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Huberman Lab / AMA #13: Winter Months & Sickness, Wim Hof Breathing & Stressors | Huberman Lab

AMA #13: Winter Months & Sickness, Wim Hof Breathing & Stressors | Huberman Lab

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The “Huberman Lab” podcast is a science-based show that explores tools and techniques for everyday life. The podcast also has a premium subscriber channel, which supports research at Stanford and other institutions. The premium channel funds studies on mental health, physical health, and human performance, with the Tiny Foundation matching the amount raised. Subscriptions to the premium channel are available at different price points, including a lifetime subscription option.

Main Takeaways

Prevalence of Colds and Flus in Winter Months

  • Research shows a greater prevalence of colds and flus during the winter months.
  • Shorter days and colder temperatures lead to increased cold and flu prevalence.
  • Physical proximity is a key variable in the transmission of cold and flu.
  • Exchange of skin contact and saliva further increases the transmission of cold and flu.
  • Staying away from sick individuals is justified, especially during the winter months.

Importance of Nasal Breathing and Air Humidity

  • Nasal breathing acts as a barrier against infections, trapping viruses in the nasal passages.
  • Humidifying the air can help keep nasal passages and respiratory pathways healthy.
  • Mouth breathing is linked to higher prevalence of allergies and respiratory illnesses.
  • Humidifying the air, avoiding proximity to sick individuals, and encouraging hygiene can help prevent illness.

Effects of Cold Weather and Deliberate Cold Exposure

  • Cold weather leads to increased indoor activity and closer physical proximity, increasing the transmission of cold and flu.
  • Deliberate cold exposure and cyclic hyperventilation breathing can be used to prevent infections.
  • Lowering fever with medication may have implications for the body’s ability to fight off viruses.
  • Cold showers and plunges in winter may impact susceptibility to colds and flus.

Premium Channel and Research Support

  • The premium channel of the “Huberman Lab” podcast supports research on mental health, physical health, and performance.
  • Subscribers gain access to Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions and exclusive content.
  • Signing up for the premium channel helps fund research and supports the podcast.


Prevalence of Colds and Flus in Winter Months

During the winter months, the prevalence of colds and flus is higher due to people spending more time indoors and in closer proximity. Research has shown that physical proximity and exchange of skin contact and saliva contribute to the transmission of cold and flu viruses. Shorter days and colder temperatures also play a role in increased transmission. Staying away from sick individuals, especially during winter, is justified to reduce the risk of contracting colds and flus.

Importance of Nasal Breathing and Air Humidity

Nasal breathing is crucial for respiratory health and resistance to viruses. The nasal passages act as a barrier, trapping viruses with hairs, mucus, and the microbiome. Humidifying the air, especially at night, can help keep nasal passages and respiratory pathways healthy and resistant to colds and flus. Mouth breathing, on the other hand, is linked to a higher prevalence of allergies and respiratory illnesses. Practicing good hygiene and avoiding proximity to sick individuals can further prevent illness.

Effects of Cold Weather and Deliberate Cold Exposure

Cold weather leads to increased indoor activity and closer physical proximity, increasing the transmission of cold and flu viruses. Deliberate cold exposure and cyclic hyperventilation breathing can be used to prevent infections, but caution should be exercised if already contracting a cold or virus. Lowering fever with medication may hinder the body’s ability to fight off viruses. Cold showers and plunges in winter may impact susceptibility to colds and flus. Balancing exposure to cold and maintaining core body temperature is important for overall health.

Premium Channel and Research Support

The premium channel of the “Huberman Lab” podcast supports research on mental health, physical health, and performance. Subscribers gain access to exclusive content, including Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions and transcripts. Signing up for the premium channel helps fund research and supports the podcast’s mission to provide science-based tools for everyday life.


As winter months bring about an increased prevalence of colds and flus, it is important to understand the factors contributing to transmission and take necessary precautions. Nasal breathing, humidifying the air, and practicing good hygiene can help prevent illness. The “Huberman Lab” podcast’s premium channel offers an opportunity to support research on mental and physical health, while also gaining access to exclusive content and AMA sessions.

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