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The Ben Shapiro Show / Ep. 1854 – The Left Weeps Over Argentina’s Javier Milei | The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1854 – The Left Weeps Over Argentina’s Javier Milei | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the rise of Javier Milei, the newly elected libertarian conservative leader of Argentina. The legacy media has portrayed Milei as a far-right figure, drawing comparisons to Trump and warning about his radical measures. However, Milei’s supporters see him as a catalyst for change and economic reform in Argentina. Ben explores the controversies surrounding Milei’s election and analyzes the potential impact of his leadership on the region.

Main Takeaways

The Rise of Javier Milei

  • Javier Milei, the newly elected libertarian conservative leader of Argentina, is being portrayed as extremely scary and a far-right figure by the legacy media.
  • Media outlets have compared Milei to Trump and have labeled him as a far-right, narco-capitalist, and populist politician with radical behavior and language.
  • Despite being labeled as far-right, Milei takes soft approaches to issues like trans rights and supports gay marriage and the selling of organs without state intervention.
  • Milei’s rise is fueled by anger and a desire to challenge the existing system of privileges that impoverish the majority of Argentines, with his supporters looking to him to bring about change and combat long-standing inflation.

Milei’s Controversial Image and Policies

  • The legacy media has heavily criticized Milei, drawing comparisons to Trump and warning about his lack of government experience, radical measures, and potential threats to public services.
  • Milei’s controversial tirades against the political class have resonated widely with Argentines, particularly young men, drawing comparisons to Brazil’s former president, Bolsonaro, and former US president, Trump.
  • Milei has called for significant government cuts due to Argentina’s history of defaulting on debts and out-of-control spending, which has led to a high poverty rate in the country.
  • Milei has promised to cut 11 out of 19 government departments and has campaigned with a chainsaw to symbolize his determination to make massive changes to Argentina’s economic trajectory.
  • His reforms include closing the central bank and addressing the issue of inflation, which has crippled Argentina’s ability to recover.

The Impact of Milei’s Election

  • Milei’s election is seen as good news for Argentina’s economic future, with Argentine stocks and bonds jumping in response to his victory.
  • Milei’s election could mark the beginning of a new era in South and Latin America, potentially signaling a shift towards conservative governance in the region.
  • The political left in the media is more comfortable with socialist radicalism and corporatism, which has dominated Latin and South American politics for generations.
  • The endless populist promise of giving all power to the government to protect the people always results in privation and poverty.
  • Milei’s victory in Argentina represents a realization that the socialist approach has failed.

Challenges and Concerns for Milei

  • Milei faces challenges including a partly-paranous legislature and a court system stacked in favor of leftist foolishness.
  • The Supreme Court magistrate’s statement suggests that Milei’s power may be curbed, and he faces entrenched economic problems.
  • Argentina needs an infusion of foreign capital to address economic problems and move toward dollarization.
  • Investors need to look south to ensure Argentina’s potential as a source of prosperity and wealth, which would strengthen the alliance with the United States and the West.


The Rise of Javier Milei

Javier Milei, a newly elected libertarian conservative leader in Argentina, has been portrayed by the legacy media as a far-right figure, drawing comparisons to Trump. However, Milei’s positions on issues like trans rights and gay marriage demonstrate a softer approach than his portrayal suggests. His rise to power is fueled by a desire to challenge the existing system of privileges that keep the majority of Argentines impoverished, with supporters looking to him for change and to combat long-standing inflation.

Milei’s Controversial Image and Policies

Milei’s controversial tirades against the political class have resonated with many Argentines, particularly young men, drawing comparisons to Trump and Bolsonaro. He has called for significant government cuts to address Argentina’s history of defaulting on debts and out-of-control spending, which has led to a high poverty rate. Milei’s promise to cut government departments and address inflation through reforms like closing the central bank has garnered attention and criticism from the legacy media.

The Impact of Milei’s Election

Milei’s election is seen as positive news for Argentina’s economic future, with stocks and bonds responding positively. It could also signal a shift towards conservative governance in South and Latin America, challenging the dominance of socialist radicalism and corporatism. Milei’s victory represents a realization that the socialist approach has failed and that alternative ideologies like libertarian conservatism are gaining traction.

Challenges and Concerns for Milei

Milei faces challenges including a partly-paranous legislature and a court system that favors leftist ideologies. The Supreme Court’s potential curbing of Milei’s power and entrenched economic problems pose additional concerns. To address these challenges, Argentina needs foreign capital infusion and a move towards dollarization. Investors should look to Argentina as a potential source of prosperity and wealth, strengthening alliances with the United States and the West.


Javier Milei’s rise to power as the libertarian conservative leader of Argentina has sparked controversy and hope. Despite being labeled as far-right, Milei’s positions on certain issues demonstrate a softer approach. His election marks a potential shift towards conservative governance in South and Latin America, challenging the dominance of socialist ideologies. However, Milei faces challenges and concerns, including a partly-paranous legislature, a court system stacked against him, and the need for economic reforms. The impact of Milei’s leadership on Argentina and the region remains to be seen.

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