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The Ramsey Show / Don’t Rob From Your Future Self! | The Ramsey Show

Don’t Rob From Your Future Self! | The Ramsey Show

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show”, George Camel and Jade Borsha discuss their new books, “Breaking Free from Broke” and “Money’s Not a Math Problem”. The hosts also provide advice to callers on topics such as scaling a makeup business, paying off debt, retirement planning, dealing with difficult neighbors, and navigating financial challenges in relationships. They also touch on the topics of tipping culture, career changes, and budgeting for the holidays.

Main Takeaways

Building a Business and Scaling

  • Understanding customer needs and market trends is crucial for branding and scaling a business.
  • Producing products in bulk can be more cost-effective for small businesses.
  • Creative branding and emphasizing value proposition can justify higher prices for products.
  • Targeting boutique stores and leveraging social media and influencers can be effective marketing strategies.

Paying Off Debt

  • It’s important to prioritize paying off debt based on math and behavior, not just feelings of freedom.
  • Consider the long-term financial implications and prioritize high-interest debt.
  • Paying off a mortgage early can provide financial security and freedom.
  • Living debt-free allows for more investment opportunities and financial independence.

Retirement Planning

  • Consider utilizing retirement accounts and rolling over funds to save on taxes.
  • Living debt-free, including paying off the house, can make retirement easier.
  • Decreasing expenses and paying off debt can lead to a comfortable retirement.
  • Paying off the mortgage in 7-10 years can provide financial freedom in retirement.

Dealing with Financial Challenges in Relationships

  • Open communication and shared financial goals are crucial in relationships.
  • Consider financial stability, debt repayment, and retirement planning before getting married.
  • Seek professional financial advice when navigating complex financial situations.
  • Establish boundaries and prioritize financial independence and dignity.

Tipping Culture

  • There is confusion and debate around tipping practices in various industries.
  • Tipping is seen as a way to support low-wage workers and those in hands-on jobs.
  • Consider the level of service provided when deciding on the tip amount.
  • It’s important to budget for holiday expenses and avoid overspending.

Career Changes and Work-Life Balance

  • Consider personal interests and skills when considering a career change.
  • Explore side hustles and additional income streams to support financial goals.
  • Find a balance between work and personal life to maintain overall well-being.
  • Retirement planning involves assessing financial needs and decreasing expenses.

Handling Difficult Situations

  • Seek legal advice and explore options when dealing with challenging neighbors or financial disputes.
  • Consider the potential long-term implications and financial impact before making decisions.
  • Establish boundaries and communicate openly to resolve issues effectively.
  • Take care of mental health and seek therapy or counseling when needed.


Building a Business and Scaling

George Camel and Jade Borsha discuss their new books, “Breaking Free from Broke” and “Money’s Not a Math Problem”. They emphasize the importance of understanding customer needs and market trends in branding and scaling a business. They also share insights on producing products in bulk for cost-effectiveness and the power of creative branding and value proposition in justifying higher prices. Targeting boutique stores and leveraging social media and influencers are highlighted as effective marketing strategies.

Paying Off Debt

The hosts provide advice to callers on paying off debt based on math and behavior. They emphasize the importance of prioritizing high-interest debt and consider the long-term financial implications. Paying off a mortgage early is encouraged for financial security and freedom. Living debt-free allows for more investment opportunities and financial independence.

Retirement Planning

Listeners receive guidance on retirement planning, including utilizing retirement accounts and rolling over funds to save on taxes. The hosts stress the benefits of living debt-free and paying off the mortgage to achieve financial freedom in retirement. Decreasing expenses and paying off debt are highlighted as key steps towards a comfortable retirement.

Dealing with Financial Challenges in Relationships

Callers seek advice on navigating financial challenges in relationships. The hosts emphasize the importance of open communication and shared financial goals. They recommend seeking professional financial advice when facing complex situations. Establishing boundaries and prioritizing financial independence and dignity are key considerations.

Tipping Culture

The hosts discuss the confusion and debate surrounding tipping practices in various industries. Tipping is seen as a way to support low-wage workers and those in hands-on jobs. They advise listeners to consider the level of service provided when deciding on the tip amount. Budgeting for holiday expenses and avoiding overspending are also emphasized.

Career Changes and Work-Life Balance

Listeners receive advice on career changes and achieving work-life balance. The hosts encourage exploring personal interests and skills when considering a career change. They discuss side hustles and additional income streams as ways to support financial goals. Finding a balance between work and personal life is highlighted as crucial for overall well-being. Retirement planning involves assessing financial needs and decreasing expenses.

Handling Difficult Situations

Callers seek guidance on handling difficult situations, such as dealing with challenging neighbors or financial disputes. The hosts advise seeking legal advice and exploring options to resolve issues effectively. They emphasize the importance of establishing boundaries and open communication. Taking care of mental health and seeking therapy or counseling when needed is also encouraged.


“The Ramsey Show” provides valuable advice on building businesses, paying off debt, retirement planning, navigating financial challenges in relationships, understanding tipping culture, managing career changes, and handling difficult situations. The hosts emphasize the importance of understanding customer needs and market trends, prioritizing debt repayment based on math and behavior, and finding a balance between work and personal life. They also stress the significance of open communication, financial independence, and seeking professional advice when needed.

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