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TED Radio Hour / DIY | TED Radio Hour

DIY | TED Radio Hour

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In this episode of the TED Radio Hour, titled “DIY,” we explore stories of individuals who took matters into their own hands to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. From surviving a life-threatening accident to challenging the media, from providing clean water to those in need to empowering young women in the construction industry, these stories inspire us to take action and create positive change.

Main Takeaways

Surviving and Seizing the Moment

  • Kate Stone, founder of an electronics company, miraculously survived a life-threatening accident when she was impaled by a stag’s antler.
  • Her experience taught her the importance of living life to the fullest and seizing the moment.
  • Kate’s friend advised her to focus on her breath and live in the moment when she was injured.

Challenging Media Sensationalism

  • Kate Stone confronted the UK press for sensationalizing her accident and labeling her as a “sex swap scientist.”
  • She aimed to reduce media harassment and the negative impact it can have on individuals.
  • Kate used her resources to communicate with the media in a kind and calm manner, seeking acknowledgment and a retraction of inaccurate headlines.

Providing Clean Water to Those in Need

  • Tiffany Ashley Bell took action after reading about people in Detroit facing water shut-offs due to overdue bills.
  • She started a crowdfunding campaign, now known as the Human Utility, to help those affected by the shut-offs.
  • The Human Utility paid over $100,000 in water bills in the first 40 days and expanded to help people in different states.

Empowering Women in the Construction Industry

  • Emily Piloton-Lam founded Girls Garage to teach design and construction skills to young women of color.
  • Girls Garage provides a supportive community and empowers the next generation of tradeswomen to demand respect and value in their careers.
  • Women in construction can earn more than twice the hourly wage of comparable jobs in other industries.

Simplifying Financial Concepts Through Social Media

  • Jack, an online educator on TikTok, simplifies complex financial concepts for his 750,000 followers.
  • His relatable language and straightforward approach help people understand taxes, macroeconomics, and financial literacy.
  • Jack’s background in experimental cinema has translated into success on social media.


Surviving and Seizing the Moment

Kate Stone’s near-death experience taught her the importance of embracing life and living in the present moment. Despite being impaled by a stag’s antler, she remained conscious and focused on her breath until help arrived. This experience transformed her perspective and inspired her to seize opportunities and appreciate the value of every moment.

Challenging Media Sensationalism

Kate Stone took a stand against the UK press for sensationalizing her accident and misrepresenting her gender identity. She sought to reduce media harassment and protect others from similar experiences. By using her resources to communicate with the media in a kind and calm manner, she aimed to bring awareness to the negative impact of sensationalized headlines and promote responsible journalism.

Providing Clean Water to Those in Need

Tiffany Ashley Bell recognized the injustice faced by Detroit residents who were experiencing water shut-offs due to overdue bills. She launched the Human Utility, a crowdfunding campaign that paid over $100,000 in water bills within 40 days. The initiative expanded to help people in different states, highlighting the importance of short-term support while advocating for long-term solutions to address water affordability.

Empowering Women in the Construction Industry

Emily Piloton-Lam founded Girls Garage to empower young women in the construction industry. By providing a supportive community and teaching design and construction skills, Girls Garage aims to bridge the gender gap and create opportunities for women in a male-dominated field. Through their pro bono projects and educational programs, they empower the next generation of tradeswomen to demand respect and value in their careers.

Simplifying Financial Concepts Through Social Media

Jack, an online educator on TikTok, simplifies complex financial concepts for his followers. By speaking in a relatable language and breaking down topics like taxes, macroeconomics, and financial literacy, he helps people understand these concepts in a straightforward manner. Jack’s success on TikTok demonstrates the power of using social media platforms to educate and engage with audiences on important topics.


The stories shared in this episode of the TED Radio Hour highlight the impact of individuals who took matters into their own hands. From surviving life-threatening accidents to challenging media sensationalism, providing clean water to those in need, empowering women in the construction industry, and simplifying financial concepts, these individuals inspire us to make a difference in our own lives and communities. By embracing our own agency and taking action, we can create positive change and contribute to a better world.

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