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The Ben Shapiro Show / Ep. 1839 – The Pogroms Are Back | The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1839 – The Pogroms Are Back | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the resurgence of pogroms targeting Jewish communities around the world. He highlights the recent brutal attacks by Hamas terrorists and the alarming rise of anti-Semitism in various countries. Ben also covers the biased media coverage, the role of professional protesters, and the importance of supporting Israel in the face of terrorism.

Main Takeaways

Escalating Pogroms and Anti-Semitism

  • A pogrom is an organized massacre, typically of Jews, that has been unleashed on Jewish communities across the world by various groups over generations.
  • The largest pogrom since the Holocaust was on October 7th, 2023, when Hamas terrorists murdered 1,500 Israelis, including babies and women who were raped and burned alive.
  • Despite this, some pseudo-intellectuals claim that Hamas’ brutality requires context and that the pogrom wasn’t really about killing Jews but about settlements in Judea and Samaria.
  • On Sunday, October 29th, 2023, mobs of angry pro-Hamas pogromists stormed the airport in the Russian Republic of Dagestan looking for Jews, breaking into the airport and running roughshod through it, looking for Jews.
  • The Pogromas held signs reading, “We are against Jewish refugees and child killers have no place in Dagestan.”
  • Pogromas in Dagestan were attacking cars and buses, looking for Israeli citizens among motorists, and even attacking a bus with children on it.
  • Some mothers in Dagestan were going around hotels looking for Jews and checking people’s cars and ID papers to see if they were Jewish.
  • Dagestan’s population is largely Muslim and has been radicalized for four years by authorities and religious leaders.
  • Demonstrators in London were chanting anti-Semitic slogans and referencing Muhammad’s slaughter of the Jews of Khaibar.
  • The international community is calling for a ceasefire against Hamas, but some believe that Israel must allow pogroms to continue in the name of human rights.

Media Bias and Propaganda

  • The Western media is perceived as weak and doing propaganda efforts on behalf of Hamas.
  • Hamas controls Gaza and only allows reporters to report what they want.
  • The New York Times has been covering for Hamas and printing actual propaganda on their behalf.
  • Nicholas Kristof has a piece in the New York Times that is seen as morally idiotic and shows support for terrorists.
  • Hamas loves the Western left’s support.

Israel’s Defense and International Support

  • UN staff members, including teachers and medical professionals, have been killed in Gaza.
  • Israel is not allowing fuel into Gaza, causing hospitals to run out of diesel fuel and worsening the suffering.
  • The UN and some Western nations are showing weakness by supporting a ceasefire resolution that only benefits Hamas, while hospitals in Gaza suffer from a lack of fuel and supplies.
  • Hamas is to blame for the civilian deaths and injuries in Gaza.
  • Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn are calling for a ceasefire without addressing how supplies will reach civilians under Hamas control.
  • Some Democrats are pressuring Joe Biden to abandon Israel.
  • The Western left is giving Hamas an advantage by equating Israel’s attempts to kill Hamas terrorists with Hamas’ slaughter of civilians.

Hamas’ Tactics and Resources

  • Hamas has a rich trove of supplies while the people of Gaza are struggling for basic necessities.
  • Hamas has stockpiles of fuel, ammunition, explosives, and materials to make more.
  • Hamas has enough supplies to keep fighting for three to four months without resupply.
  • The supply situation speaks to the relative sophistication of Hamas as a fighting force.
  • Hamas has funded an armed force of thousands equipped with rockets and drones and built a vast web of tunnels under Gaza, while the unemployment rate is 47% and more than 80% of the population lives in poverty.
  • Hamas leadership has diversified its income by investing in a $500 million international investment portfolio and participating in criminal enterprises such as drugs, arms, and people smuggling.

International Geopolitics and Threats

  • China is looking to intervene in the conflict and has ratcheted up anti-Semitism on platforms like TikTok.
  • International support for Hamas is fueled by regimes looking to strike against the Western coalition, particularly the US.
  • Russia and China are allying with Iran and terror groups across the region.
  • Vladimir Putin is hosting Hamas at the Kremlin and sees an opportunity to exacerbate tensions in the region.
  • Erdogan, the dictator of Turkey, is threatening to declare war on Israel to be part of the Russian-Chinese axis forming in the Middle East.
  • America should back our ally and push Iran off the ball, making it clear that we will back American allies when terrorist groups attack them.


Escalating Pogroms and Anti-Semitism

Ben Shapiro discusses the alarming rise of pogroms targeting Jewish communities worldwide. He highlights recent brutal attacks by Hamas terrorists and exposes the pseudo-intellectuals who downplay the pogroms’ anti-Semitic nature. Ben sheds light on the violence in Dagestan, where mobs targeted Jews at the airport and attacked motorists. He emphasizes the radicalization of Dagestan’s largely Muslim population and the need to confront anti-Semitism.

Media Bias and Propaganda

Ben criticizes the Western media’s perceived bias and propaganda efforts on behalf of Hamas. He points out the New York Times’ coverage, which is seen as morally idiotic and supportive of terrorists. Ben emphasizes the importance of accurate reporting and highlights the dangerous consequences of media bias in the face of escalating violence.

Israel’s Defense and International Support

Ben discusses the challenges Israel faces in defending itself against Hamas attacks. He highlights the UN and some Western nations’ calls for a ceasefire that only benefits Hamas, while hospitals in Gaza suffer from a lack of fuel and supplies. Ben criticizes Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, and some Democrats for pressuring Joe Biden to abandon Israel. He emphasizes the need to support Israel in the face of international pressure.

Hamas’ Tactics and Resources

Ben sheds light on Hamas’ tactics and resources, revealing their stockpiles of supplies and funding sources. He highlights the stark contrast between Hamas’ wealth and the impoverished conditions of the people in Gaza. Ben emphasizes the relative sophistication of Hamas as a fighting force and the need to address their resources to effectively counter their attacks.

International Geopolitics and Threats

Ben discusses the international geopolitical dynamics at play in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He highlights China’s intervention and the rise of anti-Semitism on platforms like TikTok. Ben also sheds light on Russia and China’s alliance with Iran and terror groups, as well as Erdogan’s threats against Israel. He emphasizes the need for the US to support its ally, Israel, and counter the growing threats in the region.


Ben Shapiro’s analysis of the escalating pogroms targeting Jewish communities sheds light on the urgent need to confront anti-Semitism and support Israel. He highlights the biased media coverage, the challenges Israel faces in defending itself, and the geopolitical dynamics at play. Ben emphasizes the importance of standing against terrorism and supporting American allies in the face of global threats.

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