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PBD Podcast / Chris Cuomo | PBD Podcast | Ep. 334 | PBD Podcast

Chris Cuomo | PBD Podcast | Ep. 334 | PBD Podcast

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, host Patrick Bet-David invites Chris Cuomo, a favorite content creator and entrepreneur, for an engaging conversation. They discuss various topics, including Charlie Munger, Andrew Cuomo, and President Biden, while also engaging in playful banter and compliments. The conversation showcases a mix of light-hearted banter and serious discussions on important issues.

Main Takeaways

Chris Cuomo’s Impressive Work and Entrepreneurial Success

  • Chris Cuomo is praised for his impressive work and entrepreneurial success.
  • He is recognized as a favorite content creator with excellent comic timing.

Discussion on Andrew Cuomo and President Biden

  • The conversation covers Andrew Cuomo’s potential mayoral run and President Biden’s actions.
  • Andrew Cuomo is described as smart and entrepreneurial, with potential to thrive in business with his contacts and reach.
  • Chris Cuomo discusses his beliefs about the deep state and the dynamics of bureaucracy.

The Challenges of Party Politics

  • Andrew Cuomo is different from most politicians in that he is all about action and fixing problems rather than just talking about them.
  • Politicians often focus on discrediting opponents rather than building value.
  • Andrew Cuomo may not conform to the Democratic party’s demands, prioritizing his values and heritage over political loyalty.

The State of the Democratic Party

  • The Democratic Party is less cohesive compared to the GOP, and they struggle to galvanize and unify their efforts.
  • The establishment Democrats are unlikely to support individuals like Chris Cuomo’s brother or Mayor Adams due to their backgrounds and beliefs.

The Influence of Media and Negative Narratives

  • The media often portrays negative stories as hard-hitting journalism, which can influence public opinion.
  • People tend to share negative news more than positive news, which can influence public perception.
  • There is a concern about the weaponization of the FBI and the impact of political influence on its operations.

Challenges in Policing and Immigration

  • Over 2,500 cops have quit their jobs in New York City this year, leading to concerns about public safety.
  • The NYPD is facing staffing reductions, leading to concerns about overworking officers.
  • There is a need to address the challenges at the southern border and find humane solutions for immigration.

The Importance of Faith and Values

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of faith and values in achieving big dreams and making marriages work.
  • Having faith and a belief system can impact the quality of hires and the values within a company.
  • The breakdown of firm standards and weak premises in society lead to a lack of universal truth and an emphasis on individual truths.

Complexities in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

  • The Middle East situation is complex and not easily resolved; there is turmoil and violence in the region.
  • There is a need to pay attention to other situations beyond Israel, such as the conflict in Yemen and the treatment of Muslim Uighurs in China.
  • There is a pattern of selective outrage and inconsistency in global responses to conflicts, which needs to be acknowledged and addressed.

The Influence of Money in Politics

  • The influence of money in politics is significant, as it can give candidates an advantage.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of finishing the physical border infrastructure and tripling processing and security capacities for safety.
  • Implementing humane housing for immigrants and changing asylum laws can help improve the immigration system.

The Need for Open Dialogue and Respectful Disagreement

  • Openness to dissent is crucial for success in business and democracy.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of respectful disagreement and mutual respect in personal relationships.
  • There is a need to move away from the divisive narrative and focus on finding common ground.


Chris Cuomo’s Impressive Work and Entrepreneurial Success

Chris Cuomo is recognized for his impressive work and entrepreneurial success as a favorite content creator with excellent comic timing. His skills and talent have contributed to his popularity and the success of his content.

Discussion on Andrew Cuomo and President Biden

The conversation covers various topics related to Andrew Cuomo and President Biden. They discuss Andrew Cuomo’s potential mayoral run and his entrepreneurial mindset. Chris Cuomo also shares his beliefs about the deep state and the dynamics of bureaucracy. The discussion provides insights into their perspectives on these political figures and their actions.

The Challenges of Party Politics

The conversation highlights the challenges of party politics and the importance of action and problem-solving. Andrew Cuomo is described as different from most politicians, prioritizing action and fixing problems rather than just talking about them. The discussion sheds light on the tendency of politicians to focus on discrediting opponents rather than building value. It is also mentioned that Andrew Cuomo may not conform to the Democratic party’s demands, prioritizing his values and heritage over political loyalty.

The State of the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is portrayed as less cohesive compared to the GOP, struggling to galvanize and unify their efforts. The conversation suggests that the establishment Democrats are unlikely to support individuals like Chris Cuomo’s brother or Mayor Adams due to their backgrounds and beliefs. This sheds light on the complexities within the Democratic Party and the challenges they face in finding unity.

The Influence of Media and Negative Narratives

The conversation delves into the influence of media and the impact of negative narratives. The media’s portrayal of negative stories as hard-hitting journalism is discussed, highlighting its potential to influence public opinion. The discussion also touches on the weaponization of the FBI and the concerns surrounding its operations. These topics shed light on the role of media and the potential biases and influences that can shape public perception.

Challenges in Policing and Immigration

The challenges in policing and immigration are addressed in the conversation. The significant number of cops quitting their jobs in New York City raises concerns about public safety. The staffing reductions in the NYPD and the impact on overworking officers are also mentioned. The conversation emphasizes the need to address the challenges at the southern border and find humane solutions for immigration.

The Importance of Faith and Values

The importance of faith and values is highlighted in the conversation. The speaker emphasizes how faith and values can impact personal and professional aspects of life, such as achieving big dreams and making marriages work. The breakdown of firm standards and weak premises in society is discussed, shedding light on the need to prioritize values and ethics in decision-making.

Complexities in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The complexities in the Israel-Palestine conflict are explored in the conversation. The Middle East situation is acknowledged as complex and not easily resolved, with turmoil and violence in the region. The conversation highlights the need to pay attention to other conflicts beyond Israel and the importance of addressing selective outrage and inconsistency in global responses.

The Influence of Money in Politics

The influence of money in politics is discussed, emphasizing its significant role in giving candidates an advantage. The conversation also touches on the importance of improving the immigration system by implementing humane housing for immigrants and changing asylum laws. These topics shed light on the challenges and potential solutions in the realm of politics and immigration.

The Need for Open Dialogue and Respectful Disagreement

The conversation emphasizes the need for open dialogue and respectful disagreement. Openness to dissent is portrayed as crucial for success in business and democracy. The speaker highlights the importance of mutual respect in personal relationships and the need to move away from divisive narratives and find common ground. These topics shed light on the significance of respectful communication and understanding in fostering healthy discussions and relationships.


In this episode of the PBD Podcast, Chris Cuomo engages in an insightful conversation with host Patrick Bet-David. They discuss various topics, including politics, media influence, policing, immigration, faith, and values. The conversation showcases a mix of light-hearted banter and serious discussions on important issues. It highlights the complexities and challenges present in various aspects of society and emphasizes the need for open dialogue, respectful disagreement, and a focus on values and ethics.

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