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The Ben Shapiro Show / Ep. 1863 – The JewHating Universities | The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1863 – The Jew-Hating Universities | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses and the lack of support for Jewish students. He also addresses the ongoing debate surrounding anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, as well as the FBI’s handling of various issues. The episode covers a wide range of topics, from censorship technology funding to the failure to pass aid for Ukraine. Ben offers his insights and analysis on these pressing issues.

Main Takeaways

The Daily Wire vs. State Department

  • The Daily Wire is suing the US State Department over funding for censorship technology.
  • The State Department uses its global engagement center to finance censorship technology.
  • The goal is to paint conservative media outlets as unreliable and push advertisers away.
  • The lawsuit aims for an injunction to stop the censorship regime.

Rise of Anti-Semitism on College Campuses

  • Ben Shapiro has been banned from several campuses due to his controversial speeches.
  • Free speech is not a priority on college campuses, sensitivity is emphasized.
  • Anti-Semitism is on the rise in top universities in America.
  • House Republicans held a hearing grilling university heads about the rise of anti-Semitism.
  • Instances of anti-Semitism include threats of violence, tearing down posters, and openly Jew-hating slurs on campus.

Lack of Support for Jewish Students

  • Being a Jew at NYU means facing support for violence against Jews and the Jewish state.
  • Jewish students at NYU have experienced physical assault and lack of support from the university.
  • The value of diversity, equity, and inclusion is not extended to Jewish students at NYU.
  • At the University of Pennsylvania, Jewish students face a hostile environment and feel unsafe.
  • Policies meant to safeguard Jewish students have become hollow promises.

Debate on Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism

  • The left attempts to separate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, but they are related and intertwined.
  • The left’s opposition to Israel is rooted in the belief that success equals power and exploitation.
  • Harvard presidents acknowledged Israel’s right to exist but not as a Jewish state, reflecting a bias against Israel.
  • Anti-Semitism has grown on campuses due to leaders who believe genocide depends on the context.
  • University presidents are criticized for not showing the same sensitivity and support for Jews as they do for other racial and ethnic minorities.

The FBI’s Handling of Various Issues

  • Chris Ray, head of the FBI, faces criticism for the FBI’s handling of various issues.
  • Controversy arises over the FBI’s involvement in political matters, particularly during election seasons.
  • There are ongoing debates on coordination with social media regarding ongoing court cases.
  • Senate intelligence committee calls for more engagement with social media companies to focus on the hidden hand of foreign actors.


The Daily Wire vs. State Department

The Daily Wire is taking legal action against the US State Department over its funding of censorship technology through the global engagement center. The lawsuit aims to stop the censorship regime, which is designed to paint conservative media outlets as unreliable and push advertisers away. The Daily Wire is seeking an injunction to prevent further censorship.

Rise of Anti-Semitism on College Campuses

Ben Shapiro highlights the growing problem of anti-Semitism on college campuses, where free speech is not a priority and sensitivity is emphasized. House Republicans held a hearing to address the rise of anti-Semitism, which includes instances of threats, poster destruction, and openly anti-Semitic slurs. Ben discusses specific examples at NYU and the University of Pennsylvania, where Jewish students face a hostile environment and lack support from their universities.

Lack of Support for Jewish Students

Jewish students at NYU and the University of Pennsylvania face a lack of support and even physical assault. Despite the universities’ emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion, Jewish students do not receive the same level of support as other racial and ethnic minorities. Policies meant to safeguard Jewish students have become empty promises, leaving them feeling unsafe and marginalized.

Debate on Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism

Ben Shapiro discusses the left’s attempt to separate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, arguing that they are related and intertwined. The left’s opposition to Israel is rooted in the belief that Israel’s success equals power and exploitation. Harvard presidents’ refusal to acknowledge Israel as a Jewish state reflects a bias against Israel. The rise of anti-Semitism on campuses is attributed to leaders who believe that genocide depends on the context, leading to a lack of sensitivity and support for Jewish students.

The FBI’s Handling of Various Issues

Chris Ray, head of the FBI, faces criticism for the FBI’s handling of various issues, including its involvement in political matters during election seasons. There are ongoing debates about the coordination between the FBI and social media platforms regarding ongoing court cases. The Senate intelligence committee calls for more engagement with social media companies to focus on the hidden hand of foreign actors. The FBI’s actions and decisions have sparked controversy and raised questions about its effectiveness and impartiality.


The rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses and the lack of support for Jewish students are pressing issues that need to be addressed. The debate on anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism continues, highlighting the complexities and challenges surrounding these topics. The FBI’s handling of various issues raises concerns about its effectiveness and impartiality. It is crucial to promote a culture of inclusivity, support, and respect for all students, regardless of their religious or ethnic background.

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