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Ted Talks Daily / Don’t be a jerk to your barista — and other thoughts on frontline work | Adriann Negreros | Ted Talks Daily

Don’t be a jerk to your barista — and other thoughts on frontline work | Adriann Negreros | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, change management expert Adriann Negreros discusses the importance of treating frontline workers with respect and making necessary changes to improve their working conditions. Negreros emphasizes the need for CEOs to understand frontline jobs and listen to their employees’ ideas for improvement. She also highlights the impact of small changes in companies, leading to reduced turnover and improved employee satisfaction.

Main Takeaways

Importance of Understanding Frontline Jobs

  • CEOs should spend more time understanding frontline jobs and listening to their employees’ ideas for improvement.
  • Frontline jobs, such as restaurant servers and grocery store clerks, can be physically and emotionally demanding.
  • 80% of frontline workers faced instability in 2023, leading to increased anger in the workforce.

Addressing Wage Disparity and Emotional Needs

  • Wages matter, and there’s a disparity between CEO and frontline worker pay.
  • Frontline workers often quit their jobs due to emotional needs rather than pay alone.

The Impact of Small Changes

  • A company made dramatic changes, including giving workers a 10-minute buffer to drop off their kids, removing the point system, and allowing workers to leave on time, resulting in a 50% reduction in turnover and 40% reduction in overtime hours.
  • Another company saw a 40% reduction in safety incidents by providing safety gear that fits multiple body types and making other small changes.

Essential Factors for Successful Frontline Work

  • Workers need a clean bathroom, safety gear that fits, time to eat lunch, and a living wage to be successful.
  • Making these changes can pay for itself in less overtime and better employee retention.

Treating Employees Well Leads to Engagement and Happiness

  • Treating employees well leads to higher engagement and happiness.
  • Workers are mandated to treat customers well with specific rules and handbooks.
  • The “Handbook of Humanity” includes simple rules like “don’t be a jerk” in various situations.


Understanding Frontline Jobs and Addressing Needs

Adriann Negreros emphasizes the need for CEOs to understand the challenges and demands of frontline jobs. These jobs can be physically and emotionally taxing, and in 2023, 80% of frontline workers faced instability, leading to increased frustration. By addressing the needs of frontline workers, such as providing a living wage and emotional support, companies can create a more satisfied and engaged workforce.

The Impact of Small Changes on Employee Satisfaction

Negreros shares examples of companies that made small changes resulting in significant improvements. One company implemented measures like giving workers a 10-minute buffer to drop off their kids, removing the point system, and allowing them to leave on time. This led to a 50% reduction in turnover and a 40% reduction in overtime hours. Another company focused on providing safety gear that fits multiple body types and saw a 40% reduction in safety incidents. These examples demonstrate that even small adjustments can have a substantial positive impact on employee satisfaction and retention.

The Importance of Treating Everyone Well

Negreros highlights the significance of treating both employees and customers with respect. Frontline workers are often required to follow specific rules and handbooks to ensure excellent customer service. However, it is equally important for companies and individuals to treat frontline workers well. Negreros mentions the “Handbook of Humanity,” which includes simple rules like “don’t be a jerk” in various situations. By fostering a culture of respect and kindness, companies can create a positive work environment and enhance the overall customer experience.


Adriann Negreros’s talk emphasizes the need for change in how employers and customers interact with frontline workers. By understanding the challenges faced by frontline workers, addressing their needs, and treating them with respect, companies can create a more engaged and satisfied workforce. Small changes can have a significant impact on employee satisfaction and retention, ultimately leading to improved business outcomes. It is essential for leaders, customers, and all individuals to strive for better treatment of frontline workers and acknowledge their invaluable contributions.

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