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Ologies with Alie Ward / Audiobook Mixtape 3: Gift Ideas from the Ologists’ Brains | Ologies with Alie Ward

Audiobook Mixtape 3: Gift Ideas from the Ologists’ Brains | Ologies with Alie Ward

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In this episode of “Ologies with Alie Ward,” titled “Audiobook Mixtape 3: Gift Ideas from the Ologists’ Brains,” Alie Ward presents a mixtape featuring excerpts from books written by Ologists. This mixtape offers an alternative to traditional holiday gift lists and aims to whet the listener’s appetite, expand their shopping list, and stimulate their brain with book excerpts. Alie also shares important updates about the show and ways to support it.

Main Takeaways

Gift Ideas from Ologists’ Books

  • The audiobook mixtape presents excerpts from books written by Ologists, providing unique and informative gift ideas.
  • The mixtape offers an alternative to traditional holiday gift lists, encouraging listeners to explore the world of Ology books.

Supporting the Show

  • Listeners are cautioned about the new iOS 17 update unsubscribing users if they haven’t listened to an episode in more than two weeks, emphasizing the importance of staying engaged.
  • Ways to support the show include becoming a patron, buying merchandise, and leaving reviews, which help to sustain and promote the podcast.

Book Excerpts and Topics Explored

  • The mixtape features a snippet from Dr. Gregg Gabore’s book “Invisibility, The History and Science of How Not to be Seen,” delving into the introduction of Minimaterials and the design of a cloak of invisibility.
  • Introduction to two kid-friendly books: “Critters of Georgia” by wildlife biologist Mr. L. Troutman, and “The Fantastic World of Monkeys and Apes and More” by Dr. Tara Stowinsky.
  • Insights from the book “Play Forever, How to Recover From Injury and Thrive” by an unknown author, emphasizing the importance of staying active for fun and mental health.
  • Dr. Jane McGonagall’s book “Imaginable, How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready for Anything” explores the impact of video games on our brains and friendships, encouraging imagination training.
  • Dr. Nita Fahani’s book “The Battle for Your Brain” discusses the use of neurotechnology devices to improve brainwave activity and prevent migraines.
  • Dr. Russell Barkley’s book highlights the potential misdiagnosis of ADHD and the importance of understanding other possible causes of similar symptoms.
  • Dr. Eugenia Chang’s book “Is Math Real? How simple questions lead us to mathematics deepest truths” challenges common perceptions of math and explores its creative side.
  • Dr. Merlin Tuttle’s book “The Bat House Guide” offers insights into building bat houses to support declining bat populations.
  • Exploration of various topics such as dreaming, food shaming, garbage and sanitation, the Paris catacombs, dolphin intelligence, witches, horror films, and more.

Interesting Facts and Initiatives

  • The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative advocates for a network of connected habitats to preserve migration routes for animals and help them adapt to climate change.
  • Roads within the Y to Y corridor pose a threat to wildlife, but wildlife crossings, such as underpasses and culverts, guide animals beneath highways and prevent collisions with vehicles.
  • Dr. Justin Gregg’s book “If Nietzsche were a Narwhal” explores the intelligence of dolphins and challenges human exceptionalism.
  • Dr. Syke Williams-Forson’s book “Building Houses out of Chicken Legs” delves into food shaming and race in America, examining the significance of different food sources.
  • Dr. Brian LaSart’s book “Eyes on Flies” highlights the importance of flies in pollinating cocoa plants and their potential use in age-defying face creams.


Ologists’ Book Excerpts: Unique Gift Ideas

The audiobook mixtape showcases excerpts from books written by Ologists, offering a refreshing alternative to traditional holiday gift lists. Listeners can explore a variety of fascinating topics, including the history and science of invisibility, the world of monkeys and apes, injury recovery, imagination training, and more. These book excerpts provide unique gift ideas that cater to a wide range of interests and curiosity.

Supporting the Show and Important Updates

Listeners are informed about the new iOS 17 update, which may unsubscribe users if they haven’t listened to an episode in more than two weeks. To support the show, Alie Ward encourages becoming a patron, purchasing merchandise, and leaving reviews, which help sustain and promote the podcast. These actions contribute to the continued production of engaging content.

Exploring Various Topics and Initiatives

The mixtape features snippets from books that cover a wide range of topics, such as wildlife conservation, kid-friendly nature guides, the impact of video games on the brain, neurotechnology devices, ADHD misdiagnosis, the creative side of math, building bat houses, and more. Listeners are introduced to initiatives like the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, which advocates for connected habitats to preserve wildlife migration routes. The podcast also highlights the importance of wildlife crossings in preventing collisions with vehicles.

Fascinating Facts and Insights

Throughout the episode, listeners learn intriguing facts, such as the intelligence of dolphins, the significance of flies in pollinating cocoa plants, and the impact of food shaming and race in America. The podcast explores various fields of study, including dreaming, garbage and sanitation, the Paris catacombs, and the world of witches. These insights provide a deeper understanding of diverse topics and encourage curiosity and exploration.


The “Audiobook Mixtape 3: Gift Ideas from the Ologists’ Brains” episode of “Ologies with Alie Ward” offers a curated collection of book excerpts written by Ologists, providing unique and informative gift ideas. Listeners are encouraged to support the show and explore a wide range of captivating topics, from wildlife conservation to the creative side of math. With its engaging content and diverse range of subjects, this episode is sure to inspire curiosity and expand listeners’ knowledge.

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