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TED Radio Hour / Animal Enigmas | TED Radio Hour

Animal Enigmas | TED Radio Hour

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In this episode of the TED Radio Hour, we explore the fascinating world of animal enigmas. From the pioneering paleontologist Mary Anning to the physics of insect pee, and from the mysteries of the King Cobra to the conservation efforts for the South American lowland tapir, we delve into the wonders and challenges of the animal kingdom.

Main Takeaways

Pioneering Paleontology

  • Mary Anning made significant contributions to the field of paleontology at a young age.
  • Mary and her family collected fossils to make ends meet after her father’s death.
  • Mary and her brother discovered the first complete Ixiosaur skeleton.
  • Ixiosaur were not dinosaurs but a different group of predators that lived in the ocean.
  • Mary’s discovery helped to fill gaps in knowledge about prehistoric animals.

Modern Paleontological Discoveries

  • Paleontologist Dean Lomax uncovered the largest and most complete skeleton of a prehistoric reptile ever found in the UK.
  • The excavation of the skeleton was a long and difficult process.
  • There are still many biological mysteries waiting to be solved, from understanding prehistoric animals to studying the bugs in our own backyards.

The Physics of Insect Pee

  • Chemical engineer Saad Bama researches insects through the lens of physics and mathematics.
  • Bama’s observation of a tiny insect peeing led to insights on fluid mechanics and bi-engineering.
  • Insects have evolved springs and latches in their “butt flicker” to efficiently hurl droplets of pee at high accelerations.
  • Scientists were intrigued by the speed mismatch of how an insect’s pee could travel at 100 miles an hour.

The Mysteries of the King Cobra

  • Gowri Shankar has made it his mission to study and rescue King Cobras.
  • Understanding the different species of King Cobra is important for developing effective anti-venom and mitigating human-animal conflicts.
  • The King Cobra has remained a mystery for so long due to its size, venom, and dangerous reputation.

Conservation of the South American Lowland Tapir

  • The South American lowland tapir plays a vital role in maintaining biodiversity.
  • Tapers are difficult to study, but conservationists rely on indirect methods to gather data.
  • Tapers face threats from habitat loss, hunting, and roadkill.
  • Conservationists must apply their accumulated knowledge to support actual conservation action.


Pioneering Paleontology

Mary Anning, a pioneering paleontologist, made significant contributions to the field at a young age. Alongside her family, she collected fossils to make ends meet, and her discovery of the first complete Ixiosaur skeleton filled gaps in knowledge about prehistoric animals.

Modern Paleontological Discoveries

Paleontologist Dean Lomax’s excavation of the largest and most complete prehistoric reptile skeleton in the UK highlights the ongoing mysteries waiting to be solved in the world of paleontology. From understanding prehistoric animals to studying insects in our own backyards, there is still much to discover.

The Physics of Insect Pee

Chemical engineer Saad Bama’s research on insects’ fluid mechanics and bi-engineering, particularly their unique peeing mechanisms, has led to fascinating insights. Insects have evolved specialized structures in their “butt flicker” to hurl droplets of pee at high speeds, with implications for fluid mechanics and engineering.

The Mysteries of the King Cobra

Gowri Shankar’s study and rescue efforts for King Cobras shed light on the species’ mysteries. Understanding the different species is crucial for developing effective anti-venom and mitigating human-animal conflicts. Despite their dangerous reputation, King Cobras play an important role in ecosystems and deserve admiration.

Conservation of the South American Lowland Tapir

The South American lowland tapir, known as the “gardener of the forest,” is facing threats from habitat loss, hunting, and roadkill. Conservationists, led by Patricia Medici and the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative, are applying their knowledge to protect this vital species and maintain biodiversity in the Pantanal and beyond.


From the pioneering work of Mary Anning to the physics of insect pee, the mysteries of the King Cobra, and the conservation efforts for the South American lowland tapir, this episode of the TED Radio Hour highlights the wonders and challenges of the animal kingdom. There is still much to learn and protect, and through scientific exploration and conservation action, we can continue to unravel the enigmas of the natural world.

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