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Pivot / Decoder: Barack Obama on AI, Free Speech, and the Future of the Internet | Pivot

Decoder: Barack Obama on AI, Free Speech, and the Future of the Internet | Pivot

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In this episode of the “Pivot” podcast, former President Barack Obama discusses the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society, the importance of free speech, and the need for government regulation. He emphasizes the potential of AI to improve our lives but also highlights the risks and challenges associated with its use. President Obama shares his thoughts on the role of government and tech leaders in shaping AI regulation and encourages those with AI expertise to get involved in the government. The episode also explores the need for rules and protections to ensure safety, prevent misuse, and promote innovation in the AI industry.

Main Takeaways

Obama on AI Regulation and Government’s Role

  • Obama has been discussing AI regulation with the Biden administration and tech leaders.
  • President Biden’s executive order covers labeling AI-generated content and safety protocols for advanced AI models.
  • Obama believes that the government needs expertise to regulate AI properly.
  • He encourages people with AI expertise to take a tour of duty in the government.
  • The regulatory framework for AI needs to be flexible and nimble to keep up with rapidly developing AI models.

AI’s Impact and Potential

  • AI is a transformative technology that is already changing our economy and daily lives.
  • It has the potential to unlock amazing innovation but also poses risks such as potential harm and misuse.
  • There is currently no framework for regulating AI and its potential risks, unlike the existing framework for regulating media and social networks.
  • The Biden administration’s executive order on AI is the beginning of building a framework for regulating AI.
  • Obama believes that AI regulation should ensure safety protocols, testing regimens, and independent verification to prevent rogue programs.

Free Speech and AI

  • Obama emphasizes the importance of free speech in the conversation about AI.
  • He disagrees with the idea that social networks are common carriers that have to distribute all information equally.
  • There needs to be a deliberative process to judge ideas in the vast amount of content available today.
  • Social networks using AI to show people what they want to see can create information silos.
  • Different platforms and business models should be explored to broaden perspectives and encourage learning.

Jobs and Economy in the AI Era

  • If AI becomes as pervasive and powerful as expected, we need to think about jobs and the economy differently.
  • Copyright lawsuits could impede the development of large language models due to data usage without consent.
  • Education needs to adapt to prepare for jobs that can’t be done by AI.
  • Length of the workweek and job sharing may be necessary.
  • Independent contractors need healthcare and retirement benefits.

Government and Public Involvement

  • The government and public should have a say in how the internet operates, just like they did with airwaves.
  • Regulations can be put in place for children’s content, similar to children’s television regulations.
  • Prior regulations were not seen as anti-democratic but rather a reflection of living in a democracy.
  • Rules and standards create marketplaces and raise standards, accelerating progress.
  • The governance of information, media, and speech needs new rules of the road for AI.


Obama’s Perspective on AI and Regulation

Former President Barack Obama engages in a conversation about the impact of AI on society and the need for government regulation. He has been discussing AI regulation with the Biden administration and tech leaders, emphasizing the importance of expertise in shaping effective regulations. President Biden’s executive order covers labeling AI-generated content and safety protocols for advanced AI models. Obama believes that while AI has the potential to improve society, it must be used responsibly and ethically.

Challenges and Potential of AI

AI is a transformative technology that is already changing our economy and daily lives. However, there is currently no framework for regulating AI and its potential risks, unlike the existing framework for regulating media and social networks. The Biden administration’s executive order on AI is seen as the beginning of building a regulatory framework. Obama highlights the need for safety protocols, testing regimens, and independent verification to prevent rogue programs and ensure responsible AI development.

Free Speech and AI’s Impact

Obama emphasizes the importance of free speech in the context of AI. He disagrees with the idea that social networks should be considered common carriers that distribute all information equally. The vast amount of content available today makes it challenging to create a deliberative process for citizens to judge ideas. AI-driven algorithms used by social networks can create information silos, limiting diverse perspectives. Obama suggests exploring different platforms and business models to broaden perspectives and encourage learning.

Jobs, Economy, and Public Involvement

Obama raises concerns about the impact of AI on jobs and the economy. He discusses the potential implications of copyright lawsuits on the development of large language models. Education needs to adapt to prepare for jobs that can’t be done by AI, and considerations such as the length of the workweek and job sharing may become necessary. Obama also highlights the need for government and public involvement in shaping AI regulations, drawing parallels to past regulations in areas such as children’s television and the governance of information, media, and speech.


Former President Barack Obama’s discussion on the “Pivot” podcast sheds light on the importance of AI regulation, free speech, and government involvement in shaping the future of the internet. While recognizing the potential benefits of AI, Obama emphasizes the need for responsible and ethical use, along with a flexible regulatory framework. The conversation highlights the challenges and opportunities presented by AI and the importance of considering its impact on jobs, the economy, and public discourse. Obama’s insights provide valuable perspectives for policymakers, tech leaders, and individuals interested in the responsible development and regulation of AI.

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