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The Ben Shapiro Show / Ep. 1847 – FIGHT NIGHT #3: The Battle For Second Place | The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1847 – FIGHT NIGHT #3: The Battle For Second Place | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the current state of the Republican party, the potential 2024 presidential candidates, and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. He emphasizes the importance of Republicans reconnecting with data and focusing on competence rather than performative politics. Ben also highlights the role of the media in promoting Hamas propaganda and the need for accurate reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Main Takeaways

Republicans’ Disconnect from Data

  • Republicans are on a losing streak due to their disconnection from data.
  • They have created an unfalsifiable thesis where polling and election results don’t matter.
  • Republicans need to focus on competence, not just making loud noises.
  • Overperformance on behalf of the American people can combat charges of malevolence or evil.
  • Republicans should prioritize doing things rather than just saying things.

2024 Presidential Candidates

  • Trump is dominating the Republican field, with the other candidates fighting for attention.
  • Ron DeSantis has been stable at 17%, while Nikki Haley has seen some growth at 14% in Iowa caucuses.
  • DeSantis is seen as the best nominee due to his competency and ability to point out successes in Florida.
  • Nikki Haley is running for president and focuses on using data to adjust her campaign strategy based on feedback.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

  • The media’s malfeasance in reporting leads to moral equivocation and projection.
  • Journalists in Gaza often work directly for or under the thumb of Hamas.
  • The media’s accusations of war crimes against Israel are not supported by military experts or international law.
  • Israel needs to retain military presence in the West Bank to ensure no terrorist threats.
  • The press often misrepresents Israel’s security measures in the West Bank.


Republicans’ Disconnect from Data

Ben emphasizes the importance of Republicans reconnecting with data and paying attention to feedback from the American people. He criticizes the party for creating an unfalsifiable thesis where polling and election results don’t matter. To regain public trust, Republicans should prioritize competence and focus on doing things rather than just saying things. Overperformance on behalf of the American people can combat charges of malevolence or evil.

2024 Presidential Candidates

Ben discusses the potential 2024 presidential candidates within the Republican party. Trump currently dominates the field, with Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley also gaining attention. DeSantis is seen as a strong nominee due to his competency and ability to highlight successes in Florida. Nikki Haley focuses on using data to adjust her campaign strategy based on feedback. The competition for the nomination is fierce, and the candidates need to find ways to differentiate themselves.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Ben addresses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas and criticizes the media’s role in promoting Hamas propaganda. He highlights the fact that journalists in Gaza often work directly for or under the thumb of Hamas, leading to biased reporting. Ben emphasizes the importance of accurate reporting and debunking false accusations of war crimes against Israel. He also discusses the need for Israel to retain military presence in the West Bank to ensure security against terrorist threats.


In this episode, Ben Shapiro highlights the challenges facing the Republican party, the potential 2024 presidential candidates, and the media’s role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He emphasizes the need for Republicans to reconnect with data, focus on competence, and prioritize action over performative politics. Ben also calls for accurate reporting and debunking of false accusations against Israel. Overall, he provides insightful analysis and encourages Republicans to adjust their messaging and strategy to better serve the American people.

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