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The Ben Shapiro Show / Ep. 1856 – Why Conor McGregor Is Now Under Investigation | The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1856 – Why Conor McGregor Is Now Under Investigation | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In episode 1856 of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the controversy surrounding Conor McGregor’s tweets about Ireland’s immigration policies. McGregor’s tweets have sparked public discourse and debate about immigration and public safety in Ireland, leading to an investigation for online hate speech. Ben also delves into the tensions between acknowledging cultural differences and promoting diversity as strength, as well as the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. He analyzes the media’s portrayal of events and highlights the need for the West to protect its own security.

Main Takeaways

Controversy over McGregor’s Tweets

  • McGregor’s tweets express his discontent with the Irish government’s immigration policies.
  • His tweets highlight the stabbing attacks and criticize the government’s response.
  • McGregor calls for action and condemns the lack of support for the public.
  • His anti-mass migration rhetoric draws criticism and leads to an investigation for online hate speech.

Tensions Surrounding Immigration and Cultural Differences

  • The left’s view of mass migration clashes with the belief in diversity as strength, leading to calls for hate speech laws.
  • The tension between acknowledging cultural differences and promoting diversity as strength is highlighted in the response to the Israeli hostages taken by Hamas.
  • Cultural differences and immigration issues have led to threats from radical Muslims in the Netherlands.
  • Protests in Europe against multiculturalism and in support of protecting cultural heritage are gaining momentum.

Media Bias in Reporting

  • The media often labels opposition to mass migration as xenophobia, racism, or Islamophobia.
  • Reporting the truth on cultural issues and immigration is often silenced.
  • The media’s portrayal of events in the Israel-Hamas conflict is criticized for bias and false reporting.
  • The media attempts to morally equivocate between the actions of Israel and Hamas.

Israel-Hamas Conflict and Hostage Exchange

  • The recent hostage exchange between Hamas and Israel is analyzed.
  • Israel prioritizes the release of hostages despite having air superiority over Gaza.
  • The media’s portrayal of Hamas as a reasonable actor is challenged.
  • The mistreatment of hostages by Hamas is highlighted.

The West’s Role in Protecting Security

  • People question if the West will protect itself from the threat of radical Islam, particularly through mass migration.
  • The West’s strength or weakness impacts its foreign policy and behavior of its enemies.
  • The rising tensions with China and the need for global safety and stability are discussed.
  • Radical Democrats pressure Joe Biden to pressure Israel on Hamas, causing internal conflicts within the White House staff.


Controversy over McGregor’s Tweets

Conor McGregor’s tweets expressing discontent with Ireland’s immigration policies have sparked controversy and criticism. He highlights stabbing attacks and criticizes the government’s response, calling for action and condemning the lack of support for the public. McGregor’s anti-mass migration rhetoric draws criticism from Ireland’s deputy prime minister and leads to an investigation for online hate speech.

Tensions Surrounding Immigration and Cultural Differences

The tension between acknowledging cultural differences and promoting diversity as strength is evident in the response to the Israeli hostages taken by Hamas. The left’s view of mass migration clashes with the belief in diversity as strength, leading to calls for hate speech laws. Cultural differences and immigration issues have also led to threats from radical Muslims in the Netherlands, while protests against multiculturalism and in support of protecting cultural heritage are gaining momentum in Europe.

Media Bias in Reporting

The media often labels opposition to mass migration as xenophobia, racism, or Islamophobia, silencing the truth on cultural issues and immigration. The media’s portrayal of events in the Israel-Hamas conflict is criticized for bias and false reporting, attempting to morally equivocate between the actions of Israel and Hamas.

Israel-Hamas Conflict and Hostage Exchange

The recent hostage exchange between Hamas and Israel is analyzed, with Israel prioritizing the release of hostages despite having air superiority over Gaza. The media’s portrayal of Hamas as a reasonable actor is challenged, highlighting the mistreatment of hostages by Hamas.

The West’s Role in Protecting Security

People question if the West will protect itself from the threat of radical Islam, particularly through mass migration. The West’s strength or weakness impacts its foreign policy and the behavior of its enemies. Rising tensions with China and the need for global safety and stability are discussed, as well as the pressure on Joe Biden to pressure Israel on Hamas.


Conor McGregor’s tweets about Ireland’s immigration policies have sparked controversy and ignited a debate about immigration and public safety. The tensions between acknowledging cultural differences and promoting diversity as strength are evident in the response to the Israeli hostages taken by Hamas. The media’s biased reporting and attempts to morally equivocate between Israel and Hamas have been criticized. The ongoing conflict between Israel and its enemies highlights the need for the West to protect its own security and address the threat of radical Islam. Overall, these topics shed light on the complex issues surrounding immigration, cultural differences, and international conflicts.

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