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The Daily Stoic / Do You Really Like This? | The Daily Stoic

Do You Really Like This? | The Daily Stoic

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast titled “Do You Really Like This?”, the importance of being open to learning and being taught by life’s experiences is explored. The host discusses the significance of actively seeking out role models and being instructed by their examples when facing new situations. It emphasizes that learning is not just about seeking information but also about being willing to learn from one’s own experiences.

Main Takeaways

Continuing to Learn Throughout Life

  • Marcus Aurelius, a wise and powerful man, continued to learn new things even in old age, demonstrating the importance of being open to learning throughout life.

Breaking Unproductive Patterns

  • The text questions how often people make the same mistakes, get stuck in unproductive patterns, and refuse to be taught by experience.
  • It emphasizes the importance of actively looking for role models and being instructed by their examples when facing new situations.

Learning from Life’s Experiences

  • Learning is not just about facts and figures but also about being open to the lessons that life and experience have to offer.
  • The podcast promotes the idea of being open to learning and being willing to be taught by life’s experiences.


Continuing to Learn Throughout Life

Marcus Aurelius serves as an example of the importance of being open to learning throughout life. Despite being a wise and powerful man, he continued to learn new things even in old age. This highlights the fact that learning is not limited to a specific age or stage in life. It is a continuous process that should be embraced at all times. By being open to learning, we allow ourselves to grow and adapt to new situations, constantly expanding our knowledge and understanding.

Breaking Unproductive Patterns

The text raises an important question about how often people make the same mistakes and get stuck in unproductive patterns. It suggests that this may be due to a refusal to be taught by experience. To break free from these unproductive patterns, the podcast emphasizes the importance of actively seeking out role models and being instructed by their examples. By observing how others have navigated similar situations, we can gain valuable insights and avoid repeating the same mistakes. This requires humility and a willingness to learn from those who have already walked the path we are currently on.

Learning from Life’s Experiences

Learning is not solely about acquiring facts and figures; it also involves being open to the lessons that life and experience have to offer. The podcast encourages listeners to approach each experience as an opportunity for growth and learning. By reflecting on our own experiences and the lessons they hold, we can gain wisdom and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This requires a mindset that is receptive to learning and a willingness to be taught by life’s experiences, both positive and negative.


Being open to learning and being taught by life’s experiences is crucial for personal growth and development. By actively seeking out role models, breaking unproductive patterns, and embracing the lessons that life has to offer, we can continuously learn and evolve. Marcus Aurelius serves as a powerful example of the importance of lifelong learning. So, let us approach each day with a curious and open mindset, ready to learn from both the teachings of others and the lessons that life presents.

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