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PBD Podcast / Ana Kasparian | PBD Podcast | Ep. 320 | PBD Podcast

Ana Kasparian | PBD Podcast | Ep. 320 | PBD Podcast

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, host Patrick Bet-David interviews Ana Kasparian, a political commentator, media host, and journalist. Kasparian is the main host and producer on the online TV show Young Turks. In this interview, she discusses her background, her views on the media landscape, and her thoughts on various political and social issues.

Main Takeaways

Ana Kasparian’s Background and Career

  • Ana Kasparian is a political commentator, media host, and journalist.
  • She is the main host and producer on the online TV show Young Turks.
  • Kasparian is a controversial figure who is fiery, energized, and smart.
  • She went to high school in Van Nuys, California, and graduated from a school that no longer exists.
  • The speaker is the daughter of two Armenian immigrants who fled Soviet-era Armenia.
  • Her interest in journalism was sparked by watching ABC’s 2020 and Barbara Walters’ interviews.
  • Legacy media outlets don’t fit in society today.
  • Working in traditional news was boring and lacked mental stimulation.
  • The Young Turks provided refreshing and truthful reporting.
  • Quitting a stable job for TYT was a risk, but the best decision made.

Media Landscape and Trust in Media

  • Americans’ trust in media hits historical low.
  • Trust in media has fallen to a historic low, with only 32% of Americans having confidence that news is reported in a fair and accurate way.
  • Record high numbers of Americans, 39%, report not trusting the media at all, with the sentiment dip driven by Democrats and independents.
  • Polarization in the American electorate is reflected in how the media conducts itself, with certain outlets catering to specific portions of the audience and leading to ideological bubbles.
  • Mistakes made by legacy media add up in people’s minds and lead to distrust, with intentional misreporting sometimes being a factor.
  • Personal accountability is important in doing due diligence and seeking out all sides of a story, as relying solely on certain sources can lead to misinformation.
  • Having a diverse media diet is important to understand what’s happening in the world.
  • Relying on one news source or thinking that traditional media outlets are the most credible can lead to misinformation.
  • Personal accountability is important in seeking out all sides of a story.
  • In 2016, Republicans had a higher level of skepticism towards the media than Democrats.

Views on Trump and Biden

  • Shamaat, a billionaire former owner of the Golden State Warriors, recently gave an honest assessment of Trump’s presidency, acknowledging his accomplishments in avoiding worsening situations around wars and being willing to negotiate with other leaders.
  • Shemaat, a billionaire former owner of the Golden State Warriors, believes that despite not liking Trump, he would rather have him than Biden due to concerns about the current state of the world.
  • Concerns about Trump are not policy-related, but rather about his lack of value for liberal democracy and potential to disempower other branches of government to increase executive power.
  • The biggest issues with Trump’s policies were his treatment of migrants, but Biden continued many of those policies until a federal judge intervened.
  • There is a double standard among Democrats in criticizing Trump for policies they are now quiet about under Biden.
  • While there are differences between Trump and a typical corporate Democrat, there are also similarities, particularly in issues that Democratic voters claim to have a problem with Trump on.
  • There is a concern that Trump may not leave after his term is over and may try to increase executive power.

Transgender Issues and Parental Rights

  • Anna Kasparian, a progressive media host, received backlash for criticizing the term “birthing person” as degrading to women, but stood firm in her stance.
  • Transgender activists clarified that the term was meant to include trans men and non-binary people in discussions about pregnancy.
  • The speaker is evolving and growing in their policies and beliefs.
  • Persuading people takes effort and strength, which is lacking in America today.
  • The speaker does not like to be bullied or pressured into saying or believing things they don’t agree with.
  • The speaker prefers to be called a woman rather than a “birthing person”.
  • The speaker supports transgender people and their right to live with dignity, but disagrees with changing terminology for women who prefer to be called women.
  • The speaker believes that certain sexual aspects of the transgender movement are going too far and turning people off.
  • The transgender movement is turning people off and becoming counterproductive.
  • Proper protocols need to be in place for kids transitioning to ensure they are legitimately transgender.
  • The decision to transition should be left between parents and doctors, but there are concerns about the lack of proper protocols being followed.
  • The speaker believes that parents play an important role in shaping their children’s future aspirations.
  • The speaker believes that voting should be earned by contributing to society, such as paying taxes and having a job.
  • The speaker encourages parents to be less tolerant of their children’s stupidity and insanity, such as getting tattoos at a young age.
  • The speaker supports parental rights and disagrees with schools and districts keeping parents in the dark about their child’s transitioning.
  • The speaker believes that protocols and safeguards should be in place in the medical industry for transitioning, but parents should have the right to consent to their child’s transition.
  • The speaker is okay with pre-18 puberty blockers but does not support surgeries or taking cross-sex hormones.
  • Long-term use of puberty blockers can have damaging side effects.
  • Suicide rates among transgender people are real and need to be addressed.
  • Policies should be implemented to cause the least harm to people.
  • It is not up to anyone to decide what the right course of action is for others.
  • The distraction caused by debates on what defines a woman in American society.
  • The importance of focusing on pressing issues such as national debt, inflation, and global conflicts.
  • The lack of clear tests for mental illnesses and the profitability of big pharma in the transition industry.
  • The need to question the motives behind the push for transitions and puberty blockers.
  • Public schools are pushing a dangerous agenda of separating kids from parental decisions.
  • Mental health experts recommend processing and counseling with parents involved, while schools want to ratify and separate.
  • Suicides among teens are often linked to isolation and hopelessness.
  • Parents need to be responsible for the words they use with their children.
  • Assumptions that all parents will react negatively to a child’s gender identity are harmful.
  • Parents should have the right to support their children through gender identity issues.
  • The increase in sex reassignment surgeries may be driven by the profitable business model of the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The pharmaceutical industry has a significant presence in lobbying, with big pharma spending over $2 billion on lobbying in the last 24 years.
  • The push for LGBTQ+ rights is being exploited by the pharmaceutical industry for profit.
  • Politicians are investing in individual stocks and making money off of insider information, leading to distrust in institutions.
  • Money in politics and corporate lobbying lead to policies that don’t benefit ordinary Americans.

California Politics and Governor Newsom

  • California under Governor Newsom has been described as a “shit show” by leftist commentator Ana Kasparian.
  • Despite failures in leadership, California still has potential for improvement.
  • California legislature has decriminalized but refused to regulate prostitution and drugs, leading to unsafe and unregulated activities on the streets.
  • Decriminalization disempowers the system and law enforcement, leaving sex workers vulnerable to sex trafficking and without protection.
  • Taxpayer money is being funneled to nonprofits that buy crack pipes to hand out at Skid Row, with executives making half a million dollars a year.
  • High taxes in California are not being put to good use, with $13 billion spent on combating homelessness going to trash nonprofits.
  • Experiences in California have made the speaker question left-wing ideology and leadership.
  • California Governor Newsom visited China to enhance cooperation between China and California.
  • Discussions included climate progress and combating transnational shipping of precursor chemicals for synthetic drugs.
  • Speaker questions Newsom’s leadership in California and his motive for visiting China.
  • Newsom’s policies have increased crime in California and banned bulletproof vests.
  • The speaker believes Newsom is putting on a stage show and the fixes are in.
  • People vote based on vibes and California voters are not politically aware.
  • Far left activists have taken control of the Democratic Party in California.
  • Governor Newsom released prisoners during COVID-19, including violent offenders.
  • The released prisoners ended up on the streets, likely leading to increased crime rates.
  • Newsom is likely to run for president in the future, but may have to pivot away from far-left policies to win a general election.
  • Californians tend to vote Democrat and may not be easily swayed towards independent candidates.
  • Gavin Newsom is a force to be reckoned with in politics, dominating Hannity and meeting with other candidates.
  • Newsom has sold out the American people to corporate interests, such as PG&E, resulting in devastating wildfires.
  • Controlled burns are necessary to prevent wildfires, but communities don’t like them due to temporary air quality issues.
  • Newsom is heavily influenced by corporate interests, such as pharmaceutical companies and lobbyists.
  • Newsom pushes for green energy and electric cars in California, but PG&E has asked for a choice between rebuilding trans lines or providing more kilowatt opportunity for charging electric cars.
  • PG&E is facing a choice between rebuilding transmission lines or providing more kilowatt opportunity for charging electric cars.
  • Governor Newsom made the trade to build more capacity for electric cars.

Gun Control and Mass Shootings

  • Mass shooting in Maine has left 22 people dead and 30 injured.
  • The shooter, Robert Card, is a 40-year-old Army Reservist with reported mental health issues.
  • The FBI is being criticized for dropping the ball on preventing these types of shootings and there needs to be more focus on mental health rather than just gun control.
  • There needs to be more focus on mental health in addition to gun control in preventing shootings.
  • Each state has its own gun laws, some of which include red flag laws.
  • The shooter would have legally been able to buy any gun he wanted if he had not been in a mental health facility.
  • Both sides of the gun violence debate are right, but talking past each other.
  • Sensationalized media coverage has led to desensitization towards mass shootings.
  • New Hampshire is hosting the first primary of the election season in February, just an hour away from where a mass shooting occurred.
  • RFK is making noise about gun violence, having lost his father and uncle to it.
  • America has become desensitized to mass shootings due to sensationalized media coverage.
  • Common sense solutions to gun control include closing the gun show loophole and transferring ownership of guns with serial numbers.
  • Daniel Patrick Monahan signed legislation under the Kennedy administration to close mental health institutions, leading to the deinstitutionalization of mentally ill people who were left homeless.
  • Government failed to establish community centers for the mentally ill, leading to deinstitutionalization and homelessness.
  • Authorities are concerned about the skilled manhunt suspect with military training and firearms.
  • Poll shows increasing support for political violence among both Republicans and Democrats.
  • 23% of respondents believe Patriots may have to resort to violence to save the United States.
  • Support for political violence has exceeded 20% for the first time and has increased regardless of political party affiliation.
  • There’s a higher percentage of right-wingers who believe in resorting to violence, which is terrifying.
  • Violence to save the country makes no sense and destroys the fabric of the country.
  • Patriotism is the feeling of love and devotion to one’s country, and a patriot is someone who vigorously supports their country.
  • We need to work out our differences in elections and the political realm, and violence should never be an acceptable solution.
  • Some Americans feel their government is actively trying to destroy the country.
  • Government’s failure to address crime and open borders is a concern for some.
  • Parents speaking up at school board meetings are being labeled domestic terrorists.
  • Government lies to citizens about various issues, including the origins of COVID-19.
  • Violence is not an acceptable solution, but Americans need to work out their differences in elections and the political realm.
  • Violence is not a solution to fix the problems in the system.
  • Parents at school boards got organized and got the results they wanted.
  • Cooler heads need to prevail and think strategically to get policies and politicians elected.
  • People on both sides preaching for civil war is a recipe for disaster.
  • The show aims to bring in people from all sides to have a conversation and see what’s what.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

  • Former head of Israeli military intelligence, Amos Yadlin, emphasizes Israel’s intent to destroy Hamas and Gaza, comparing them to a neighboring attacking country.
  • Former head of Israeli military intelligence, Amos Yadlin, expresses concern about potential hostage situations and suggests a combination of operational aids and humanitarian negotiations for release.
  • Netanyahu did not intentionally allow the recent conflict to happen, but may have taken their eye off the ball due to the power grab in Israeli politics.
  • Security in Israel is high, starting at the airport, but it took six hours for a response to the recent conflict.
  • Ron Paul suggests that Israel created Hamas to fight Yasser Erifat.
  • American weapons and funds are being used to kill Palestinians in Gaza.
  • American involvement in creating and supporting groups like Hamas has led to blowback and unintended consequences.
  • American interventions in areas like Iraq and Palestine have often been disastrous.
  • The current situation in Palestine involves ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by the Israeli government and IDF.
  • The creation and support of groups like Hamas and the Taliban have led to the creation of monsters that are difficult to control.
  • There is a need for nuanced views on the situation in Palestine and a focus on American interests rather than blindly supporting allies like Israel.
  • Bombing innocent civilians in Palestine is not the right way to get Hamas and will not keep Israel safe in the long term.
  • Nuanced views on the situation in Palestine are needed, and a focus on American interests rather than blindly supporting allies like Israel.
  • There is a way of supporting Israel without justifying what they’re currently doing in the Gaza Strip.
  • The majority of civilians living in the Gaza Strip weren’t even born at the time that Hamas was voted in, and half of them are under the age of 18.
  • Hamas using Palestinians as human shields is not a justification to indiscriminately bomb the region, knowing that innocent civilians will end up dying.
  • Armenians faced similar forced displacement and genocide.
  • Israel has a right to defend itself, but how it defends itself is important.
  • Indiscriminate bombing of Gaza will not make Israeli civilians safer and breeds more extremism.
  • Innocent people in Gaza do not deserve the death and destruction they are facing.
  • Hamas using Palestinians as human shields is not a justification to bomb the region indiscriminately.
  • The United States funds the Iron Dome that intercepts rockets, keeping Israel safe.
  • Bombing the Gaza Strip breaks international laws pertaining to war and constitutes war crimes.
  • The current situation creates an unsafe future for Israel.
  • Hamas is the government running Gaza and their founding principle is the annihilation of everybody in Israel.
  • Nobody wants innocent kids and civilians to be dying, but when terrorists are embedded in schools and hospitals and homes, it becomes difficult to avoid civilian casualties.
  • The Israeli government has no problem with settlers raining terror on people living in the West Bank, which is not governed by Hamas.
  • Building illegal settlements in the West Bank shows the bad faith of the current Israeli government.
  • The Gaza Strip activity makes it clear that Israel wants to rid that area of Palestinians.
  • Hospitals are bombed because Hamas embeds themselves there, not because they want to see innocent people die.
  • Israel is the United States’ most powerful ally in the Middle East.
  • Israel is the United States’ most powerful ally in the Middle East.
  • Families who have lost loved ones to conflict will never forget.
  • Underground cities built by terrorists in the Middle East are massive and strategic.
  • Netanyahu wants Israel to be 100% Israeli Jews with no refugees.
  • America first policy could lead to retaliation from countries seeking revenge, including Iran.
  • Lack of strong leadership in the US could lead to retaliation from other countries in the future.
  • A stronger president could impose fear on other countries and prevent them from taking action.
  • The current America first policy could lead to revenge-seeking from countries like Iran.
  • Strong leadership in the US can make other countries pump their brakes before taking any action.

Other Topics Discussed

  • Arkansas governor may sign an executive order banning “woke” words in state documents.
  • 42 attorneys general allege Facebook and Instagram features are addictive and target kids.
  • Supreme Court could soon change internet censorship rules.
  • Bud Light partners with UFC after a friendly meeting between Dana White and the CEO.
  • Quick background research was done on the shooter before the recent shooting incident.
  • American Hartford Gold is a trusted precious metal dealer that offers buyback commitment and amazing customer service.
  • The Young Turks on YouTube is a project worth checking out.


Ana Kasparian’s Background and Career

Ana Kasparian is a political commentator, media host, and journalist known for her role as the main host and producer on the online TV show Young Turks. She has a fiery and energized personality and is considered a controversial figure. Kasparian’s interest in journalism was sparked by watching ABC’s 2020 and Barbara Walters’ interviews. She believes that legacy media outlets no longer fit in today’s society and that working in traditional news was boring and lacked mental stimulation. Taking a risk, she quit a stable job for TYT, which she considers the best decision she made.

Media Landscape and Trust in Media

Americans’ trust in media has hit a historical low, with only 32% having confidence that news is reported in a fair and accurate way. Record high numbers of Americans, 39%, report not trusting the media at all, with the sentiment dip driven by Democrats and independents. The polarization in the American electorate is reflected in how the media conducts itself, with certain outlets catering to specific portions of the audience and leading to ideological bubbles. Mistakes made by legacy media add up in people’s minds and lead to distrust, with intentional misreporting sometimes being a factor. Personal accountability is important in doing due diligence and seeking out all sides of a story, as relying solely on certain sources can lead to misinformation. Having a diverse media diet is crucial to understand what’s happening in the world.

Views on Trump and Biden

Ana Kasparian shares her thoughts on Trump and Biden, highlighting the concerns about Trump’s lack of value for liberal democracy and potential to disempower other branches of government to increase executive power. She acknowledges Trump’s accomplishments in avoiding worsening situations around wars and being willing to negotiate with other leaders. Kasparian points out the double standard among Democrats in criticizing Trump for policies they are now quiet about under Biden. While there are differences between Trump and a typical corporate Democrat, there are also similarities, particularly in issues that Democratic voters claim to have a problem with Trump on. She expresses concern that Trump may not leave after his term is over and may try to increase executive power.

Transgender Issues and Parental Rights

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