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The Ben Shapiro Show / Ep. 1862 – Democrats Run Against “Whiteness” And “Christian Nationalism” | The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1862 – Democrats Run Against “Whiteness” And “Christian Nationalism” | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the various threats facing the United States, including fiscal collapse, foreign aggression, and internal moral collapse. He also explores the polarization of American politics and the rise of Christian nationalism as a political talking point. Ben analyzes the views of James Carville, a prominent political strategist who labels the Republican Party as a Christian nationalist party. Additionally, he delves into the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Biden administration’s foreign policy challenges, and concerns about Joe Biden’s age and potential corruption scandals.

Main Takeaways

Threats Facing the United States

  • The U.S. faces several threats, including fiscal collapse, foreign aggression, and internal moral collapse.
  • The national debt, including unfunded liabilities, is a major concern, driven by Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security shortfalls.
  • The options to address the national debt are limited to increasing taxes, cutting benefits, or inflating the currency.
  • Despite being surrounded by oceans and neighboring countries, the U.S. is not invulnerable to foreign aggression.
  • As American power recedes, the impact will be felt economically and in the military budget.
  • The global economy created by American hegemony could easily be reversed, leading to significant consequences for American consumers.
  • Internal moral collapse is a chief factor behind the other threats, as communities die, local institutions lose credibility, and the population declines.
  • The post-American future at home will also have implications abroad, with enemies ready to fill the gap.

Rise of Christian Nationalism

  • The polarization of American politics is rooted in the erosion of shared values at the local level, replaced by hatred and rage, particularly targeting Christians and white Americans.
  • James Carville, a prominent political strategist, has shifted to considering the Republican Party a threat to the United States, labeling it a Christian nationalist party.
  • Carville believes that the Republican Party poses a greater threat to the country than al Qaeda, emphasizing the influence of Christian nationalism in key positions of power.
  • Carville’s views on two Supreme Court justices and the speaker of the house leading the charge for a Christian theocracy are considered extreme and unfounded.
  • Representative democracy is a revocation of the idea that majority votes can solve all issues.
  • James Carville believes that two Supreme Court justices are on board with Christian theocracy, posing a bigger threat than radical Islam.

Joe Biden’s Vulnerabilities

  • Joe Biden’s performance and the sagging economy have made him look incompetent, especially among the groups he needs to vote for him.
  • Concerns about Joe Biden’s age, health, and potential corruption scandals are emerging in the lead-up to the election.
  • James Comer, head of the House Oversight Committee, claims Joe Biden received payments from a fund run by Hunter Biden, funded by foreign sources.
  • The House Oversight Committee is releasing subpoenaed bank records showing direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden’s business entity to Joe Biden.
  • Hunter Biden’s attorney claims Joe Biden helped his son financially due to addiction, but this does not debunk the charge of gaining funds from foreign sources.
  • Money passed from Chinese-linked firms to Hunter Biden and then to Joe Biden.
  • The Washington Post disputes the story, but the key facts remain true.
  • Joe Biden’s various claims regarding his involvement with his son’s business have been proven untrue.
  • The White House’s denial of any business involvement between the President and his son is contradicted by bank records.

Israel-Hamas Conflict and Biden’s Foreign Policy

  • The Israel-Hamas war presents an opportunity for Joe Biden to achieve a victory by supporting Israel in destroying Hamas, a despised terrorist organization.
  • Hamas has committed horrific atrocities, including drugging hostages with roofies to manipulate their appearance upon release and holding young women hostage to prevent them from speaking out.
  • The administration is showing a divide between the State Department’s pro-Israel stance and the Pentagon’s wavering position, possibly to appease the progressive left-wing base.
  • Israel is facing a moral fight against Hamas, and the administration’s support for Israel is crucial.
  • The White House refuses to condemn comments by Pramila Jayapal, Ilhan Omar, and others because of their fear of the left-wing base.
  • Briahna Joy Gray, former national press secretary for Bernie Sanders, downplays the rape of Israeli women and establishes a moral equivalence.
  • Bernie Sanders suggests the Netanyahu government is immoral, ignoring the unity government in Israel.
  • Netanyahu’s absence wouldn’t significantly change the situation in Israel.
  • Bernie Sanders criticizes US support for Netanyahu’s government.
  • Sanders claims over $10 billion should not be allocated to the Israeli government for its military approach.
  • Netanyahu’s government is accused of violating international law and engaging in immoral actions.
  • There’s a narrative in the media of Israel committing human rights violations despite efforts to avoid civilian casualties.
  • Casualty stats reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health are questioned for being inflated and biased.
  • UN Ocha’s updates reveal Hamas does not report combatant deaths and the casualty figures are misleading.
  • The reported casualties from Hamas show inconsistencies, with a sudden increase in the number of children killed without explanation.
  • Israel took weeks to determine the number of casualties in Kfar Gaza, leading to delayed burials.
  • Hamas is spreading misinformation about casualties, and the media is repeating it.


Threats Facing the United States

The United States is confronted with several threats, including fiscal collapse, foreign aggression, and internal moral collapse. The national debt, driven by shortfalls in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, poses a major concern. Addressing the national debt is limited to increasing taxes, cutting benefits, or inflating the currency. Despite its geographical advantages, the U.S. is not invulnerable to foreign aggression, and as American power recedes, the economic and military consequences will be felt. Internal moral collapse, characterized by dying communities, loss of credibility in local institutions, and population decline, exacerbates the other threats. The post-American future at home will also have implications abroad, with potential enemies ready to fill the gap.

Rise of Christian Nationalism

The polarization of American politics is rooted in the erosion of shared values at the local level, leading to hatred and rage particularly targeting Christians and white Americans. James Carville, a prominent political strategist, considers the Republican Party a threat to the United States, labeling it a Christian nationalist party. Carville’s extreme views on Supreme Court justices and the speaker of the house leading the charge for a Christian theocracy are unfounded. Representative democracy negates the notion that majority votes can solve all issues. Carville’s belief that two Supreme Court justices are on board with Christian theocracy is considered baseless.

Joe Biden’s Vulnerabilities

Joe Biden’s performance and the struggling economy have raised concerns about his competence, especially among the groups he needs to secure votes from. There are also emerging concerns about Biden’s age, health, and potential corruption scandals. The House Oversight Committee has released subpoenaed bank records showing direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden’s business entity to Joe Biden. While Hunter Biden’s attorney claims the financial assistance was due to addiction, the charge of gaining funds from foreign sources remains. The Washington Post disputes the story, but key facts remain true, contradicting Joe Biden’s various claims regarding his involvement with his son’s business. The White House’s denial of any business involvement is contradicted by bank records.

Israel-Hamas Conflict and Biden’s Foreign Policy

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict presents an opportunity for Joe Biden to support Israel in destroying Hamas, a despised terrorist organization. Hamas has committed horrific atrocities, including drugging hostages and holding young women hostage. The administration’s stance on the conflict reveals a divide between the State Department’s pro-Israel position and the Pentagon’s wavering stance, possibly driven by appeasing the progressive left-wing base. Supporting Israel in its moral fight against Hamas is crucial. The White House’s refusal to condemn comments by certain individuals reflects their fear of the left-wing base. Bernie Sanders and others criticize US support for Netanyahu’s government, suggesting it is immoral and violating international law. However, their claims overlook the unity government in Israel and fail to acknowledge the efforts made to avoid civilian casualties. The media’s narrative of Israel committing human rights violations is questioned, as casualty statistics are inflated and biased. There are inconsistencies in reported casualties from Hamas, and Israel’s delayed determination of casualties has been misinterpreted. Hamas spreads misinformation about casualties, which is then amplified by the media.


The United States faces significant threats, including fiscal collapse, foreign aggression, and internal moral collapse. The rise of Christian nationalism has further polarized American politics. Joe Biden’s vulnerabilities, such as his performance, age, health, and potential corruption scandals, are becoming more apparent. The Israel-Hamas conflict and Biden’s foreign policy challenges highlight the complexities of international relations. It is crucial to approach these issues with a deeper understanding and avoid simplistic narratives. As the country navigates these challenges, it is essential to protect the future and preserve shared values.

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