.
  • Kinzinger shares a personal experience of intervening in a violent attack on a woman and highlights the importance of taking action in a crisis.
  • Preparing oneself mentally for crisis situations and building the muscle to act is crucial.

Dealing with Fear and Trust Issues

  • Fear of consequences and trust issues can prevent people from doing the right thing in crisis situations.
  • Disciplining oneself to take action in dangerous situations is a big decision, but it is important for personal growth.
  • Building the muscle of being a responsible person who gets involved can be beneficial.

Handling Stress and Transitions

  • Handling stress and emotions is crucial in crisis situations, and mental discipline plays a significant role.
  • Transitions, whether leaving professional sports, the military, or office, can be difficult without support systems.
  • Dealing with stress every day requires the ability to handle emotions and stresses effectively.

Moral Courage and Taking a Stand

  • Moral courage is a muscle that needs to be built by exposing oneself to high-stress situations.
  • Admitting wrongdoing and speaking out disarms the fear of being questioned or judged.
  • Taking a moral stand can be ego-driven, but it is necessary for progress.

Embracing Change and Pursuing Happiness

  • Leaving a secure job to pursue something new can be scary, but sometimes it’s necessary for personal growth and happiness.
  • Money doesn’t necessarily equate to happiness; lifestyle changes, relationships, and personal decisions play a more significant role.
  • Practicing gratitude and focusing on the positive aspects of life can improve overall well-being.


Standing Up for What is Right

Adam Kinzinger emphasizes the importance of standing up for what is right, even if it comes at a personal cost. He draws parallels between ancient Stoics who took stands against populist figures and the need for modern-day politicians to do the same. Kinzinger’s book, “Renegade: Defending Democracy and Liberty in Our Divided Country,” explores this concept further.

Taking Action in Crisis Situations

Kinzinger shares a personal experience of intervening in a violent attack on a woman, highlighting the importance of taking action in crisis situations. He discusses the factors that influence the decision to act, such as past experiences and current circumstances. Kinzinger emphasizes the need to prepare oneself mentally for crisis situations and build the muscle to act, as well as the importance of preventing regrets by taking action.

Dealing with Fear and Trust Issues

Kinzinger explores the fear of consequences and trust issues that can prevent people from doing the right thing in crisis situations. He discusses the discipline required to overcome these fears and build the muscle of being a responsible person who gets involved. Kinzinger acknowledges that taking action in dangerous situations is a big decision but emphasizes the personal growth and benefits that come with it.

Handling Stress and Transitions

Kinzinger discusses the importance of handling stress and emotions in crisis situations, emphasizing the role of mental discipline. He also highlights the challenges of transitions, such as leaving professional sports, the military, or office, and the need for support systems during these times. Kinzinger emphasizes the importance of being able to handle stress and emotions effectively in everyday life.

Moral Courage and Taking a Stand

Kinzinger explores the concept of moral courage and the need to build it by exposing oneself to high-stress situations. He discusses the importance of admitting wrongdoing and speaking out, as it disarms the fear of being questioned or judged. Kinzinger acknowledges that taking a moral stand can sometimes be ego-driven but emphasizes its necessity for progress.

Embracing Change and Pursuing Happiness

Kinzinger discusses the fear and excitement associated with embracing change and pursuing happiness. He emphasizes that leaving a secure job to pursue something new can be scary but necessary for personal growth and happiness. Kinzinger challenges the notion that money equates to happiness and highlights the importance of lifestyle changes, relationships, and personal decisions in finding fulfillment. He also explores concepts such as “hygge” and “ikigai” that contribute to greater happiness.


Adam Kinzinger’s interview on “The Daily Stoic” podcast highlights the importance of standing up for what is right, taking action in crisis situations, overcoming fear and trust issues, handling stress and transitions, embracing moral courage, and pursuing happiness. His insights provide valuable lessons for individuals navigating challenging times and seeking personal growth and fulfillment.

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