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PBD Podcast / Crown Prince of Iran Opens Up on the Revolution & Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi | PBD Podcast

Crown Prince of Iran Opens Up on the Revolution & Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi | PBD Podcast

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, the crown prince of Iran, Reza Pahlavi, opens up about the revolution and the mistakes made by his father, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. This transparent interview provides valuable insights into the history and current situation of Iran. It is a must-watch for Iranians and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of the country.

Main Takeaways

Pressure to Bring Back Freedom

  • The crown prince speaks about the pressure he faced to bring back freedom to Iran after his father was ousted from power.

Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

  • The interview covers the mistakes made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, including the role of foreign elements such as the CIA, MI6, and the oil deal.
  • Mistakes were also made domestically, including by the opposition.

Emotional and Intense Aspects of Reza Pahlavi’s Story

  • The interview delves into the emotional and intense aspects of Reza Pahlavi’s personal journey.
  • It explores whether he truly wants the responsibility of helping Iran.

Transparency in the Interview

  • This interview is the most transparent the crown prince has ever been in any interview.

Importance for Iranians and Those Interested in Iran

  • The interview is a must-watch for Iranians and anyone interested in understanding the history and current situation of Iran.


Pressure to Bring Back Freedom

The crown prince of Iran, Reza Pahlavi, discusses the immense pressure he faced to bring back freedom to Iran after his father, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, was forced out of power. He shares the challenges and responsibilities he encountered in his pursuit of a better future for Iran.

Mistakes Made by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

In the interview, Reza Pahlavi addresses the mistakes made by his father, including the role of foreign elements such as the CIA, MI6, and the oil deal. He also acknowledges that mistakes were made domestically, both by the Shah and the opposition. This nuanced discussion sheds light on the complexities of the revolution and its aftermath.

Emotional and Intense Aspects of Reza Pahlavi’s Story

Reza Pahlavi opens up about the emotional and intense aspects of his personal journey. He reflects on his motivations and whether he truly wants the responsibility of helping Iran. This candid conversation provides a deeper understanding of the crown prince’s perspective and his commitment to his country.

Transparency in the Interview

This interview is the most transparent Reza Pahlavi has ever been in any interview. He shares personal experiences, insights, and reflections, allowing listeners to gain a unique and unfiltered perspective on the crown prince’s thoughts and beliefs.

Importance for Iranians and Those Interested in Iran

The interview is highly recommended for Iranians who want to gain a deeper understanding of their country’s history and current situation. It also appeals to anyone interested in Iran and its complex political landscape. Reza Pahlavi’s insights provide valuable context and shed light on the challenges and aspirations of the Iranian people.


This episode of the PBD Podcast offers a rare opportunity to hear the crown prince of Iran, Reza Pahlavi, speak openly about the revolution and the mistakes made by his father. The interview provides valuable insights into the history and current situation of Iran, making it a must-watch for Iranians and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of the country. Reza Pahlavi’s transparency and personal reflections create a compelling narrative that captivates listeners and encourages deeper engagement with the issues at hand.

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