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TED Radio Hour / Body Electric Part 5: The MindBodyTech Connection | TED Radio Hour

Body Electric Part 5: The Mind-Body-Tech Connection | TED Radio Hour

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In this episode of the TED Radio Hour, titled “Body Electric Part 5: The Mind-Body-Tech Connection,” we explore the fascinating relationship between our minds, bodies, and technology. We delve into the mysterious outbreak of Tourette’s-like symptoms among teenagers, the concept of interoception, the benefits of reduced environmental stimulation therapy (REST), and the importance of movement and sensory awareness in education.

Main Takeaways

Unexplained Outbreak of Symptoms

  • Teenagers worldwide suddenly developed Tourette’s-like symptoms in 2021.
  • Neurologists were stumped as the symptoms were severe and came on abruptly.
  • Outbreaks of unexplained illnesses are known as mass psychogenic illnesses.
  • Social media made it possible for the symptoms to spread further and faster.

The Mind-Body Connection

  • Interoception is a process by which the nervous system senses, interprets, and integrates information about the status of the interior of your body.
  • Interoception is being researched to understand mental health and its connection to the body.
  • Physical sensations like sweaty palms or a jittery hand can show up in a fun situation or an awful one, and we learn to interpret it based on the circumstances.
  • The state of your body is a critical ingredient in experiencing a span of emotions, and for this, you can experience the same thing.
  • Stress and mental health conditions can cause signals to get scrambled.
  • People with anxiety disorders and eating disorders tend to be more sensitive to internal sensations.
  • Learning to live with sensations and realizing they’re a natural part of the body can be helpful.

The Benefits of REST and Flotation Therapy

  • Reduced environmental stimulation therapy (REST) can help with overstimulation and sensory overload.
  • Flotation tanks involve laying in a warm pool of saltwater that allows you to effortlessly float on top.
  • Flotation therapy can result in muscle relaxation for days after the experience.
  • Studies have shown that floating can reduce anxiety, stress, and muscle tension for up to two days after six sessions.
  • Giving the nervous system a rest by not engaging in any activity can be beneficial for mental health.

Movement and Sensory Awareness in Education

  • Tuning into how certain content impacts your body can help you understand what your body and mind need.
  • You cannot rush the body; it needs time to reset.
  • Movement is important for our bodies and minds, especially for children.
  • The school system needs to encourage movement and sensory awareness from an early age.
  • The River School coaches kids to be in touch with their sensory signals and encourages movement throughout the day.
  • The River School encourages movement throughout the day and has no desks.
  • Alternative seating options include bean bag chairs, cushions, couches, wobble stools, and pillows.
  • The curriculum teaches kids to feel their breathing, pay attention to how they’re feeling, and self-regulate.
  • The communal tables are constantly moved around the room, making it more interesting for the students.
  • The approach works for teacher Natalie McFetridge, who believes in giving students the opportunity to decide where the best learning environment is for them.


The Mind-Body Connection and Unexplained Outbreaks

In 2021, a mysterious outbreak of Tourette’s-like symptoms affected teenagers worldwide, leaving neurologists puzzled. These outbreaks, known as mass psychogenic illnesses, were amplified and spread rapidly through social media. Researchers are exploring the concept of interoception, which refers to the nervous system’s ability to sense and interpret signals from the body’s interior. Stress and mental health conditions can disrupt these signals, leading to scrambled sensations. Individuals with anxiety disorders and eating disorders tend to be more sensitive to internal sensations. However, learning to live with these sensations and understanding their natural occurrence can be beneficial for mental health.

The Benefits of REST and Flotation Therapy

Reduced environmental stimulation therapy (REST) and flotation therapy offer unique approaches to calming the mind and body. REST involves creating a space free from external stimuli, allowing the nervous system to rest and reset. Flotation tanks, filled with warm saltwater, provide a weightless experience that promotes relaxation and muscle relief. Studies have shown that floating can reduce anxiety, stress, and muscle tension for several days after multiple sessions. Giving the nervous system a break from constant engagement can have significant benefits for mental well-being.

Movement and Sensory Awareness in Education

The importance of movement and sensory awareness in education is highlighted by the innovative approach of The River School. This school encourages students to tune into their bodies and engage in movement throughout the day. By offering alternative seating options and constantly rearranging communal tables, the school creates an environment that supports sensory exploration and self-regulation. Teacher Natalie McFetridge believes in empowering students to choose their ideal learning environment, recognizing the impact of movement on their bodies and minds. This approach fosters a holistic approach to education, promoting overall well-being and learning.


Understanding the intricate connection between our minds, bodies, and technology is crucial for maintaining optimal mental and physical health. Exploring concepts like interoception, REST, and sensory awareness in education allows us to harness the power of these connections. By prioritizing self-awareness, relaxation, and movement, we can create a harmonious balance between our mind and body, leading to improved well-being and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

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