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The Ben Shapiro Show / Ep. 1844 – Obama And The PseudoSophisticates Help Hamas | The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1844 – Obama And The Pseudo-Sophisticates Help Hamas | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, highlighting the use of human shields by Hamas and the media’s failure to hold other countries accountable for civilian deaths in their military campaigns. He also delves into the role of advocates for Palestine in justifying Hamas’ atrocities and the pseudo-sophisticate take in the foreign policy establishment. Additionally, Ben explores the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and analyzes the impact of Joe Biden’s poll numbers. Stay tuned for a comprehensive breakdown of these topics and more.

Main Takeaways

The Use of Human Shields by Hamas

  • The Geneva conventions were created to govern the treatment of captured and wounded soldiers.
  • The conventions were expanded in 1949 to protect non-combatant civilians.
  • The use of human shields is forbidden by the rules of war.
  • Hamas has been using human shields, including placing rocket launchers next to children’s pools and playgrounds.
  • Hamas is preventing the evacuation of Gaza civilians to the south, putting them in danger.
  • Hamas uses ambulances to transport terrorists and claims Israel targets the wounded.

Israel’s Efforts to Minimize Civilian Casualties

  • Israel has made unprecedented efforts to minimize civilian casualties, including dropping 1.5 million leaflets and sending 6 million voice messages urging civilians to evacuate temporarily for their safety.
  • Israel is being meticulous in its use of military force compared to past wars.
  • The media is not holding other countries accountable for civilian deaths in their military campaigns.
  • Hamas is seeking dead Palestinian Arabs while Israel is attempting to avoid civilian casualties.

The Role of Advocates for Palestine

  • Advocates for Palestine are defending genocidal slogans used by Hamas.
  • The slogan “from the river to the sea” is not about freedom, but rather a call for the destruction of Israel.
  • The only side currently advocating for genocide is the Palestinian side.
  • Some Palestinian authorities have not adequately condemned Hamas’ actions, including the October 7th attacks.
  • The goal of Hamas’ advocates is to convince people that Hamas and Israel are morally equivalent, justifying Hamas’ atrocities.

Obama’s Role in the Rise of Hamas and Iran

  • Barack Obama believes that responsibility for Hamas’ actions lies with everyone and that nobody’s hands are clean.
  • Obama’s actions during his presidency, including giving billions of dollars to the Iranian terror regime and delaying a shipment of missiles to Israel, contributed to the rise of Hamas and Iran.
  • Obama’s abstention from voting on a UN Security Council resolution demanding Israel stop building in Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem effectively supported the boycott and divestment movement from Israel.

The Pseudo-Sophisticate Take in the Foreign Policy Establishment

  • The pseudo-sophisticate take in the foreign policy establishment is moral equivalence, which justifies Hamas’ atrocities and requires Israeli concessions.
  • Nicholas Christoff’s article in the New York Times promotes moral equivalence and ignores the reality of Hamas’ actions.


The Use of Human Shields by Hamas

The Geneva conventions were established to govern the treatment of captured and wounded soldiers. In 1949, they were expanded to protect non-combatant civilians. However, Hamas has been violating these conventions by using human shields, such as placing rocket launchers near children’s pools and playgrounds. They also prevent the evacuation of Gaza civilians to the south, endangering their lives. Additionally, Hamas exploits ambulances to transport terrorists and falsely claims that Israel targets the wounded.

Israel’s Efforts to Minimize Civilian Casualties

Unlike past wars, Israel has taken unprecedented measures to minimize civilian casualties. They have dropped 1.5 million leaflets and sent 6 million voice messages to urge civilians to temporarily evacuate for their safety. Despite these efforts, the media fails to hold other countries accountable for civilian deaths in their military campaigns. While Israel strives to avoid civilian casualties, Hamas actively seeks dead Palestinian Arabs.

The Role of Advocates for Palestine

Advocates for Palestine defend genocidal slogans used by Hamas, such as “from the river to the sea.” This slogan does not represent a call for freedom but rather the destruction of Israel. It is crucial to recognize that the only side currently advocating for genocide is the Palestinian side. Some Palestinian authorities have failed to condemn Hamas’ actions adequately, including the October 7th attacks. The goal of Hamas’ advocates is to create a false moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel, justifying Hamas’ atrocities.

Obama’s Role in the Rise of Hamas and Iran

Barack Obama holds the belief that everyone shares responsibility for Hamas’ actions and that nobody’s hands are clean. However, his actions during his presidency, such as providing billions of dollars to the Iranian terror regime and delaying a missile shipment to Israel, contributed to the rise of Hamas and Iran. Furthermore, his abstention from voting on a UN Security Council resolution indirectly supported the boycott and divestment movement from Israel.

The Pseudo-Sophisticate Take in the Foreign Policy Establishment

The pseudo-sophisticate take within the foreign policy establishment promotes moral equivalence, which justifies Hamas’ atrocities and demands concessions from Israel. Nicholas Christoff’s article in the New York Times exemplifies this perspective as it ignores the reality of Hamas’ actions and promotes moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel.


As the conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, it is crucial to understand the use of human shields by Hamas and Israel’s efforts to minimize civilian casualties. Advocates for Palestine must be held accountable for defending genocidal slogans and justifying Hamas’ atrocities. Additionally, the role of Barack Obama and the pseudo-sophisticate take in the foreign policy establishment should be critically examined. By delving into these topics, Ben Shapiro provides valuable insights and analysis on the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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