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Master of Scale / AI + You | 5 ways to ethically build — and use — AI | Master of Scale

AI + You | 5 ways to ethically build — and use — AI | Master of Scale

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In this episode of the “Master of Scale” podcast, the focus is on the ethical use of AI in the classroom. The conversation explores the potential benefits and challenges of incorporating AI in education, as well as the importance of responsible AI development. The episode emphasizes the need for human-centered AI and the role of diverse stakeholders in shaping its future.

Main Takeaways

Exploring AI in Education

  • Students are beginning to explore how they can use AI to help with their schoolwork.
  • Teachers believe that using AI at middle school can be detrimental to students’ education.
  • AI can be a useful tool for teachers in grading and lesson planning.
  • Research is a good use of AI in the classroom.
  • There is a huge potential for ethical use of AI in the classroom.

The Role of AI in Personalized Education

  • AI has huge potential as a personalized teacher, especially for those without access to good schools.
  • Students and teachers are challenging their own human values around AI.
  • Generation AI needs to be taught responsible use and good cyber citizenship.
  • Educators should incorporate AI as a learning tool that aligns with human values.
  • To ethically build and use AI, a human must always be at the center.

Ethical Considerations in AI Development

  • AI must be developed and used ethically to have a positive impact on humanity.
  • AI models are trained on data with human biases, so we must keep human values in mind.
  • Ethical guardrails must be put in place and maintained by experts in AI development.
  • Everyone must have a say in the development and use of AI, including diverse stakeholders.
  • The way businesses implement AI and establish cultural approaches will have tangible repercussions.

User Safety and Responsible AI Use

  • Diversity of expertise and representation is crucial in crafting the safest AI rollout, including racial and gender diversity.
  • Lack of diversity in AI research can eliminate potentially gifted and mission-driven minds and lead to values not representative of humanity as a whole.
  • The nonprofit AI for All focuses on inviting young people from underserved and underrepresented communities to participate in AI and become tomorrow’s leaders.
  • Building future AI systems without inherent bias is the only way to ensure an AI future rooted in ethics.
  • Prioritizing user safety above all else is crucial in ensuring ethical AI, and developers should ask themselves who they are serving.

Ethical Implications and Challenges

  • Having an advertiser pay for AI services can lead to the AI being beholden to them, rather than the end user.
  • Subscription models may be a wise choice for developers to avoid these risks in the short term.
  • Ethical AI and user safety should be baked into the culture of a company, rather than just being an additive.
  • A wider social responsibility can be embraced through a legal commitment, such as a public benefit corporation.
  • Inflection AI’s personal assistant model, PI, prioritizes safety by having strict guardrails to prevent prompt hack and being respectful but firm in interactions.


Exploring AI in Education

AI is being explored by students as a tool to assist with schoolwork, but teachers have concerns about its impact on education. However, AI can be valuable for tasks like grading and lesson planning, as well as conducting research. The potential for ethical use of AI in the classroom is immense.

The Role of AI in Personalized Education

AI has the potential to serve as a personalized teacher, particularly for students who lack access to quality education. However, it is essential to address the ethical implications and ensure that students are taught responsible use and good cyber citizenship. Educators should incorporate AI in a way that aligns with human values, with humans always at the center of AI development and use.

Ethical Considerations in AI Development

Ethical development and use of AI are crucial for its positive impact on humanity. Since AI models are trained on biased data, it is important to keep human values in mind. Experts in AI development should establish and maintain ethical guardrails, and diverse stakeholders should have a say in AI’s development and use. The way businesses implement AI will have significant consequences.

User Safety and Responsible AI Use

User safety should be prioritized in AI development, and diversity in expertise and representation is vital for crafting safe AI systems. Lack of diversity in AI research can lead to values that do not represent humanity as a whole. Initiatives like AI for All aim to involve underserved communities in AI and build a future without bias. Responsible AI use requires developers to consider who they are serving and to ensure ethical implications are addressed.

Ethical Implications and Challenges

Monetization of AI services can lead to potential ethical issues, as advertisers may influence AI behavior. Subscription models can mitigate these risks. Ethical AI and user safety should be integrated into a company’s culture. A wider social responsibility can be embraced through legal commitments like public benefit corporations. Inflection AI’s personal assistant model, PI, focuses on safety and respectful interactions.


The ethical use of AI in education requires careful consideration and a human-centered approach. It is crucial to address the potential benefits and challenges of AI in the classroom, while ensuring user safety and responsible AI use. Collaboration among diverse stakeholders and a focus on building ethical AI systems will pave the way for a future that benefits humanity as a whole.

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