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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / Alcohol, Sugar & Weed Are Worse Than You Think! – The Man Who Predicts When You’ll Die | Gary Brecka PT 1 | Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

Alcohol, Sugar & Weed Are Worse Than You Think! – The Man Who Predicts When You’ll Die | Gary Brecka PT 1 | Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

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In this episode of “Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu,” Tom interviews Gary Brecka, a health optimization practitioner and founder of Streamline Medical Group. They discuss the impact of addiction and the importance of optimizing our biology for success. Gary shares insights on how to overcome addiction, improve emotional states, and optimize overall health.

Main Takeaways

Overcoming Addiction and Achieving Success

  • Discipline is necessary to achieve success and requires cutting out things that hold you back.
  • Addiction to alcohol, sugar, weed, and social media can lead to a pattern of mediocrity.
  • Addiction is driven by a dopamine deficiency, which can lead to shifting addictive behaviors.
  • Most addiction begins as a search for normalcy and feeling normal.
  • Healthy addictions, such as triathlons, can replace unhealthy ones.
  • Addictions can be habitual behaviors that lower quality of life.

Emotional States and Well-being

  • Passion needs to outweigh problems for extraordinary success.
  • Elevated emotional states (happiness, joy, passion) are tied to oxygen in the body.
  • Low frequency emotions (anger, jealousy) are low oxidative emotions.
  • Purpose is important in avoiding vices that can damage mental and metabolic health.
  • Recreational drugs and alcohol can be a big deal if they take you off your game.
  • People struggle to maintain elevated emotional states due to physiology.

Optimizing Health and Mental Fitness

  • The basics for optimizing health are light, oxygen, and contact with the earth.
  • Sugar consumption has gone up 400 fold since 1964.
  • Mental and psychiatric illnesses can have roots in blood sugar.
  • Diet and supplementation have a massive impact on our capacity to function.
  • Industrial processing of seed oils can make them toxic and harmful to health.
  • Genetic testing can help identify deficiencies and allow for targeted supplementation for optimal health.

Managing Anxiety and ADHD/ADD

  • Anxiety triggers a flood of catecholamines in the brain, even in imagined situations.
  • Impaired catecholamine regulation can lead to a state of anxiety.
  • Deficiencies in simple nutrients like B vitamins can lead to anxiety, sleep issues, and gut problems.
  • Diet and target supplementation can significantly impact ADHD/ADD symptoms.
  • Sunlight, sleep, and blood sugar control are important foundations for overall health, but diet is also crucial for ADHD/ADD management.


Overcoming Addiction and Achieving Success

Discipline is crucial for achieving success, and it involves cutting out things that hold you back. Addiction to alcohol, sugar, weed, and social media can lead to a pattern of mediocrity. Addiction is driven by a dopamine deficiency, which can cause a shift in addictive behaviors. Most addiction starts as a search for normalcy, a desire to feel normal. However, healthy addictions, like engaging in triathlons, can replace unhealthy ones and improve overall quality of life.

Emotional States and Well-being

Passion needs to outweigh problems for extraordinary success. Elevated emotional states, such as happiness, joy, and passion, are tied to the presence of oxygen in the body. Conversely, low frequency emotions like anger and jealousy are low oxidative emotions. Having a sense of purpose is crucial in avoiding vices that can damage mental and metabolic health. Recreational drugs and alcohol can significantly impact performance and should be managed carefully. Many people struggle to maintain elevated emotional states due to physiological factors.

Optimizing Health and Mental Fitness

Optimizing health involves focusing on the basics: light, oxygen, and contact with the earth. Sugar consumption has dramatically increased over the years and can have negative effects on mental and psychiatric health. Industrial processing of seed oils can make them toxic and harmful to overall well-being. Genetic testing can help identify deficiencies in nutrients and allow for targeted supplementation to optimize health. Taking care of diet and avoiding harmful substances can have a massive impact on our capacity to function optimally.

Managing Anxiety and ADHD/ADD

Anxiety triggers a flood of catecholamines in the brain, even in imagined situations. Impaired regulation of catecholamines can lead to a state of anxiety. Deficiencies in simple nutrients like B vitamins can worsen anxiety, sleep issues, and gut problems. Proper diet and targeted supplementation can significantly impact symptoms of ADHD/ADD. Sunlight exposure, quality sleep, and blood sugar control are foundational for overall health, but diet plays a crucial role in managing ADHD/ADD symptoms.


Optimizing our biology and taking care of our health are essential for achieving success and living a fulfilling life. By understanding the impact of addiction, emotional states, and proper nutrition, we can make informed choices to improve our overall well-being. Discipline, passion, and purpose are key factors in overcoming challenges and achieving extraordinary success. Taking care of our mental and physical health enables us to optimize our potential and live our best lives.

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