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In this episode of the “Jumpers Jump” podcast, the hosts discuss a variety of intriguing topics, including the mystery of the Loretto Chapel, theories about Attack on Titan, and the dark case of Adam Graham. They also touch on painful experiences, the invention of treadmills, the importance of free Wi-Fi, and the benefits of therapy. Join the hosts as they delve into these fascinating subjects and share their thoughts and insights.

Main Takeaways

Mysterious Phenomena

  • The Loretto Chapel in New Mexico features a miraculous staircase that was built without nails, glue, or wood from this earth.
  • Researchers and architects have deemed the staircase physically impossible to create.
  • There is a common belief that the staircase was made by St. Joseph himself, as he was a carpenter.
  • The mystery of who built the staircase remains unsolved to this day.

Attack on Titan Theories

  • The main character in Attack on Titan decides to retaliate against those trying to kill his people.
  • There is a theory that the main character’s actions may be justified in the context of the story.
  • The tree seen in a vision may hold the power of the Titans and relapse after each war.
  • War and conflict persist even after the Titans no longer exist.

Dark Case of Adam Graham

  • Adam Graham, a man who assaulted a woman, claimed to be transitioning to a woman to avoid male prison.
  • Graham was placed in an all-female jail despite still having male genitalia.
  • The case raises questions about transgender rights and the validity of claims made to avoid punishment.

Interesting Stories and Discussions

  • Shipstation automates shipping tasks and offers industry-leading discounts.
  • Painful experiences when touching sensitive areas like the tongue and ear are discussed.
  • Treadmills were originally invented for torture in prisons and later repurposed for generating electricity.
  • Wi-Fi should be free and accessible to all, potentially through ad-supported models.
  • Therapy can benefit anyone, not just those who have experienced major trauma.


Mysterious Phenomena: The Loretto Chapel

The Loretto Chapel in New Mexico houses a staircase that defies conventional construction methods. Built without the use of nails, glue, or wood from this earth, the staircase remains a miraculous wonder. Despite extensive research and analysis by experts, the origin and construction techniques of the staircase remain a mystery. Some believe that it was crafted by St. Joseph himself, adding a spiritual dimension to its existence. The staircase continues to captivate visitors and stands as a testament to the unexplained.

Attack on Titan Theories: Retaliation and Hidden Power

In the popular anime series Attack on Titan, the main character faces a moral dilemma as he decides to retaliate against those who threaten his people. The show explores the complexities of war, power, and the consequences of one’s actions. Additionally, there are intriguing theories surrounding the origins of the Titans and the power they possess. The existence of a mysterious tree and the cyclical nature of war add depth to the narrative and leave fans speculating about the true nature of the Titans and their connection to humanity.

Dark Case of Adam Graham: Transgender Rights and Criminal Justice

The case of Adam Graham raises important questions about transgender rights and the criminal justice system. Graham claimed to be transitioning to a woman in order to avoid male prison, leading to his placement in an all-female jail. This case highlights the complexities and ethical considerations surrounding gender identity and the validity of claims made to avoid punishment. It sparks discussions about the appropriate treatment of transgender individuals within the criminal justice system and the need for a nuanced approach to ensure justice for all parties involved.

Interesting Stories and Discussions

In addition to the captivating mysteries and thought-provoking theories, the hosts engage in various interesting discussions. They explore painful experiences when touching sensitive areas like the tongue and ear, sharing personal anecdotes that add humor and relatability to the conversation. The hosts also delve into the history of treadmills, originally designed for torture but later repurposed for generating electricity. They discuss the importance of free Wi-Fi and the potential for ad-supported models to make it accessible to all. Furthermore, the benefits of therapy are highlighted, emphasizing that it can benefit anyone, regardless of the presence of major trauma.


The “Jumpers Jump” podcast episode covers a wide range of intriguing topics, from the mysterious Loretto Chapel staircase to the thought-provoking theories of Attack on Titan. The dark case of Adam Graham raises important questions about transgender rights and the criminal justice system. Alongside these captivating discussions, the hosts share interesting stories and engage in thought-provoking conversations about painful experiences, the invention of treadmills, the importance of free Wi-Fi, and the benefits of therapy. This episode offers a blend of mystery, entertainment, and insightful discussions, keeping listeners engaged and eager for more.

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